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时间:2012-01-27 来源: 泥巴往事网

snooker coach 别名: 系列: 简介: 速度与激情5哪个网站看的到全集 Lincoln de Oliveira Dialect Coach (uncredited) Benjamin Easterday Shiden Mezghebe Snooker 征求英语体育...

SNOOKER Ronnie O'Sullivan Stephen Hendry John Higgins Stephen Maguire Ding CONTENTS Introduction (Joe Davis,1901-1978) Equipment The rules Rod method INTRONDUCTION Snooker table angle and ball of the two 斯诺克 斯诺克使用的球桌四角以及 Snooker was four intended to "hinder, disorder, (Snooker)本意为“阻碍、障碍”, long sides of the center position of eachto a 所以斯诺克台球有时 两长边中心 so Snooker billiards sometimes referred hole, the use of 1 white ball,been 15 red balls 位置各有一个球洞,使用1个白球, as billiards obstacles. It has for the 也被称为障碍台球。它一直 and 6 balls (yellow, green, coffee, 15个红球和6个彩球(黄、绿、咖啡、蓝、 British nobles and love, is theblue, best 为英国的贵族和上层人士所喜爱,是最能 powder, black) of a total of 22. 体现英国人 粉、黑)共22个。

embodiment of a movement the British Order of play for a red, a redman. ball, 绅士风度的一项运动。

击球顺序为一个红球、一个彩球, gentle until all the bag, 斯诺克的兴起可以 直到红球全部落袋, Snooker emergence can be traced and then the ball one by one in the 追溯到公元 然后以黄、绿、 back to the hit 1875 ad, is to composed of troops 1875年, order yellow, green, coffee, blue, Bose pink, 是由驻扎在印度的一位英国军官内维 咖啡、蓝、粉红、黑的顺序逐个击球, inof India, a British officer Neville black, and finally to the high scorefirst the 尔 最后以得分高者为 Chamberlain and his band of comrades ·鲍斯·张伯伦和他的一帮战友们首先 winner. 发明的。


invention. Development NEXT INTRONDUCTION 张伯伦及其伙伴 + “黑入袋打法” = 斯诺克 Contents 乔· 戴维斯 现代斯诺克台球之父 斯诺克职业化推手 斯诺克重获新生 ——电视转播 Snooker, the continuation of the British gentleman culture (斯诺克——英国绅士文化的延续) Before this, “black bag” play(黑入袋打法) with only one color ball (black ball). Chamberlain(张伯伦) and others think a black ball too less than is successively(相继) increased other color ball. NEXT INTRONDUCTION 张伯伦及其伙伴 + “黑入袋打法” = 斯诺克 Contents 乔· 戴维斯 现代斯诺克台球之父 斯诺克职业化推手 斯诺克重获新生 ——电视转播 Snooker, the continuation of the British gentleman culture (斯诺克——英国绅士文化的延续) This new system all do not(新打法大家都不会), so he called each other as Snooker(斯诺克是当时军队中对于 新兵的一个戏称), gradually, Snooker also became the name of the game. After that, this new game back to hometown -British billiards.(在那之后,这种新玩法回到了台球的故 乡——英国) NEXT INTRONDUCTION 张伯伦及其伙伴 + “黑入袋打法” = 斯诺克 Contents 乔· 戴维斯 现代斯诺克台球之父 斯诺克职业化推手 斯诺克重获新生 ——电视转播 Snooker, the continuation of the British gentleman culture (斯诺克——英国绅士文化的延续) Jo Davis(乔·戴维斯) Snooker promoter (斯诺克运动的推手) The world professional billiards tournament founder. (世界职业台球锦标赛的创立者) The first to realize the importance of the white ball go player. (第一个意识到控制白球走位重要性的人) NEXT INTRONDUCTION 张伯伦及其伙伴 + “黑入袋打法” = 斯诺克 Contents 乔· 戴维斯 现代斯诺克台球之父 斯诺克职业化推手 斯诺克重获新生 ——电视转播 Snooker, the continuation of the British gentleman culture (斯诺克——英国绅士文化的延续) Jo Davis(乔·戴维斯) Snooker promoter After the end of the Davies era(戴维斯时代结束之后), (斯诺克运动的推手 ) snooker to a historical low,(斯诺克走向了历史的低 The of world professional billiards tournament founder. 谷)almost to the point suspension.( 到了几乎要停赛的地 (世界职业台球锦标赛的创立者) 步) The first to realize the importance of the white However, at this time is the new TV program to ball go player. save it, (却是电视转播拯救了它 )let it ushered in the (第一个意识到控制白球走位重要性的人 ) second spring.(让它迎来了第二个春天 ) NEXT Equipment 1788MM.(球台内沿长3569MM×1788MM) Contents In table along the long 3569MM * From the ground to library edge top height of 851MM - 876MM.(从地面到库边顶部高度为 851MM--876MM) The table four corners of a bottom bag, intermediate table two each bag.(球台四角各一底 袋,球台两中中间各一中袋) Pool table Chalk Cue Rest Equipment Contents Chocolate powder is an important raw material of calcium carbonate (lime) and abrasive.(巧粉的重要原料就是碳酸钙(石灰)和研磨剂 ) abrasive is the main function of friction in the skin on the head, the better effect on powder.(研磨剂的主要功能就是在皮头上产生 磨擦,使其上粉效果更佳) Pool table Chalk Cue Rest Equipment Contents Manufacturing club wood, selected and the Canadian maple, these two kinds of wood real good elasticity, not easy to deformation.(制造球杆的木材,以柃木(白蜡)和加拿大的 枫木为主,这两种木质实弹性好,又不易变形) Club length shall not be less than 91 cm.(球杆的长度不得少于91厘米) The club the whole fine after the pre Pool table coarse, the center of gravity in the post. Chalk Cue Rest Equipment Contents At the moment of contact, because it's too far will appear to reach the situation, then we must use the frame rod for hitting the club support. 击球的时候,因为距离太远会出现够不到的情况,这时就 要使用架杆来支撑球杆进行击球 Pool table Chalk Cue Rest The rules 黑球 Contents 粉球 白球(手球) 黄球 底袋 绿球 红球 蓝球 咖啡球 NEXT The rules 粉球 黑球 Snooker table four angle and ball of the two long sides of the center position of each a hole, the use of 1 white ball, 15 red balls and 6 balls (yellow, green, coffee, blue, powder, black) a total of 22. 底袋 Order of play for a red, a red ball, until all the bag, and then hit the ball to one by one in the order of yellow, green, coffee, blue, pink, black, and finally to the high score the 红球 斯诺克使用的球桌四角以及 两长边中心 位置各有一个球洞,使用1个白球, Contents 白球(手球) 黄球 15个红球和6个彩球(黄、绿、咖啡、蓝、 粉、黑)共22个。

击球顺序为一个红球、一个彩球, 直到红球全部落袋, 然后以黄、绿、 咖啡、蓝、粉红、黑的顺序逐个击球, 最后以得分高者为 咖啡球 绿球 winner. 胜。

蓝球 NEXT The rules Contents Among them, the red, yellow, green, blue, pink, black, Coffee respectively correspond to 1 points, 2 points, 3 points, 4 points, 5 points, 6 points and 7 points. After the game the highest score wins. The highest score is 147 points. 其中,红、黄、绿、咖啡、蓝、 粉、黑分别 对应1分、2分、 3分、4分、5分、 6分和7分 比赛结束后分数最高者获胜 最高分值为147分 NEXT Rod method Stations 站姿 Contents Snooker games, batting stance is very important, it can improve the stability of your ball, help you better hit the ball. A snooker stance has many different versions, but the basic one is: "legs open, and shoulder width, the left foot in front". In fact, as far as I'm concerned, as long as you feel comfortable is a good posture. 斯诺克比赛中,击球时的站立姿势是十分 重要的,它能提高你击球的稳定性, 帮助你更好的击球。

关于台球的站姿有很多种不同的 说法,但基本的一条是:

“双脚张开,与肩同宽, 左脚在前”。其实 就我而言,只要 你感觉舒服就是好的站姿。 NEXT Rod method gesture 手势 Contents When the ball hit the ball, in order to ensure the stability, we need a reasonable gestures to control our clubs, due to the actual situation of different will have different gestures, but the most common is the V left. This method is very simple, left hand, thumb button will be in the first quarter of the index finger, the remaining four fingers naturally open, the palm of the hand to form a triangle. 击球时,为了保证击球的 稳定性,我们需要一个合理的手势 来控制我们的球杆,由于实际 情况的不同会有不同的 手势,但最为常见的是 左图所示的V型。此法很简单, 伸出左手,将拇指扣在 食指的第一节上, 其余四个指头自然张开, 整个手掌形成一个三角形。

NEXT Rod method Swing 出杆 Contents Swing mode and most sports are very similar, 挥杆击球的方式和大多数运动都很相似, As shown, keep the hand arm and arm 90 degree swing. In addition, The club's Centre of gravity in the second half of bar, When you grip position is located in the center of gravity Then the small force can also hit the strength is adequate for the ball, and just the opposite. 如左图所示,保持手膀和手臂成 90°前后摆动。另外, 球杆的重心在杆的 后半段, 当你握杆的位置位于 重心之后时 那么较小的力量也能击出 力量很足的球,反之 刚好相反。

NEXT Rod method 1.Putter(推杆) 1 8 7 6 5 9 4 2 3 击球之后白球继续前进一段距离 3. Right rotation(右旋转) 使白球右旋转前进能击出曲线球 5. Backspin(拉杆/缩杆) 击球之后白球反向后退一段距离 7. Rotate left(左旋转) 使白球左旋转前进能击出曲线球 9. The fixed rod(定杆) 击球之后使白球停在击球点位置 Contents

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