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时间:2012-07-28 来源: 泥巴往事网

入职时间填大概日期即可 月薪计算:按您个人年薪除以 12 即可. 由于邀请函由旅行社提供,访问目的为旅游,不是之前的商务访问,为保 证签证通过率,在职证明的支付方式改...

Nanjing University of Finance and Economics #3 Wenyuan Road, Xixia District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China,210046 CERTIFICATE Embassy of USA in China, Ms. Shanshan Huang is an assistant professor at the school of Economics in our university. She began to work in our university since last August and has been in our university for more than a year, mainly charging of teaching and research, with a salary of around RMB 6267/month. Now, she has been permitted to participate in the American Economic Association meeting held in Boston from Jan,3rd to Jan, 5th, 2015. And she is allowed to visit the University of Wyoming to work on her research for about one month. She has been arranged to teach courses for next semester beginning from March, 2nd, 2015. All the expenses including travel, board and lodging would be paid by our university. She will pay other miscellaneous expenditure. We hereby guarantee that Ms.Huang will obey the laws in US and will come back to China on time before next semester begins. Yours sincerely, 领导签字 盖公章 日期

必须公司抬头纸打印,上有公司电话传真地址邮编等信息 来源于滴答论坛美国签证版 http://bbs.tigtag.com/forum-185-1.html CERTIFICATE Embassy of 国家名称 in China, Ms. 姓名 ...

兹证明 民币 先生自 年来我公司任职, 职... 年月日到 年月.他的月收入是人 日赴美国旅游.他的具体 元. 他将于 信息如下, 姓名 ... 以下是申请美国旅游签证的单位在职证明样本,下...

美国签证在职证明模板 隐藏>> 用公司抬头纸打印 Certificate 在职证明 Date: 3...由于邀请函由旅行社提供,访问目的为旅游,不是之前的 商务 访问,为保 证签证通过... 商务美国签...

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