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时间:2014-03-01 来源: 泥巴往事网

煤矿重大事故应急救援预案管理信息系统研究 [D];中国矿业大学(北京);2008年 【共... 2004年05期8邓凯; 信息管理系统的安全性问题 [J];国外建材科技;2003年03期9严丽... 管理信息系统的发展动因及趋势研究 [J];商业研究;2005年14期7蒋琴芬;蔡玉华;刘婕...

STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE 标准工作程序 Opera 系统的应急预案 TASK NUMBER 任务编号: DEPARTMENT 部门: DATE ISSUED 签发日期: APPROVED BY 批准人: GUEST EXPECTATION 客人期望: TIME TO TRAIN 培训时间: HSKP-001 Housekeeping 客房部 Mar, 26th,2014 2014 年 3 月 26 日 I Hope the hotel order or normal. 我希望酒店秩序正常。

15minutes 15 分钟 Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么这份任务对你和我们的客人如此的重要? Answer: 回答:

1. To ensure the hotel normal operation is very important to the guest. 保证酒店正常运转对客人很重要 2. With the room condition and facilitate our work. 熟悉房间状态便于我们工作的进行。 WHAT / STEPS 工作步骤 HOW/ STANDARDS 怎么做/工作标准 1. Immediately to the front desk and check the room status by order taker;

文员立刻到前台核对房态; 2. After the order taker will check the room status table to the floor supervisor. 文员将核对后的房态表给主管 1. After the clerk in charge of checking the receipt of room status, room-by-room into the room recognized state, make records, to ensure that no significant difference in the reception room status 主管收到文员核对的房态后,逐间进房认 房态,作好记录,确保房态与前台的无差 异; 2. Any discrepancies, immediately telephone reporting center and reception rooms;

如有差异,立即电话报告客房中心与前 台; 3. Occupied mini bar is not accounted for in a timely manner to the front credited;

住客房迷你吧未入账的及时到前台入账; 4. Occupied laundry unbilled timely credited to the front, and with the front desk to check whether the wards, if wards, wards after TRAINING QUESTIONS 提问 1) Office assistant reaction 办公室文员的反应 2) Reaction Floor Areas 楼层方面的反应 determining good room number will be sent to the new laundry room. 住客房洗衣未入账的及时到前台入账,并 与前台核对有无换房,如有换房,确定好 换房之后的房号,将洗衣送至新的房间。

Summary questions 问题总结: 1. Why is the Opera functioning very important for us? 为什么 Opera 的正常运作对我们很重要? Now ask the Trainee to practice the Task from start to end to test competency. 现在让培训生从头到尾练习工作程序以检测能力.

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