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时间:2013-04-06 来源: 泥巴往事网

形成镇江独有的海洋国防教育体系.学校积极申报了青岛市海洋教育特色学校并于近日顺利迎接了青岛市海洋教育特色学校的评估验收工作. 学校焉校长带领评估验收工作的青岛市...

PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION SELF-EVALUATION FORM FOR SPECIAL SCHOOLS Name of school: Unique Reference Number (URN): Not Submitted Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 1 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Section A: self-evaluation Introduction Welcome to your self-evaluation form The self-evaluation form (SEF) is designed to: q q assist you in your own self-evaluation, and be used as a basis of the inspection of your school. Please refer to Ofsted's Self-evaluation form guidance before completing or submitting your form. The guidance sets out: q q q q q the purpose of the SEF when to complete the form how to fill the form in structure of the form terms and conditions for submitting your SEF to Ofsted. The full guidance can be accessed as a complete document in the frequently asked questions (FAQs) section of this website. The information from the guidance on how to complete each question can also be accessed when you fill-in your SEF, by clicking on the ‘Guidance'

button, at the top right corner of the questions. Submitting your SEF - terms and conditions The completed SEF must be signed off by the governing body or the appropriate authority before it is submitted to Ofsted. This is done by ticking the box on the ‘Submit form'

screen which states: ‘Please tick this box to confirm the contents of this form have been approved by the appropriate authority for the school'. Completing the questions in Section A: self-evaluation Section A, the evaluative section, is structured in sub-sections thatcorrespond to The evaluation schedule used by inspectors. The evaluation schedule sets out what inspectors evaluate;

outline guidance;

and grade descriptors for every inspection judgement. The grade descriptors and the information on what inspectors evaluate, are replicated within this guidance document, and in your online SEF through the help buttons for each question. We recommend that schools have a copy of this guidance and The evaluation schedule to hand when completing section a of their SEF. The evaluation schedule is available on the Ofsted website (www.ofsted.gov.uk [1] ) Each question starts by asking schools to grade aspects of their work on a four-point scale, as follows: q q q q Grade 1: Outstanding Grade 2: Good Grade 3: Satisfactory Grade 4: Inadequate. Please refer closely to the grade descriptors and guidance for inspectors when deciding on a grade. Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade and ensure that you reference your judgement to the matters in the relevant grade descriptor. You should include only the minimum amount of detail in support of your judgement;

bullet points are quite acceptable. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. It may be helpful to consider the outline guidance for inspectors in The evaluation schedule before using the grade descriptors to decide on a judgement. However, you should not attempt to include any detailed analyses of the matters referred to in the guidance. It is sufficient simply to refer to the existence of any such evidence and analysis held elsewhere. The SEF is intended to be a summary of your school's self-evaluation. Wherever possible, you should support your judgements with carefully chosen evidence which demonstrates the impact of the school's actions on the outcomes for learners. [1] Please follow the ‘Schools'

link in the ‘Forms and guidance'

section of the Ofsted website. Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 2 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Sub-section A1: School's context A1.1 The context in which the school works The school's context and, particularly, any significant changes in its circumstances since the last inspection Please provide information below. Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 3 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Sub-section A2: Outcomes: how well are pupils doing, taking account of any variation? This section contains seven prime judgements which, taken together, determine the summative judgement: Outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils. The seven judgements are: q q q the five Every Child Matters (ECM) outcomes pupils'

behaviour the extent of the pupils'

spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. This section starts with attainment and learning and progress, which are important elements of the first prime judgement: How well do pupils achieve and enjoy their learning? Inspectors should take account of their evaluation of the Early Years Foundation Stage, the sixth form and boarding provision when making their judgements. A guide to proportions The following table is taken from the Guide to Ofsted's house style. It provides a description of numerical proportions when expressed in words. Proportion 97-100% 80-96% 65-79% 51-64% 35-49% 20-34% 4-19% 0-3% Description Vast/overwhelming majority or almost all Very large majority, most Large majority Majority Minority Small minority Very small minority, few Almost none/very few Please refer closely to the grade descriptors and guidance for inspectors when deciding on a grade. You should include only the minimum amount of detail in support of your judgement. A2.1 Pupils'

attainment 1 Grade: Pupils'

attainment 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A2.2 The quality of pupils'

learning and their progress 1 Grade: The quality of pupils'

learning and their progress 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 4 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION A2.3 The quality of learning for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their progress 1 Grade: The quality of learning for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their progress 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A2.4 Pupils'

achievement and the extent to which they enjoy their learning 1 Grade: Pupils'

achievement and the extent to which they enjoy their learning 2 3 4 Please note that this is a summative grade based largely on the grades you have decided upon for attainment, learning and progress and learning and progress for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities. You do not need to repeat the information you have provided in those sections. In most cases, you will need to refer only to the grade descriptors for how well do pupils achieve and enjoy their learning and state which one best fits your judgements. A2.5 The extent to which pupils feel safe 1 Grade: The extent to which pupils feel safe 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A2.6 Pupils’ behaviour 1 Grade: Pupils'

behaviour 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 5 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION A2.7 The extent to which pupils adopt healthy lifestyles 1 Grade: The extent to which pupils adopt healthy lifestyles 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A2.8 The extent to which pupils contribute to the school and wider community 1 Grade: The extent to which pupils contribute to the school and wider community 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A2.9 Pupils'

attendance 1 Grade: Pupils'

attendance 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A2.10 The extent to which pupils develop workplace and other skills that will contribute to their future economic well-being 1 Grade: The extent to which pupils develop workplace and other skills that will contribute to their future economic well-being 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 6 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION A2.11 The extent of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development 1 Grade: The extent of pupils'

spiritual, moral, social and cultural development 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 7 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Sub-section A3: How effective is the provision? This section is about the quality of the school's provision and the impact this has on outcomes for pupils. Inspectors should take account of their evaluation of the Early Years Foundation Stage, the sixth form and boarding provision when making their judgements. Please refer closely to the grade descriptors and guidance for inspectors when deciding on a grade. You should include only the minimum amount of detail in support of your judgement. A3.1 The quality of teaching 1 Grade: The quality of teaching 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A3.2 The use of assessment to support learning 1 Grade: The use of assessment to support learning 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A3.3 The extent to which the curriculum meets pupils'

needs, including, where relevant, through partnerships 1 Grade: The extent to which the curriculum meets pupils'

needs, including, where relevant, through partnerships 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A3.4 The effectiveness of care, guidance and support 1 Grade: The effectiveness of care, guidance and support 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 8 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Sub-section A4: How effective are leadership and management? This section is about the effectiveness of significant elements of the school's leadership and management. This includes the leadership and management of the Early Years Foundation Stage, the sixth form and boarding provision. The key judgement is the effectiveness of leadership and management in embedding ambition and driving improvement. It captures the effectiveness of leadership and management at all levels. It is not derived by amalgamating all the other grades but inspectors will need to assess their significance before finalising the judgement. The judgement the effectiveness of leadership and management in embedding ambition and driving improvement is a determining factor in making the judgement about the school's capacity for sustained improvement. Please refer closely to the grade descriptors and guidance for inspectors when deciding on a grade. You should include only the minimum amount of detail in support of your judgement. A4.1 The effectiveness of leadership and management in embedding ambition and driving improvement 1 Grade: The effectiveness of leadership and management in embedding ambition and driving improvement 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A4.2 The leadership and management of teaching and learning 1 Grade: The leadership and management of teaching and learning 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A4.3 The effectiveness of the governing body in challenging and supporting the school so that weaknesses are tackled decisively and statutory responsibilities met 1 Grade: The effectiveness of the governing body in challenging and supporting the school so that weaknesses are tackled decisively and statutory responsibilities met 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 9 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION A4.4 The effectiveness of the school's engagement with parents and carers 1 Grade: The effectiveness of the school's engagement with parents and carers 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A4.5 The effectiveness of partnerships in promoting learning and well-being 1 Grade: The effectiveness of partnerships in promoting learning and wellbeing 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A4.6 The effectiveness with which the school promotes equal opportunity and tackles discrimination 1 Grade: The effectiveness with which the school promotes equal opportunity and tackles discrimination 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A4.7 The effectiveness of safeguarding procedures 1 Grade: The effectiveness of safeguarding procedures 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 10 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION A4.8 The effectiveness with which the school promotes community cohesion 1 Grade: The effectiveness with which the school promotes community cohesion 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A4.9 The effectiveness with which the school deploys resources to achieve value for money 1 Grade: The effectiveness with which the school deploys resources to achieve value for money 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 11 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Sub-section A5: How effective is the Early Years Foundation Stage? The key judgements in the table below are common to inspections of the Early Years Foundation Stage whether in early years settings or in schools. The four judgements are: Outcomes for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage The quality of provision in the Early Years Foundation Stage The effectiveness of leadership and management of the Early Years Foundation Stage Overall effectiveness: how well the setting/school meets the needs of children in the Early Years Foundation Stage Throughout this section, the phrases in italics link to the themes and commitments which underpin the Early Years Foundation Stage. Please refer closely to the grade descriptors and guidance for inspectors when deciding on a grade. You should include only the minimum amount of detail in support of your judgement. A5.1 Outcomes for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage 1 Grade: Outcomes for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A5.2 The quality of provision in the Early Years Foundation Stage 1 Grade: The quality of provision in the Early Years Foundation Stage 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A5.3 The effectiveness of leadership and management of the Early Years Foundation Stage 1 Grade: The effectiveness of leadership and management of the Early Years Foundation Stage 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 12 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION A5.4 Overall effectiveness: how well does the setting/school meet the needs of children in the Early Years Foundation Stage? 1 Grade: Overall effectiveness 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 13 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Sub-section A6: How effective is the sixth form? Please refer closely to the grade descriptors and guidance for inspectors when deciding on a grade. You should include only the minimum amount of detail in support of your judgement. A6.1 Outcomes for students in the sixth form 1 Grade: Outcomes for students in the sixth form 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A6.2 The quality of provision in the sixth form 1 Grade: The quality of provision in the sixth form 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A6.3 The effectiveness of the leadership and management of the sixth form 1 Grade: The effectiveness of the leadership and management of the sixth form 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A6.4 The overall effectiveness of the sixth form 1 Grade: Overall effectiveness 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 14 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Sub-section A7: How effective is the boarding provision? Not applicable Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 15 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Sub-section A8: Summative judgements This final section draws together all the evidence and judgements made in the preceding sections of the evaluation schedule. The judgement for Outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils reflects how well the pupils are doing across all of the outcomes. The judgement for The school's capacity for sustained improvement reflects the effectiveness of leadership and management in securing improvement in the past and ensuring the school will continue to make progress. These two judgements, alongside the judgements for each aspect of the quality of provision, inform the judgement Overall effectiveness. Please refer closely to the grade descriptors and guidance for inspectors when deciding on a grade. You should include only the minimum amount of detail in support of your judgement. A8.1 Outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils 1 Grade: Outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils 2 3 4 Please note that this is a summative grade based largely on the grades you have decided upon for the separate outcomes. You do not need to repeat the information you have provided in those sections. In most cases, you will need to refer only to the grade descriptors for Outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils and state which one best fits your judgements. A8.2 The school’s capacity for sustained improvement 1 Grade: The school's capacity for sustained improvement 2 3 4 Briefly list your major reasons for deciding on this grade. If you judge that the school is close to a grade boundary, briefly say why you did not select the other grade. A8.3 Overall effectiveness: how good is the school? 1 Grade: Overall effectiveness: how good is the school? 2 3 4 Please note that this is a summative grade based largely on the grades you have decided upon for Outcomes for individuals and groups of pupils, capacity for sustained improvement and in how effective is the provision. You do not need to repeat the information you have provided in those or other sections. In most cases, you will need to refer only to the grade descriptors for overall effectiveness and state which one best fits your judgements. A8.4 Important actions for the school Briefly list the most important actions the school needs to take to sustain outstanding overall effectiveness or to make significant improvement Please provide information below Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 16 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Section B: Factual information about your school Section B is a record of statistical and other factual information about your school. Where possible, this has been pre-populated for you, using your returns from the most recent School Census. Please check that the information is correct, and amend it if necessary. Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 17 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Sub-section B1: Information about your school B1.1 Name of school B1.2 Unique reference number (URN) B1.3 Unique reference number for the school's childcare provision (where relevant) If your school has childcare provision, please enter its unique reference number. B1.4 Unique reference number for the school's boarding provision (where relevant) Not applicable B1.5 Type of school B1.6 School category B1.7 Age range of learners MIN B1.8 Gender of learners MAX B1.9 Gender of learners in the sixth form B1.10 Name of headteacher (or equivalent) B1.11 School's address Please include postcode Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 18 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B1.12 Telephone number B1.13 Fax number B1.14 Email address B1.15 Website address B1.16 Name of appropriate authority B1.17 Name of chair B1.18 Local authority B1.19 Section 48 inspections Please indicate whether or not the school has a religious character and receives a section 48 inspection The school has a religious character and receives a section 48 inspection B1.20 The nature of the school's site Yes No Please give the number of sites occupied, including off-site childcare provision managed by the school/governing body. If there is more than one site, please give details in the space below, including their purpose, the distance(s) between them, and their post codes if they differ to the site entered in question B1.11. Please also give an indication of the location of any work-based learning. Number of sites used B1.21 Reorganisation Please indicate whether or not the school is currently subject to reorganisation proposals. If so, please give details in the space below. The school is subject to reorganisation proposals Yes No Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 19 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B1.22 Term dates and planned closures Please state the start and finish dates for each term and half term during the academic year 2009/10. Please also provide any dates when the school will be closed to pupils during term time in the academic year 2009/10. Term and half-term names Start date Finish date Dates when the school will be closed to pupils B1.23 School designation categories Please indicate whether the school has, or has applied for, any of these designations. Category Specialist School (Please state which specialism) School currently has designation (Please tick) An application has been made (Please tick) Date of commencement / likely commencement Specialist School (Please state HPSS option 1) Specialist School (Please state HPSS option 2) Specialist School (Please state HPSS option 3) Trust school Children's Centre Early excellence centre Other (Please state what) Please use this box to provide further details. Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 20 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B1.24 Existing childcare provision under the Childcare Act 2006 Does the school provide childcare, either registered and/or unregistered, or is there registered provision at the school operated by a private or voluntary provider? This does not include maintained nursery provision, or Reception classes. Please tick to indicate the type of provision made. Session times should be to the nearest half hour. The school/ governing body manages the provision A private or voluntary provider manages the provision Maximum number of places available in the provision Childcare provided on non-domestic premises Name of registered person / nominated person Length of session (hours) Age range of children (from, to) Children 0 to under aged 3 years Children aged 3 years to end of the Early Years Foundation Stage Children from the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage to under aged 8 years Children aged 8-17 years Total B1.25 Plans for future childcare provision under the Childcare Act 2006 Are you in the process of applying for a childcare registration on your school premises? If yes, please answer the questions below. This does not include maintained nursery provision, or Reception classes. Childcare provided Governing body on non-domestic is to manage the premises provision. Children 0 to under aged 3 years Children aged 3 years to end of the EYFS Children from the end of the EYFS to under aged 8 years Children aged 8-17 years Total Private or voluntary Name of Registered provider is to person / nominated manage the person if applicable provision. Length of Age range of Maximum number session children of places available (hours) (from, to) in the provision Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 21 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B1.26 Extended services Please indicate any extended services provided by the school. Tick Yes to indicate which type(s) of provision are made and give a brief indication of the extent and nature of the provision. Extent and nature of provision Type of Provision Parental support including family learning programme Specialist support services Community access including adult learning Childcare (indicate if year round or term time only) Study support (after school catch up provision - indicate if year round or term time only) Other Tick if Yes Please use this box to provide further significant details not covered above. B1.27 Designated special educational needs (SEN) resource base or similar provision Not applicable B1.28 School federations and other collaborative arrangements Please indicate whether or not the school is part of any kind of collaborative arrangement. If it is, please describe the nature of the arrangement in the text box below. For example, please record whether there is a single governing body, a statutory governance collaboration involving a joint committee, or any other arrangement. For information on federations and other collaborative arrangements, please refer to www.teachernet.gov.uk In the data fields, please record the names and unique reference numbers of the other schools in the federation or collaborative arrangement. Please also record the name of the school, person (executive or shared head, for example) or group who leads the federation or collaborative arrangement. The school is part of a collaborative arrangement Yes No Details of other schools in the federation or other collaborative arrangement:Name of school Name of school Name of school Name of school Name of the school, person or group who leads the federation or other collaborative arrangement URN URN URN URN Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 22 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B1.29 Work-related learning Please give the numbers of learners involved in work-related learning (for learners aged 14-16, under section 178 of the Education Act 2002), and the nature of the provision. Provide any brief details in the space below. Please list no more than the top five provisions. Nature of provision Below Y10 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14 Total Total B1.30 Diploma partnership arrangements Please list partners and include a brief description of arrangements, including any planned future arrangements. Name of partner Name of partner Name of partner Name of partner Name of partner Name of partner B1.31 Joint 14-16 provision Please indicate whether or not the school has arrangements for joint teaching of 14-16 courses with other schools or colleges. If so please give details in the box below, with names and unique reference number (if known) of the other schools and colleges involved. The school makes joint post 14-16 provision Other school and colleges involved:Name of school/college Name of school/college Name of school/college URN (If known) URN (If known) URN (If known) Yes No Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 23 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B1.32 Joint post-16 provision Please indicate whether or not the school has arrangements for joint teaching of post-16 courses with other schools or colleges. If so please give details in the box below, with names and unique reference number (if known) of the other schools and colleges involved. The school makes joint post-16 provision Other schools and colleges involved: Name of school/college Name of school/college Name of school/college URN (If known) URN (If known) URN (If known) Yes No Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 24 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Sub-section B2: Information about the learners B2.1 Number of learners Please give the current number of learners on the roll in each of the categories in the table. Boys Girls Total Children 0 to under aged 3 years Government funded early education provision Maintained nursery Reception Year 1 Key stage 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Key stage 2 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Key stage 3 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Key stage 4 Year 11 Year 12 Sixth Form Year 13 Year 14 Total B2.2 Number of children in out-of-school provision Children aged 3 years to end of the Early Years Foundation Stage If the school offers out-of-school provision, which is managed by the school/governing body, please give the current number of children who use the provision Boys Children in out-of-school provision B2.3 Number of learners on roll placed in alternative provision Boys Excluded learners Other Learners B2.4 Number of children with a child protection plan Boys Children with a child protection plan Girls Total Girls Total Girls Total Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 25 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B2.5 Ethnic background of learners in maintained provision Please record the numbers of learners in each classification;

the total columns will auto-calculate. Boys White - British White - Irish White - any other White background Mixed - White and Black Caribbean Mixed - White and Black African Mixed - White and Asian Mixed - any other mixed background Asian or Asian British - Indian Asian or Asian British - Pakistani Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi Asian or Asian British - any other Asian background Black or Black British - Caribbean Black or Black British - African Black or Black British - any other Black background Chinese Gypsy/Roma Traveller of Irish Heritage Any other ethnic group Parent /carer / learner preferred not to say Information not obtained Total Girls Total B2.6 Refugees and asylum seekers Please give the number of learners on the school's roll who are refugees or asylum seekers. Use the space below to give any further significant details. Number of refugees and asylum seekers Number of refugees and asylum seekers designated as looked after children B2.7 Support for minority ethnic learners, including Gypsy, Roma or Travellers of Irish heritage Please give the numbers of minority ethnic learners, including Gypsy, Roma and Travellers of Irish heritage who receive support through specific funding, from whatever source. Number of minority ethnic learners supported through specific funding Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 26 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B2.8 English as an additional language Please give the total number of learners who speak English as an additional language. Total number of learners who speak English as an additional language Please give the number of learners who are at an early stage of English language acquisition. Number of learners who are at an early stage of English language acquisition. Please list the three most common first languages spoken by the learners who are at an early stage of English language acquisition. Please list them in order, with most frequent first If other, please specify: If other, please specify: If other, please specify: B2.9 Learners with special educational needs and/or disabilities Please give the number of learners at each of the following levels of provision identified in the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. Level of provision 03 3 to the end of the Early Years Key Key Key Key Sixth Foundation Stage (excluding YR Total Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 form Reception) Undergoing assessment Statement of special educational needs Learners, not included in the above, who have disabilities under section 17 of the Children Act 1989 Other (please specify) Total Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 27 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B2.10 The nature of learners'

special educational needs and/or disabilities Please record the number of learners in each of the following groups who have a statement of special educational needs or who are recorded as School Action Plus, under the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. Please enter each learner once only, according to the most significant disability/difficulty. If you use the last line of the table marked ‘other'

please specify the disability or difficulty. 3 to the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage (excluding Reception) Disability/difficulty 0-3 YR Key Key Key Key stage 1 stage 2 stage 3 stage 4 Sixth form Specific learning (dyslexia) Any additional SEN resource base Main school Any additional SEN resource base Main school Any additional SEN resource base Main school Moderate learning Severe learning Profound and multiple learning Any additional SEN resource base Main school Behavioural, emotional and social Any additional SEN resource base Main school Speech language and communication Any additional SEN resource base Main school Any additional SEN resource base Main school Any additional SEN resource base Main school Hearing impairment Visual impairment Any additional SEN Multi-sensory impairment resource base Main school Any additional SEN resource base Main school Any additional SEN Autistic spectrum disorder resource base Main school Other (Please specify) Any additional SEN resource base Main school Physical Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 28 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Total (statements and School Action Plus) Any additional SEN resource base Main school B2.11 Learners who are Gifted and Talented Please record the number of gifted and talented learners YR Identified as gifted and talented in most recent school census B2.12 Learners for whom the National Curriculum is disapplied Key stage 1 Key stage 2 Key stage 3 Key stage 4 Sixth form Total Please give the number of learners for whom the National Curriculum (including its assessment arrangements) is disapplied in whole or in part. Please record in the box below, details of the subject(s) from which they are disapplied and the alternative provision made for these learners. Do not include the names of the learners. Number of learners disapplied B2.13 Children for whom the learning and development requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage are disapplied Please give the number of children who are exempt from the learning and development requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. When you are inspected, please give the lead inspector details of the exemption(s) and the date of the QCA notification where applicable. Number of children disapplied B2.14 Learner mobility Please indicate the usual ages of admissions and transfers to the school, and the usual time that these occur during the academic year. Please indicate the level of learner mobility with reference to admissions and transfers in the last academic year. The number of learners who joined the school other than at the usual time of admission The number of learners who left the school other than at the usual time of leaving or transfer The number of learners on roll in January of the last academic year (from relevant Annual School Census) The number of learners who are Gypsy, Roma and Travellers of Irish heritage, that travel throughout the school year B2.15 Learner mobility in pupil referral units Not applicable Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 29 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B2.16 Looked after children Please enter the current number of looked after children. Number of looked after children Please indicate details, including any variations year to year Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 30 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Sub-section B3: Information about learners'

targets B3.1 Statutory targets (applies only to schools with learners in Year 6) Please give the school's statutory targets for attainment in National Curriculum assessments at the end of Key Stage 2 which you report to the local authority. Please give the targets for the most recent year for which you have published test results, and those for the subsequent year. Year Target % of learners expected to achieve Level 4 or above in both English and maths (Year 6) Target % of learners expected to achieve 2 levels of progress in English (Year 6) Target % of learners expected to achieve 2 levels of progress in maths (Year 6) B3.2 Statutory targets (applies only to schools with learners in Year 11) Please give the school's statutory targets for GCSE examination results at the end of Key Stage 4 which you publish for parents/carers. Please give the targets for the most recent year for which you have published GCSE examination results, and those for the subsequent year. Year Target % of learners expected to achieve 5 or more grades A* to C including English and maths B3.3 Specialist school designation (applies only to schools with specialist status) Please enter the number of years of designation as a specialist school. Number of years of designation: B3.4 Specialist school specialism attainment targets (applies only to schools with specialist status) Specialism Attainment Targets Average point score Target and actual average point score for first specialism subject 1 Target and actual average point score for first specialism subject 2 Target and actual average point score for first specialism subject 3 Target and actual average point score for second specialism subject 1 Target and actual average point score for second specialism subject 2 Target and actual average point score for second specialism subject 3 B3.5 Specialist school students’ achievement targets (applies only to schools with specialist status) Students'

Achievement Targets Proportion of Students Target and actual proportion of students achieving 3 or more A*/A grades at GCSE or equivalent 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Specialism Subject 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual % % % % % % Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 31 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B3.6 Specialist school specialism participation targets (applies only to schools with specialist status) Specialism Participation Targets Average point score Key Stage 4: proportion of students taking specialism 1 Post 16: number of students taking specialism 1 Key Stage 4: proportion of students taking specialism 2 Post 16: number of students taking specialism 2 Key Stage 4: proportion of students taking specialism 3 Post 16: number of students taking specialism 3 B3.7 Optional targets for pupil referral units % % % % % % % % % % % % Specialism 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual % % % % % % Not applicable B3.8 Other statutory targets for special schools (applies only to learners in Years 6 and 11) Please give brief details of the school's statutory targets for attainment in National Curriculum assessments or P-levels at the end of Key Stage 2 and 4. Please give the targets for the most recent year, and those for the subsequent year. Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 32 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Sub-section B4: Information about exclusions, transfers and retention B4.1 and B4.2 Exclusions and transfers of learners in maintained settings by ethnicity Please give in B4.1 the number of fixed period and permanent exclusions during year immediately prior to the time in which the data is entered. If the school does not formally exclude learners, or if such transfers take place in addition to formal exclusions, please give in B4.2 the number of instances of temporary and permanent transfers to alternative provision for behaviour-related or disciplinary reasons during the school year prior to the inspection. Please note that this refers to the number of instances, not the number of learners involved. Please provide the start and end date of the year for which the data is entered into B4.1 and B4.2: From: B4.1 Exclusion To: B4.2 Transferred pupils Number of exclusions Number of transfers made Fixed Period Permanent Fixed Period Permanent Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys White - British White - Irish White - any other White background Mixed - White and Black Caribbean Mixed - White and Black African Mixed - White and Asian Mixed - any other mixed background Asian or Asian British - Indian Asian or Asian British - Pakistani Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi Asian or Asian British - any other Asian background Black or Black British - Caribbean Black or Black British - African Black or Black British - any other Black background Chinese Gypsy/Roma Traveller of Irish Heritage Any other ethnic group Parent/carer/learner preferred not to say Information not obtained Total number of exclusions / transfers of boys / girls Girls Boys Girls Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 33 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B4.3 and B4.4 Exclusions and transfers of learners in maintained settings, with special educational needs and/or disabilities Please give the number of fixed period and permanent exclusions during year immediately prior to the time in which the data is entered. If the school does not formally exclude learners, or if such transfers take place in addition to formal exclusions, please give in B4.4 the number of instances of temporary and permanent transfers to alternative provision for behaviour-related or disciplinary reasons during the school year prior to the inspection. Please note that this refers to the number of instances, not the number of learners involved. Please provide the start and end date of the year for which the data is entered into B4.3 and B4.4: From: To: B4.4 Transferred pupils Number of transfers made Fixed Period Permanent B4.3 Exclusion Number of exclusions Fixed Period Permanent Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls School Action / Early Action School Action Plus / Early Action Plus Statement of special educational needs Learners not included in the aobve, who have disabilities under section 17 of the Children Act 1989 Other (please specify) Total number of exclusions of boys / girls with special educational needs and / or disabilities B4.5 Retention post-16 % course retention rate (the number completing the qualifications x100, divided by the number enrolled on the qualification on 1 November) Number enrolled on the course on 1 November during the last academic year AS Level 3 A2 Level 2 Below level 2 Number who completed the course at the end of the last academic year Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 34 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B4.6 Routes taken by learners aged 15+ (usually applies only to schools with learners in Years 11, 12 and 13) Please record the number of learners aged 15 and above who, having completed Year 11, Year 12 or Year 13, took the following routes at the start of the last complete academic year. Year A course at any school or any course of further education Any course at a higher education institution Employment without training Employer based government supported training (trainee not employed by employer) Employer based government funded training (trainee fully employed by employer) Gap Year (Year 13 only) Not in education, employment or training Any other category (please describe) Y11 Y12 Y13 Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 35 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Sub-section B5: Information about provision B5.1 Teaching time Please give the total teaching time each week (to the nearest half hour). Please refer to the helpbutton guidance. Teaching time 0-3 3 to the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage, excluding Reception Reception classes Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 Key Stage 3 Key Stage 4 Sixth Form B5.2 Curriculum description Please provide any information about how the curriculum is organised throughout the school. For example, about option choices, support/withdrawal teaching, work-related learning and/or, in the Early Years Foundation Stage, about child initiated activities, adult led activities etc. Include any relevant additional groups and/or subjects. B5.3 Banding and setting Please indicate how your school organises classes in English, mathematics and science, by placing a tick in the relevant boxes. If your school uses banding or setting for any other subjects, please record the details in the text box below. English Mixed ability YR Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 Broad Setting Mixture of banding by ability methods Mixed ability Mathematics Broad Setting Mixture of banding by ability methods Mixed ability Science Broad Setting Mixture of banding by ability methods Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 36 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B5.4 Diploma programme Please enter in the table the number of full-time learners following diploma programmes. Please specify the names of the diploma courses against the appropriate course level - L1, L2 and L3. Course name L3 Year 9-11 Year 12-13 L2 L1 Total number of learners Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 37 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B5.5 Post-16 programmes Please enter in the table the number of full-time learners following the programmes listed. With the exception of any diploma programmes already listed in B5.4, please specify any other programmes in the brackets within the lines marked ‘other', and include the level of the course (L1, L2, and L3) Year 12 A level and AS level Advanced vocational programmes L3 A/AS and vocational combination International Baccalaureate programmes Intermediate vocational programmes L2 GCSE based programmes GCSE and vocational combination L1 Foundation vocational programmes Other Year 13 Other Other Other Total number of learners B5.6 Provision of sport Please give the number of pupils provided with at least two hours per week of high quality sport. Number of pupils provided with at least two hours per week of high quality sport B5.7 School lunches Please give the number of pupils who take school lunches. Number of pupils who take school lunches Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 38 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Sub-section B6: Information about staffing B6.1 Number of teachers Please indicate the numbers of qualified and unqualified teachers in each of the categories in the table. Please give full-time (FTE) equivalent figures throughout, apportioning staff appropriately. Full-time equivalent Teaching solely Teaching solely Teaching solely Teaching in Teaching in in the SEN in provision for in provision for Reception more than one resource base 0-3 year olds children aged 3 classes and/or of the previous to the end of the any key stage, categories Early Years and/or in the Foundation sixth form, but Stage, excluding not in any of Reception the previous categories Qualified teachers (including the headteacher) Unqualified teachers Total FTE B6.2 Support teachers for minority ethnic learners, including Gypsy, Roma and Travellers of Irish heritage Total FTE Of the qualified teachers included in 6.1 (number of teachers), indicate the deployment (full-time equivalent) of those who support learners from minority ethnic, including Gypsy, Roma and Travellers of Irish heritage, using the following categories. Full-time equivalent Teaching solely Teaching solely Teaching solely Teaching in Teaching in in the SEN in provision for in provision for Reception more than one resource base 0-3 year olds children aged 3 classes and/or of the previous to the end of the any key stage, categories Early Years and/or in the Foundation sixth form, but Stage, excluding not in any of Reception the previous categories Support teachers funded through the Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant (EMAG) Support teachers funded through the Children's Services Grant for pupils who are Gypsy, Roma and Travellers of Irish heritage Support received in last year from Traveller Education Support Service Support teachers funded through LA or other funding sources Total FTE Total FTE Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 39 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B6.3 Teaching assistants and other education support staff Please give the numbers of education support staff in each of the categories below. Please give full-time equivalent figures throughout, apportioning staff appropriately. Full-time equivalent Working solely in the SEN resource base Working solely in provision for 0-3 year olds Working solely Working in Working in in provision for Reception more than one children aged 3 classes and/or of the previous to the end of the any key stage, categories Early Years and/or in the Foundation sixth form, but Stage, excluding not in any of Reception the previous categories Total FTE Qualified nursery assistants and trained teaching assistants Teaching assistants trained to support learners with special educational needs and/or disabilities Other teaching assistants Other education support staff Any additional residential staff Total FTE Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 40 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B6.4 Support staff for minority ethnic learners, including Gypsy, Roma and Travellers of Irish heritage Of the support staff included in 6.3 (teaching assistants and other support staff), indicate the deployment (full-time equivalent) of those who support pupils from minority ethnic, including Gypsy, Roma and Travellers of Irish heritage, using the following categories. Full-time equivalent Working solely in the SEN resource base Working solely in provision for 0-3 year olds Working solely Working in Working in in provision for Reception more than one children aged 3 classes and/or of the previous to the end of the any key stage, categories Early Years and/or in the Foundation sixth form, but Stage, excluding not in any of Reception the previous categories Total FTE Support staff funded through the Ethnic Minority Achievement Grant (EMAG) Support staff funded through the Children's Services Grant for pupils who are Gypsy, Roma and Travellers of Irish heritage Support staff funded through LA or other funding sources Total FTE B6.5 Staff in the childcare provision Please indicate the numbers and qualifications of all staff deployed to work in the childcare provision. Please give full-time equivalent figures throughout, apportioning staff appropriately. Full-time equivalent Children 0 to under Children aged 3 aged 3 years years to the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage, excluding Reception Qualified teacher status Early years professional status Qualified nursery assistants Trained teaching assistants Teaching assistants trained to support learners with special educational needs and/or disabilities Other unqualified support staff Total FTE Please indicate the name of the registered person. Total FTE Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 41 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B6.6 Staff turnover - leavers Please give the full-time equivalent number of teachers and education support staff, including the senior leadership team and higher level teaching assistants, who left the school during the previous and current academic years. If the governing body also provides registered childcare, please give the full-time equivalent number of staff who have left this area of work over the last 2 years. Full-time equivalent Total leaving in Total leaving in current previous academic year academic year Senior leadership team member holding QTS Of which: Headteacher Deputy or assistant headteacher Head of year Head of faculty/department Senior leadership team member not holding QTS Of which: Headteacher Deputy or assistant headteacher Head of year Head of faculty/department Classroom teacher holding QTS Classroom teacher not holding QTS Education support staff Of which: Higher level teaching assistant Teaching assistant Technician Other Total Childcare: Children 0 to under aged 3 years Childcare: Children aged 3 years to end of the Early Years Foundation Stage Please use this box to add any explanatory comments regarding staff leaving the school Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 42 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B6.7 Staff turnover - joiners Please give the full-time equivalent number of teachers and education support staff, including the senior leadership team and higher level teaching assistants, who took up their appointment at the school during the previous and current academic years. If the governing body also provides registered childcare, please give the full-time equivalent number of staff who have been appointed to this area of work over the last 2 years. Full-time equivalent Total joining in Total joining in current previous academic year academic year Senior leadership team member holding QTS Of which: Headteacher Deputy or assistant headteacher Head of year Head of faculty/department Senior leadership team member not holding QTS Of which: Headteacher Deputy or assistant headteacher Head of year Head of faculty/department Classroom teacher holding QTS Classroom teacher not holding QTS Education support staff Of which: Higher level teaching assistant Teaching assistant Technician Other Total Childcare: Children 0 to under aged 3 years Childcare: Children aged 3 years to end of the Early Years Foundation Stage Please use this box to add any explanatory comments regarding staff joining the school Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 43 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION B6.8 Temporary teachers and teaching vacancies Please give the number of vacant posts and the number of posts currently filled by agency, supply or relief teachers, or by teachers on short-term contracts of less than a full school year. Please give the full-time equivalent figure. Number of vacancies filled by teachers on temporary contracts of a term or more (FTE) Number of unfilled vacancies or vacancies filled by teachers on temporary contracts of less than one term (FTE) Total number of vacant teaching posts (FTE) Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 44 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Sub-section B7: Information about finance and resources B7.1 Financial information for the year April to March From April Income and expenditure (?) Total income Total expenditure Expenditure per pupil Balances (?) Balance from previous year Balance carried forward to the next year % of deficit or balance carried forward to the next year To March Please add an explanation if the deficit or carry forward is greater than 5% of the total budget B7.2 and B7.3 Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) Please ensure that CFR returns have been submitted to the DCSF. You can access the appropriate website by clicking on the following link https://sfb.teachernet.gov.uk/login.aspx Full guidance can also be obtained from the website. B7.4 Number of computers for learners'

use Please give the number of learners to computers Number of learners (from B1) Number of computers Number of learners per computer Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 45 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Section C: information about compliance with statutory requirements Please complete the following table relating to statutory requirements. Please complete each question in this section by placing a tick in the relevant column to indicate how far statutory requirements are being met. Fully in place: all statutory requirements that apply to your school are fully in place Partly in place: most statutory requirements are in place, but action needs to be taken to ensure that they are fully in place Not in place: the statutory requirements that apply to the school are not in place and action needs to be taken to ensure that they are. Where action is needed, please provide an explanation in the space provided, and indicate what action the governing body is taking. The curriculum Fully in Partly Not in place in place place C1. Every learner receives the full statutory curriculum that the school must provide. (Note: if aspects of the curriculum are disapplied, please indicate partly in place and explain below.) C2. The school provides teaching of religious education for all learners in accordance with the locally agreed syllabus (or otherwise, in accordance with relevant prescribed exceptions) and has told parents/carers of the right to withdraw their children. C3. The school provides a daily act of collective worship for all learners and has told parents/carers of the right to withdraw their children and, where applicable, sixth formers of their own right to withdraw. C4. The school has a written policy on sex and relationships education, and has made it available to parents/carers. C5. (Schools with pupils of primary age) The governing body has decided whether or not to provide sex and relationships education (other than that required by the national curriculum) and, if doing so, has agreed the content and organisation of the programme and has told parents/carers about it and the right to withdraw their children. C6. (Schools with pupils of secondary age) The governing body has agreed the content and organisation of its programme of sex and relationships education (other than that required by the national curriculum) and has told parents/carers about it and the right to withdraw their children. C7. The school meets fully the learning and development requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 46 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Equality &

diversity Fully in place C8. The governing body has implemented policies and practices to ensure that it does not discriminate unlawfully against learners, job applicants or staff on the grounds of, gender (including gender reassignment), race, disability, sexual orientation , religion and belief, marital/civil partnership status or age (where applicable). C9. The governing body complies with its general duties under the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (as amended), specific duties in subordinate legislation made under the Act, and the requirements of the statutory codes of practice made under the Act including q Partly in place Not in place a gender equality scheme (or a single equality scheme that clearly incorporates a gender equality scheme) which includes arrangements to: - monitor the implementation of the scheme and - assess its impact on staff, learners and parents/carers. C10. The governing body complies with its general duties under the Race Relations Act 1976 (as amended) , specific duties in subordinate legislation made under the Act, and the requirements of the statutory codes of practice made under the Act including q a race equality policy (or a single equality scheme that clearly incorporates a race equality policy) which includes arrangements to: - monitor the implementation of the scheme and - assess its impact on staff, learners and parents/carers. C11. The governing body complies with its general duties under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (as amended), specific duties in subordinate legislation made under the Act, and the requirements of the statutory codes of practice made under the Act including q a disability equality scheme (or a single equality scheme that clearly incorporates a disability equality scheme) which includes arrangements to: - monitor the implementation of the scheme and - assess its impact on staff, learners and parents/carers. Learners with special educational needs and/or disabilities Fully in place C12. The school meets its requirements in Part IV of the Education Act 1996 and has regard to the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice when meeting learners'

special educational needs, publishes its policy and makes it known to parents/carers and reports annually on the success of its policy. C13. The school meets the requirements of Part 4 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) and any subsequent requirements and has regard to the (DRC) code of practice for schools (2002). The school publishes and informs parents/carers of its accessibility plan and disability equality scheme and reports annually on progress made on these. C14. The school has appointed a special educational needs coordinator and has ensured that the post holder has received training. Partly in place Not in place Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 47 of 48 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Learners'

care and well-being Fully in Partly in Not in place place place C15. The school has procedures in place to ensure that it meets all relevant health and safety legislation. C16. The school has a child protection policy and procedures in place that are in accordance with local authority and DCSF guidance and locally agreed interagency procedures, (and the policy is made available to parents/carers on request). C17. Where the governing body provides school lunches and/or other school food, they ensure that they meet current DCSF standards. C18. The school complies with the welfare requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. C19. The school complies with its duties under s43, 44 and 45 of the Education Act 1997 (as amended most recently by the Education and Skills Act 2008) in the provision of careers education, information and advice. Informing parents/carers Fully in place C20. The headteacher and/or governing body as appropriate ensures that all statutory assessments are conducted and results are forwarded to parents/carers and appropriate bodies. C21. The headteacher (of maintained schools only) ensures that each year a report on each learner's educational achievements is forwarded to their parents/carers. C22. The school keeps parents/carers and prospective parents/carers informed by publishing a school prospectus and by publishing a school profile in accordance with Regulations. Leadership and management Fully in place C23. Where applicable, the governing body has met the Financial Management Standard in Schools C24. The responsibilities of the governing body, its committees, the headteacher and staff in respect of finances are clearly defined and limits of delegated authority are delineated. C25. The governing body has a performance management policy and ensures that all teachers, including the headteacher, are appraised in accordance with statutory requirements. C26. The governing body has secured that the provisions in the School Teachers'

Pay and Conditions Document and any associated regulations relating to terms and conditions, including performance management and induction, have been implemented for all teachers and the headteacher. C27. The governing body has all relevant complaints and appeals procedures, as set out in the DCSF guide to the law for school governors. C28. The governing body fulfils the requirements to promote community cohesion. C29. The school meets the current government requirements regarding safeguarding children and safer recruitment. C30. The governing body ensures that childcare is registered, where this is required by the Childcare Act 2006, and complies with all necessary registration requirements. Please state briefly what action is being taken to deal with requirements that are partly in place or not in place. Partly in place Not in place Partly in place Not in place Created on Tuesday 17 November 2009 PROTECT - SELF-EVALUATION Page 48 of 48

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