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时间:2013-10-23 来源: 泥巴往事网

中国科学院大连化学物理研究所(以下简称大连化物所)创建于1949年3月,当时定名为... 第十五条 依据学生与指导教师之间的双向选择的原则,学生进入学位论文研究学习阶段前...

有机合成方法学论文写作 大连化物所周永贵研究组 中国科学院大连化物所手性合成课题组 二零一三年六月 序 言 科技论文写作是研究生培养尤其是博士研究生培养的一个重要环节, 培养研究生良好的 科技论文写作能力, 对于提高研究生的科研能力和综合素质是非常重要的。

在这些年培养研 究生的过程中, 我发现一个研究生如果具有了良好的科技论文写作能力, 尤其是高级别英文 科技论文写作能力, 其科学研究的能力会得到进一步的提高, 同时其科研的主动性和创造性 也会充分发挥出来, 因为他们或她们能从英语科技论文的写作训练中知道怎样做科学研究和 提炼科学问题。

在我二零零二年独立开展研究工作时, 总是希望论文尽快发表, 通常是学生的一个研究 工作即将完成,有大部分研究结果后,我就开始撰写论文,学生负责提供实验数据。最终的 结果是论文都是我撰写的, 学生没有参与到科技论文撰写的环节中。

我发现学生在以后的研 究工作中还会犯以前研究中的同样错误, 如:

研究工作的条理性差, 各个实验间缺乏逻辑性, 虽然做了很多实验,但是只有一个有效数据可用,结果是浪费了很多时间,学生自然也就产 生了强烈的挫折感。学生得到一个非常有前景的实验结果后,他/她不知道怎样去解释和证 明已有的实验结果, 其完成的工作通常是干巴巴的, 只有一堆数据, 没有提炼出工作的精髓。

从那以后,我就有意识让研究生参与到科技论文的写作中,怎样从已有的大量数据中,选择 支持你论文观点的精华部分, 怎样用多个不同方式的论据支持论点等。

参与了科技论文写作 的各个环节,研究生的主动性和创造性就发挥出来了,效率自然也就提高了,可以达到“事 半功倍”的效果。另外,指导老师在科技论文写作方面的工作量就相对减少了,可以把更多 的时间放在研究课题的选择和设计上。

平时在和一些研究生指导老师的谈话中了解到, 有一些老师认为, 研究生先写一个初稿, 拿来让指导老师修改,还不如自己从头写省事,因为研究生写的根本没办法看。其实我们指 导老师应该纠正这个观点, 现在招收的研究生的英语其实远比我们想象的要好, 至少比我们 这一代读研究生时的英语要好。给他们一个良好的且系统的英语写作训练,他们/她们的才 华就会充分发挥出来,其自信心也会增强。他们/她们以前最长的英语写作应该是英语 4-6 级的作文,估计最长不会超过三百个单词。现在经过训练可以撰写长篇的论文,并且还发表 在高级别的杂志上。

另外, 如果有可能还要训练研究生撰写各种不同类型的论文, 如:

通讯、 全文、综述、亮点介绍、基金申请书和个人研究总结等,这些对研究生尤其是博士研究生的 培养是非常重要的。

这些年, 我对研究生英语论文写作是这样进行的。

当一个研究工作进行到百分之八十时, 我就有意识地和学生探讨,如何撰写这篇论文。先提炼论文的创新点,论文第一个逻辑图示 的设计和文字说明。

接下来让学生收集和这个创新点相关的资料, 并寻找和本工作相关的研 究论文,思考别人如何撰写,让研究生在脑子内形成一条清晰的思路。后面的实验工作要和 你的思路符合,怎样从多个方面证明你的创新论点,如:核磁共振、质谱、红外、同位素实 验、空白实验和竞争实验等。另外,研究生也应该有意识对论文几个具体部分也进行怎样撰 写的思考。如:实验优化、机理部分和结尾部分等。实验工作完成后,要求学生一个星期内 把完成论文初稿,研究生之间互相修改,完成后交给我。在这个阶段,我通常不具体对论文 进行修改,只提出一些大的需要修改的地方,这样来回三四遍后,我才开始具体修改论文, 改完后交给学生自己修改。然后放一个月后,我再一次修改,看思路是否合适,同时研究生 进行支持信息部分的撰写。

最后对论文和支持信息进行仔细校对, 并且安排一个没有参与这 个工作的研究生重复出一个代表性的实验结果后才投稿。

研究生完成一个研究工作,自己撰写英文研究论文发表后,他/她就能完全了解科学研 I? ? 究的整个过程并知道如何开展以后研究。

经过这样训练的研究生指导起来相对比较容易, 交 流起来也有共同语言。还有很重要的一点是,研究生的自信心也得到增强,其为人处世的能 力也得到提高。并且研究生的性格也会更加开朗、更加阳光。

一次偶然的机会,和几个研究生一起聊天,说我们能否撰写一个小册子,总结我们小组 这些年关于如何撰写一篇有机合成方法学论文的体会,此提议立即得到我小组研究生的支 持。于是我们就进行了分工,把论文分成几个部分,每个人负责一块,然后再合并成一篇完 整论文。此论文最后由叶智识同学总负责,参与的老师和同学有:时磊博士、王躲生博士、 陈庆安博士、高凯博士、余长斌博士、段英、陈木旺、蔡先锋、郭冉柠同学等。是他/她们 辛勤的工作才有此小册子的完成。

本小册子希望对我们小组以后的研究生在英语科技论文写作上能提供一些有益的帮助, 同时也对刚开始从事科学研究的低年级研究生提供一些指导,促进他们/她们尽快成长,为 中国化学研究水平的提高贡献力量。

书中有一些错误的地方和不当之处,欢迎批评指正。 II? ? ? 目 题 前 录 目 ........................................................................................................................... 1 言 ........................................................................................................................... 3 条件筛选 ..................................................................................................................... 12 底物拓展 ..................................................................................................................... 21 放大实验 ..................................................................................................................... 29 机 理 ......................................................................................................................... 33 天然产物或药物合成 ................................................................................................. 40 结 致 论 ......................................................................................................................... 46 谢 ......................................................................................................................... 51 参考文献 ..................................................................................................................... 54 图文摘要的写法 ......................................................................................................... 59 给主编信的写法 ......................................................................................................... 61 怎样撰写论文的支持信息 ......................................................................................... 64 如何科学有效地记录实验数据 ................................................................................. 67 测定旋光注意事项 ..................................................................................................... 67 核磁测试注意事项 ..................................................................................................... 68 对映体过量(ee 值)测试注意事项 ......................................................................... 68 ? ? ? 题? ? 目? 题 目 题,乃文之眼。

科技论文的题目是论文研究内容的高度凝炼,每一个单词都包含了相当的单位信息量, 可谓字字珠玑。从题目中,读者至少要了解到研究的对象、内容、方法等,让人一目了然地 知道论文所要表达的东西。

最重要的是, 题目一定要体现研究工作的创新点。

题目不宜太长, 否则显得冗长拖沓,重点不突出;题目过短又很难提供给读者足够而准确的信息。一个合适 的题目要做到:加一字则繁,减一字则少。


当一个研究工作进入到尾声时, 准备写论 文前首先考虑的就应该是提炼研究工作的创新点。

确定了创新点之后, 就可以根据创新点拟 定一个简洁明了的题目。题目定下来,文章才能有一个写作的主题,所有的文字、图示、数 据都是围绕着这样一个主题有机地组织到一起。

那么如何提炼论文的创新点呢?可以按照论文审稿的几个关键标准,如新颖性 (Novelty) 、感兴趣的读者范围(Readership) 、重要性(Importance)等方面考虑。比较好 的做法是,先列出几条,然后评估每条创新点的重要性。一般的依据是:能否改变人们的一 些传统思维?能否推动这个领域的发展?是否是这个领域的最好结果?是否得到了一个前 人没有的实验结果?是否是一个潜在解决人类在能源、 环境和健康等重要领域的基本问题等 方面。通常越基础,这个创新点越重要。下面讲几个具体的例子,如:完成一个钯催化间位 C-H 活化合成二芳基化合物的工作,这时有三个创新点:间位 C-H 活化、钯催化 C-H 活化、 二芳基化合物的快速合成等。三个创新点重要性排序为:1、间位 C-H 活化;2、钯催化 C-H 活化;3、二芳基化合物的快速合成。因此其论文题目“Activation of Remote meta-C-H Bonds Assisted by an End-on Template”就非常有新颖性,改变了人们对 C-H Activation 反应选择性 的传统思路,使化学工作者产生了进一步想看下去的兴趣。 又如:钌催化环状碳酸酯的高效氢化生成甲醇和乙二醇,这时有三个创新点:碳酸酯的 直接催化氢化、Pincer 钌催化氢化催化剂的设计和应用以及从能源环境领域的节能减排出 发,二氧化碳和环氧乙烷反应生成环状碳酸酯,固定二氧化碳,然后催化氢化生成甲醇和乙 二醇,净结果是实现二氧化碳的高效催化氢化合成甲醇。从基础性和重要性考虑,最后一个 创新点无疑是最理想的。因此其论文题目“Catalytic Hydrogenation of Cyclic Carbonates: A Practical Approach from Carbon Dioxide and Epoxides to Methanol and Diols”就非常有实用性 和新颖性,认人眼睛一亮。 1 ? 题? ? 目? 第三个例子:

特殊的高张力环丙烯和羰基化合物在有机催化剂肼催化下, 可以发生环加 成反应, 然后接着发生逆环加成反应释放张力生成新的烯烃和羰基化合物。

反应的适用范围 相对较窄。这时的创新点有:1、烯和羰基化合物醛的合成;2、有机催化的烯和羰基化合物 醛的逆环加成反应;3、从传统的复分解反应出发,烯烃之间的复分解反应非常多,著名的 Wittig 反应是羰基和膦叶立德的形式复分解反应, 但是烯烃和羰基化合物的复分解反应还没 有报道。从而提炼出有机催化烯烃和羰基化合物的复分解反应这一主题。从基础性、新颖性 和重要性考虑,最后一个创新点无疑是最理想的(虽然底物范围特殊) 。因此他的论文题目 “Organocatalytic Carbonyl-Olefin Metathesis”就非常有吸引力,读者看到题目就迫不及待想 读下去。 注意, 对于机理上还不明确或者存在争议的概念尽量不要出现在题目中。

例如一些金属 催化的反应过程,由于目前研究手段的限制,详细的机理还并不明确, 题目中最好不要给金属 加上价态。有时候模糊反而是严谨的表现,也是对事实的尊重。从另一方面讲,这样做也减 少了别人攻击你论文的理由,不容易留下“把柄” ,特别是那些持不同见解的审稿人。

另外,题目的确定还应该考虑到具体的读者范围和审稿人群体。如:通过氢化合成手性 含氟化合物的工作。这时有两个选择,对读者范围,希望做氟化学的读者关心还是做不对称 氢化的读者关心;对审稿人群体:希望做氟化学的作审稿人还是做不对称氢化的作审稿人。

这时应该先作评估, 如果以氟化学为主, 题目中 “手性含氟化合物” 关键词应该出现在前面, “不对称氢化”出现在后面 An Efficient Approach to Chiral Heterocycles Bearing C-F Sterogenic Center via Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Fluorinated Isoquinolines;如果以不对称氢 化为主,题目中“不对称氢化”关键词应该出现在前面, “手性含氟化合物”出现在后面 Iridium-catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Fluorinated Isoquinolines。 2 ? 前? ? 言? 前 言 A good introduction is a clear statement of the problem or project and the reason for studying it. This information should be contained in the first few sentences. Give a concise and appropriate background discussion of the problem and the significance scope, and limits the work. Outline what has been done before citing truly pertinent literature, but do not include a general survey of semirelevant literature. State how your work differs from or is related to work previously published. Demonstrate the continuity from the previous work to yours. ACS Style Guide, 3rd Edition 前言(或者引言) ,顾名思义就是写在全文前面的话,是论文正文的起始部分。同时, 这也是整篇文章最重要,最难写的部分。如果说,你的实验工作、数据是研究论文的基石, 那么毫不夸张地讲,前言就是整个论文的灵魂,体现了作者对化学的理解程度,观察和解决 问题所站的角度与高度。出色的前言部分更容易让读者,尤其是审稿人,认可和接受你的结 论和观点,论文被接受的机会也会更大。所以, “三分做,七分写”的说法也不无道理。

前言部分主要任务是让读者了解“where the article is going and why” ,叙述自己工作的 意义、目的以及策略。对于论文前言的写法,有一个被广泛接受的 “基本公式” (见《Write Like a Chemist》 ,牛津大学出版社) 。具体来说前言包括以下几个部分:一、首先要开门见 山地明确研究对象,指出其所具有的重要理论和应用价值(研究领域) ;简明扼要地介绍这 一领域的历史、现状、进展(前期工作) 。二、其次说目前这一领域还存在什么问题没有解 决,效果还不理想或者什么机理还不清楚(问题所在) 。形象一点的网络讲法就是“挖坑” 。

三、再次说针对目前所存在的问题,在本文中用了什么方法做了什么,得到什么结果,工作 的创新性和价值是什么(本文贡献) 。也就是“平坑” 。

除了这些文字之外, 引言部分一般还会加上一个图示对论文的研究内容进行更直观的表 述,通常称为论文的 Logic Scheme。从某种程度上说,这个图示的重要性还要凌驾于前言 之上。

相当多的审稿人的阅读习惯是论文拿过来第一眼看的就是这个图, 如果他认可了这个 图示,基本上论文就接收了。


1. 研究领域:开篇需要直奔主题,告诉读者“做的是什么”和“为什么做” ,繁简适度 地阐述研究对象和相关背景。尽量准确、清楚且简洁地指出所探讨问题的本质和范围。经典 的研究论文寥寥数语就可以概括了全部背景, 令读者一目了然, 这固然有语言功力上的原因, 更重要的是作者对研究对象的深刻理解和清晰的思路。

一般情况下, 文章理论出发点最好是 基于教科书上的基本概念,这样易于读者和审稿人认可接受,切忌标新立异,乱造概念。当 然,如果实验的结果确实与原有的基本概念不同,而且能改变人们对原有化学概念的认识, 例如 Gaunt 和 Yu 小组分别在 Nature 上报道的间位的 C-H 活化的研究, 改变了人们认为通常 只能实现邻位 C-H 活化的认识,此类研究具有重大的理论意义,文章的档次也相对较高。

另外,一些在下文中需要反复出现的重要概念、专门术语或缩写词,也最好在这部分给出解 释或定义。并非所有读者都非常了解你的研究领域,做些小的“科普”工作还是必要的,以 帮助编辑、审稿人和读者更好地理解论文。

2. 前期工作:详尽全面,但有针对性、概括性地介绍以前的相关工作。正确地引用文 献需要引起特别的重视。

与综述性文章动辄数百篇参考文献不同, 研究性论文的文献引用不 求全面,只引用与课题最相关的文献即可。这样就要求在文献的选择上尽量做到精准,优先 3 ? 前? ? 言? 选择引用的文献包括相关研究中的经典、 重要和最具说服力的文献。

选择的标准一个是发表 在档次较高杂志上的论文,另一个是该领域具开创性的工作,通常是发表时间上较早的,尤 其是第一篇或第一例。

文献引用得不恰当,漏引或错引文献,审稿人都会认为作者阅读文献不够,没有充分阐 述研究工作的背景。所以,文献的引用看似最容易,其实功夫全在文章外。必须花大量的时 间对文献进行总结和梳理, 对本领域的相关工作了然于胸。

在介绍别人和自己做了什么前期 工作时,有针对性、概括性地进行评述,不能只是简单地罗列材料。注意,不要刻意地回避 引用最关键的相关文献,特别是非常相似的工作和具有启发性的工作。此外,不恰当地大量 引用作者本人的文献也是不可取的(这点貌似目前还是一个很普遍的现象) 。

3. 问题所在:在介绍了本领域相关工作的基础上,简要分析目前还存在的问题和不足 之处, 最好能在机理上简要剖析造成问题的原因。

特别是本论文要解决的问题, 要重点阐述, 强调解决这一问题所具有的挑战性和重要意义。

如果论文内容是自己课题组以前工作的延续 和拓展,就需要指出课题组前文和本文的联系和区别。和以前的工作相比,是否发展了新方 法、新内容、新理论?是否弥补了之前的不足,是否达到更好的效果?只有很好回答了这些 问题,审稿人才会有理由认为你的工作做得有意义,文章值得发表。往往在写审稿意见的时 候也会把你写的理由复述一遍,建议发表。

叙述前人工作的欠缺以强调自己研究的创新时, 用词一定要谨慎, 评述尽量做到客观中 肯。最忌讳的是先写前人作了什么工作,然后马上转折说别人的工作是如何不好,列出几条 缺点甚至是几大罪状。结论是别人的工作什么都不是。然后写你完成的工作是如何的好,克 服了以上的缺点。这种写法,一个最直接的潜在后果是审稿人认为你不尊重前人的工作,极 端情况下,审稿人就是工作基础的作者,那么你的论文通常会被拒。另外,由于没有任何一 项工作是完美无缺的,诚然,你的工作克服了以上列举的罪状,但是你的工作通常又会产生 新的缺点。这种情况下,最成功的写法应该是先写一个美好的蓝图,前人的工作已经迈出了 实质性的一步(不然,别人的工作怎么可以发表在高级别的杂志上,并成为你研究工作的基 础) ,推动了这个领域的发展,但是仍然有一些问题没有解决,这时只说最主要的和你这个 工作欲解决的问题。


可采用类似如下的表 达:To the author's knowledge...;There is little information available in literature about...;Until recently, there is some lack of knowledge about...;

This ... represents a highly valuable synthetic tool but leaves ample opportunities to develop ... alternatives. To the best of our knowledge, ... is unprecedented/rare.等等。


“The deficiency of Wang’s approach is...”,“The problem of these papers…”. 可以不直接涉及作者和参考文献 来说明问题:

”However, the mechanism has not been fully understood.” “None of the other phases have been examined in detail.”。

4. 本文贡献:在引言的结尾部分要将本论文研究的要点凝练成几句话点明。先要针对 目前的一些不足而提出自己研究工作的内容和策略, 提出自己的策略时通常用 “考虑到……” (Considering) 、 “认为或者想象到…….” (Envisioned….)等。最后要加上一句话概括你研 究工作的主要内容。这部分是你研究工作的高度概括,常见的习惯是采用第一人称“We” 和 “I” 来表达。


Herein, (or In this communication, In this paper, In this article, Here etc.), we/I report (describe, develop, complete, realize, synthesize etc.) … 不要轻易用 for the first time. 所谓“第一次”通常也是相对而言,如果不断地缩小你的研 究领域,你的工作总是“第一” ,不然就不是新的研究成果,也就没有发表的必要。将论文 的研究内容讲清楚,定性地表达即可,不要具体量化。比如, “highly enantioselective”而不 需要说 “ee >99%” 。

就像是下文的预告片, 剧透太多了就不是预告片了。

这也是和 “Abstract” 与“Conclusion”部分的区别。 4 ? 前? ? 言? 5. Logic Scheme 的写法: 在引言部分,第一个图示(通常称为论文的 Logic Scheme)非 常重要,这个图示反映了你研究工作的水平、内容和工作的意义。通常审稿人第一眼看的就 是这个图示和图示下的文字说明,如果审稿人认可这个图示,基本上论文就接收了。图示不 仅要求简洁明了,图式下面的文字说明(Caption)也要求非常贴切,通常应该是你题目的 真实反映, 正确的写法是图式下面的文字说明应该有三分之一来自你的题目。

这一部分的写 法有以下几种:对比法,用 Previous Work 和 This Work 进行对比,这样能充分显示你工作 的意义,也能很好区分你和以前的工作有什么不同。如:关于异喹啉不对称氢化的工作。以 前是用氯甲酸酯活化底物,产物是二氢异喹啉,对映选择性最高 83%。目前的方法是直接 不对称氢化,产物为四氢异喹啉,对映选择性和顺反选择性均很高。两者比较,非常直观。 第二种从你的研究创新点直接入手写。

这样审稿人和读者很容易知道你要做的工作和工 作的意义。如:简单吲哚的不对称氢化,主要的困难是底物活性低。利用布朗斯特酸活化吲 哚生成高活性的亚胺盐,然后进行不对称氢化。因此作者采用创新点直接入手的写法,吲哚 加入布朗斯特酸,生成亚胺盐中间体,钯催化不对称氢化。 H N H iminium Pd H2 N H Ee: up to 96% R N H R R 第三种从基本的化学概念入手写。从基本概念出发写,读者和审稿人容易理解,你在基 本概念上的一点进步很容易得到认同。如:关于歧化反应的概念,两个同样的反应物生成两 个产物,一个为氧化态一个为还原态。两个产物原子经济性差,如果加入一个绿色的氢气作 为还原剂,把氧化态还原为起始的原料,这样接着发生歧化反应,经过多次循环,可以完全 转化为产物。这种写法非常简洁明了。 ? 5 ? 前? ? 言? 总之,这个部分应该充分重视,审稿人和读者第一眼看的是这个图示,他们认同你的图 式的观点,会急切地想看下去,如果论文后面的论据进一步充分支持了你的观点。这就是一 篇很好的论文,审稿人支持就是情理之中的事情。


1) The α-arylation of ketones has become a mainstream synthetic method, but asymmetric α-arylation of carbonyl compounds remains a challenge. Several catalysts for the coupling of specific classes of ketones with aryl halides have been reported, and improved selectivities have been achieved by using aryl triflates instead of aryl bromides. (研究背景) However, simple systems that catalyze a wide range of couplings of ketones with aryl halides have not been reported, and catalysts suitable for asymmetric α-heteroarylation with nitrogen heterocycles, arguably more important for applications in medicinal chemis try than asymmetric α-arylation, have not been identified.(研究现状) Most asymmetric couplings of enolates with aryl halides have been conducted with Pd catalysts. Asymmetric couplings of enolates with aryl halides and pseudohalides catalyzed by Ni complexes have been limited to those of electron-poor aryl triflates and to reactions of aryl halides with γ-lactones. While investigating simple Ni catalysts for asymmetric α-arylation with heteroaryl halides, we identified a dramatic effect of the halide on the enantioselectivity: the coupling of 2-methyl-1-indanone with 2-chloropyridine occurred in higher yield and with much higher enantioselectivity than the analogous reaction of 2-bromopyridine, which is typically more reactive for crosscoupling. This observation led us to identify the most general system for the asymmetric α-arylation of ketones, a system for asymmetric α-heteroarylation of ketones, and an ability to distinguish between catalysis by Ni(0) and Ni(I). We report the combination of the scope of Ni-catalyzed asymmetric α-arylation and heteroarylation of a series of cyclic ketones with a range of aryl and heteroaryl chlorides and mechanistic studies that reveal the origins of the difference in enantioselectivity. (本文工作) These mechanistic studies, in turn, led to a system for asymmetric α-arylations of both chloroarenes and bromoarenes at room temperature. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 16330) 2) Olefins are among the most versatile building blocks in organic synthesis. Their utility largely derives fromthemyriad functionalization reactions that simultaneously form carbon-carbon or carbon-heteroatom bonds and create two new stereocenters. This family of reactions includes the functionalization of alkenes with boron, nitrogen, and oxygen moieties stereo-, regio-, and enantioselectively. (研究背景) However, the stereocontrolled transfer of sulfur and selenium to alkenes remains underdeveloped;

in fact, no example of a catalytic, asymmetric thiofunctionalization of an unactivated olefin is extant. (研究现状) Given the prevalence of sulfur in certain classes of natural products, as well as the rich chemistry of sulfur that allows for further manipulations, a reliable and highly enantioselective method for vicinal thiofunctionalization is of interest. (本文工作) [J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 15308] 3) The [5+2] dipolar cycloaddition of oxidopyrylium ylides and two-carbon dipolarophiles 6 ? 前? ? 言? 4) 5) generates complex, chiral 8-oxabicyclo[3.2.1]octane architectures 2. In addition to being a structural motif common to numerous natural products, such cycloadducts have proven to be highly valuable intermediates in the synthesis of functionalized seven-membered carbocycles and tetrahydrofuran derivatives. (研究背景) Despite the utility of this [5+2] cycloaddition and its widespread use in organic synthesis, asymmetric examples have to date been limited to diastereoselective variants, and there are currently no catalytic enantioselective methods that engage reactive pyrylium intermediates in cycloaddition chemistry. (研究现状) Herein we report a dual catalyst system consisting of a chiral primary aminothiourea and an achiral thiourea that promotes an intramolecular variant of the title reaction with high enantioselectivity. Experimental evidence points to a new type of cooperative mechanism of catalysis. (本文工作) (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 14578) The enantioselective R-arylation of carbonyls has become a mainstay transformation in chemical synthesis, primarily driven by the research efforts of Buchwald and Hartwig. These seminal studies have delivered a number of transition metalcatalyzed protocols that directly produce quaternary carbon stereocenters adjacent to a series of carbonyl moieties including ketones, lactones, esters, imides, and amides. (研究背景) Slower to develop, however, have been methods that enable the enantioselective production of enolizable R-carbonyl benzylic stereocenters (methine stereocenters), presumably due to the propensity for postreaction racemization when elevated temperatures or basic conditions are employed. Notable recent progress has been made, however, through the work of (i) Fu and co-workers, who have shown that nickel-catalyzed Kumada and Negishi couplings can afford R-aryl carbonyl products with excellent enantiocontrol, and (ii) our own laboratory’s combined use of copper and organic catalysis with iodonium salts for the direct asymmetric R-arylation of aldehydes. (研究现状) As an outgrowth of these latter studies, we postulated that a broadly expanded array of carbonyl systems might be readily accessible using chiral copper catalysts in the presence of iodonium salts with silylketene acetals. As a critical advantage, this new mechanistic approach would allow access to a range of carbonyl adducts that contain enolizable benzylic stereocenters, a significant challenge for asymmetric arylation chemistry. Herein, we describe the successful execution of these ideals and present an operationally trivial protocol to generate R-carbonyl methine-bearing stereogenicity without postreaction racemization. (本文工作) (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 13782) Fluorine incorporation often improves the properties of pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and materials. Previous research has resulted in the development of several trifluoromethylation and fluorination reactions via transition-metalmediated and catalyzed cross-coupling reactions. (研究背景) Despite the utility of trifluoromethoxy arenes in pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals, in part due to their high stability toward metabolism, transition-metalmediated cross-coupling reactions for trifluoromethoxylation (Caryl-OCF3) are currently unavailable. Difficulties in C-OCF3 bond formation can be attributed to the reversible decomposition of trifluoromethoxide anion in solution above room temperature to afford carbonic difluoride (bp:-84 oC) and fluoride, as well as β-fluoride elimination from transition metaltrifluoromethoxide complexes. Earlier this year, Buchwald reported a Pd-catalyzed Caryl-SCF3 cross-coupling reaction. Thus far, the analogous reaction to make aryl trifluoromethyl ethers has not been developed via Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling, possibly due to the commonly employed reaction conditions involving basic media at elevated temperature 7 ? 前? ? 言? 6) 7) typically used for challenging C-X bond forming reactions;

such conditions may lead to decomposition of trifluoromethoxide anion before C-Obond formation. (研究现状) Herein, we report a silver-mediated crosscoupling reaction of trifluoromethoxide 1 with aryl stannanes and arylboronic acids to give aryl trifluoromethyl ethers (Ar-OCF3). The reported trifluoromethoxylation reaction provides access to several novel aryl trifluoromethyl ethers under conditions tolerant of a variety of functional groups. (本文工作) (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 13308) Over the past decade, gold catalysis has attracted significant attention from the synthetic community. More recently, notable progress has been made in asymmetric catalysis using homogeneous gold(I) complexes. In general, enantioselective reactions have relied on the ability of cationic gold(I) complexes to activate π-donor ligands such as alkynes, allenes, and alkenes toward nucleophilic attack. In contrast, similar σ complexes of cationic gold complexes with σ-donor ligands have been little explored in asymmetric catalysis, although there have been several reports of reactivity differences in gold catalysis in the presence of protic additives. (研究背景) Very recently, we found that an alcoholic additive has a dramatic effect on the regio- and enantioselectivity in gold-catalyzed hydroamination of 1,3-dienes. For example, in the absence of alcohol, 1,2-addition products were obtained as exclusive products with very poor enantioselectivity, whereas in the presence of an alcohol additive, 1,4-addition products were obtained in good yields with high enantioselectivity. (研究现状) We hypothesized that in the absence of alcohol, the cationic gold(I) complex directly activates the 1,3-diene toward nucleophilic attack, leading to the 1,2-addition products. On the other hand, in the presence of alcohol, cationic gold(I) forms a σ complex with the alcohol, generating a chiral Br?nsted acid activated by complexation with gold, that is, a so-called Lewis acid-activated Br?nsted acid (LBA). On the basis of these observations, we envisioned that a new chiral Br?nsted acid could be generated by complexation of alcohol with cationic gold, significantly enhancing the acidity of the original alcohol. Herein we describe the development of a chiral LBA derived from a cationic gold complex and its application to the enantioselective protonation reaction of silyl enol ethers of ketones. (本文 工作) (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 13248) Optically active R-amino acids and their derivatives are an important class of molecules in biological systems and organic synthesis. Various methods have been developed for the synthesis of chiral R-amino acids. Transamination of R-keto acids (1) from pyridoxamine (2) catalyzed by transaminase is an important process to generate R-amino acids in biological systems (Scheme 1). Biomimetic transamination with nonenzymatic catalysts provides an attractive approach to optically active R-amino acids and their derivatives (Scheme 2). Such processes with chiral guanidine and Lewis acid catalysts have been reported, and up to 46% ee has been obtained. It appears that high yields can be obtained for the reaction with isolated ketimines. (研究背景) However, many ketimines are difficult to isolate, which potentially limits substrate scope. On the other hand, the in situ process is more complicated, and the reaction efficiency will be highly dependent on the delicate balance among all the steps, which frequently leads to relatively lower yield. Therefore, the development of an effective catalytic biomimetic transamination with high enantioselectivity and broad substrate scope presents a formidable challenge. (研究现状) During our studies, we have found that R-amino esters can be obtained from R-keto esters with high enantioselectivity in reasonable yield 8 ? 前? ? 言? with quinine derived compound C7 as catalyst and o-ClPhCH2NH2 as amine donor (Scheme 3). To the best of our knowledge, this represents the first catalytic highly enantioselective synthesis of R-amino esters from R-keto esters via biomimetic transamination. Herein, we wish to report our preliminary results on this subject. (本文工作) (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 12914) 8) As exemplified by the Δ5-3-ketosteroid isomerase (KSI)-catalyzed conversion of β,γ-to α,β-unsaturated steroidal ketones (Scheme 1), enzyme-mediated olefin isomerization via a proton transfer from one carbon atom to another in the same substrate molecule constitutes a common and important class of chemical reactions in biology. (研究背景) In contrast, only metal-mediated hydride transfer catalysis has been employed in small moleculecatalyzed asymmetric olefin isomerizations, which include enantioselective olefin isomerizations of allylic amines by a chiral Rh/BINAP complex and isomerization of allylic alcohols with a Rh/planar-chiral phosphaferrocene complex. Although substrate-directed diastereoselective olefin isomerizations with either achiral acids or bases have been applied in natural product synthesis, only a single example of olefin isomerization by enantioselective proton transfer catalysis, mediated by a bimetallic gadolinium complex, was reported in the literature. (研究 现状) Herein, we wish to report the realization of a general and highly enantioselective olefin isomerization with a chiral organic catalyst. (本文工作) (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 12458) 9) Polynitrogen-containing aromatic heterocycles are ubiquitous structural elements important to a wide range of fine and bulk chemical fields, including natural products synthesis, medicinal chemistry, polymer research, and materials science. Among the many protocols that permit the union of preformed nitrogencontaining aromatic heterocycles with other organic molecules, transition metal-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions have emerged as the principal methods that have greatly increased the facility with which these building blocks can be installed. New transformations that also stereoselectively generate chiral centers provide access to families of compounds with uniquely defined two- and three-dimensional structure, a feature with particular relevance to the needs of pharmaceutical science as well as for other applications. (研究背景) Despite progress in transition metal-catalyzed asymmetric crosscoupling technology, relatively few examples exist of such reactions in which either the nucleophilic or electrophilic coupling partner in an enantioselective C-C bond-forming event is a nitrogencontaining aromatic heterocycle. (研究现状) We felt that our recent reports on the palladium-catalyzed asymmetric allylic alkylation (AAA) reactions of BF3-complexed 2-substituted pyridines (Scheme 1) would provide a foundation upon which we might explore the reactivity of other nitrogencontaining aromatic heterocycles, with the ultimate objective of developing a general procedure for their use in AAA reactions. Our aim was to simply deprotonate substituted heterocycles and react them stereoselectively with palladium π-allyl electrophiles. Such an achievement would be particularly significant in streamlining the synthetic incorporation of heterocycles with regards to both atom and step economy because the metalation event would not require substrate prefunctionalization, a characteristic feature of cross-coupling chemistry. (本文工 作) (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 12439) 10) Despite rapid progress in organocatalyst development, practical and efficient asymmetric approaches remain in high demand. An ideal asymmetric reaction would be atom-economical 9 ? 前? ? 言? and rapid, performed under mild conditions to yield quantitative and enantiomerically pure products with catalyst and solvent recycling. Since the Diels-Alder (D-A) reaction is arguably the most powerful organic transformation available for the synthesis of complex molecules, development of efficient organocatalytic approaches to this reaction is significant. Organocatalytic asymmetric D-A reactions have been approached using iminium, enamine, and bifunctional acid-base catalysis as well as hydrogen-bonding catalysis. (研究现状) Here we describe an unusually efficient organocatalytic asymmetric D-A reaction of 3-vinylindoles and methyleneindolinones that uses the readily accessible bisthiourea catalyst I as a H-bonding catalyst. (本文工作) (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 12354) 前言部分通常易犯的一些错误和注意事项:

1) 一般写论文只从一个最主要最基础的创新点写, 不要同时在引言部分写几个创新点, 多 了容易造成混乱,审稿人和读者不知道你究竟要干什么。如果写两个创新点,要慎重, 并且要注意两个创新点的自然衔接。

提炼出工作的创新点后, 还要重新评估试验数据是 否能证明你的论点和工作的意义,判断的原则是:尽量用多个论据证明你的一个论点, 不要用一个论据支持你的多个论点。

因为一旦你的论据错误, 论据所支持的多个论点自 然就倒塌了。一个合格的科学工作者,应该尽量用多个论据来证明你的一个论点,这样 你的观点才经得起推敲。

如果没有强有力的证据支持你的创新点, 应该重新做实验或者 提供一些理论计算方面的证据。

2) 研究工作的重要性和意义没有充分提炼出来。

当一个研究工作结束后, 准备写论文时首 要是应该提炼工作的创新点,可以列出几条,然后评估每条创新点的重要性,一般的依 据是:

能否改变人们的一些传统思维?能否推动这个领域的发展?是否是这个领域的最 好结果?是否得到了一个前人没有的实验结果等方面。

通常越基础, 这个创新点越重要。

提炼出工作的创新点后, 还要重新评估试验数据是否能证明你的论点和工作的意义, 否 则的话就要重新做实验。

3) 引言部分和题目的中心思想不符合,引言写的是一件事,而题目是另外一个主题,两者 不相关。通常应该先定下题目,然后再写引言部分。

4) 引言部分的图示和你论文题目的中心思想不符。

这样审稿人通常认为你的论文条理不清 楚。因此第一个图示(Logic Scheme)应该特色鲜明,要让人一看眼睛一亮,原来这个 工作也可以做,想法真妙。图示不仅要求简洁明了,图式下面的文字说明(Caption) 也要求非常贴切,文字说明应该是你题目的反映。为了更加清楚反映你工作的意义,有 时图示可以用对比的方式, 如:

图示分成两部分, 一部分是前人的工作, 用 Previous Work 表示, 并写出前人的名字, 显示对前人工作的尊重。

紧接着下一部分写出你工作的内容、 策略和意义,用 This Work 表示。总之一定要显示出你研究工作的独特之处和意义。

5) 引言部分的图示(Logic Scheme)不简洁明了。有些作者为了在前言部分完全表达自己 工作的意义和准确性, 几乎把所有的内容都放进去。

这样写的后果是工作的闪亮点被掩 盖了,记住,闪亮点既要清楚显示出来还要稍微有点遮掩,要让审稿者或者读者急切地 想进一步往下看。通常不需要放进去的内容有:取代基的变化,有些作者为了显示工作 的适用范围广,取代基写了 5-6 个变化,一个好图被取代基糟蹋了,一个基本的有机化 学工作者就知道什么地方可以变化;反应条件写 4-5 行,应该只把最主要的反应条件写 出来就可以了,如:催化剂和你认为最重要的部分,溶剂、温度和后处理条件一定不要 写;引言部分的图示中化合物编号也不应该出现。 10 ? 前? ? 言? 6) 7) 一定不要大段照抄前人类似工作的引言部分, 这是一种典型的学术不端行为。

可以借用 一些典型的句子,通过替换变成自己工作的词汇。

如果是全文,由于是一个完整的工作,在引言部分尽量不要出现“在这篇论文中,我们 将报道一个初步的结果”这样的句子,这样很可能在形式审查时被直接拒稿。? 11 ? 条件筛选? 条件筛选 完成前言部分关于研究工作的创新性或重要价值的描述后, 接下来将对具体的研究工作 进行探讨,首先就是条件筛选部分。这部分的写作相对而言比较简单。

这部分主要任务是让读者了解如何确定最佳反应条件, 叙述具体的研究工作, 说明关于 前言部分创新性或重要价值的描述是怎样一步一步慢慢实现的。

条件筛选部分一般包括三部分:图(一般为该方法的化学方程式) 、表(模型底物在不 同反应条件下反应所取得的结果) 、阐述(对图表内容的文字阐述和补充) 。

第一部分是图,图是读者了解自己的研究内容最直观的方式。为了文章的美观与和谐, 画图要精心设计、制作,使人一目了然,看出规律!首先,我们一般先在 ChemDraw 中选 取将要投稿所在期刊的模板(字体和图形大小已经统一) ,注意字体和图形大小不要随意改 动。一般画图从左至右,同时单个结构要对齐。画单个结构也要注意,特别是产物应该与原 料对应,产物往往是原料上的某部分结构发生反应,所以最好直接在这部分修改,这样利于 读者阅读, 一看就知道哪部分发生反应, 切忌不要把产物的结构 (基于原料) 进行左右交换, 容易混淆读者阅读(如下图) 。 需要注意的是,条件筛选时,反应的原料(模型底物)和产物一般是固定的。为了方便 阐述第二部分表和第三部分阐述中数据,需要对图中方程式的化学结构进行编号。如:2取代喹啉的不对称氢化,模型底物 2-甲基喹啉记为 1a。 第二部分是表,表中所列数据一般为各底物在该反应中取得的结果。关于数据的选择:

先对实验条件筛选(如:催化剂、溶剂、配体、添加剂、温度和压强等一系列影响因素)的 全部数据进行整理并罗列在表格中, 然后对整理的条件筛选结果进行取舍, 选出代表性数据, 将表格精简, 使得实验结果更加清晰明了, 方便第三部分的阐述。

选取数据, 必须严肃认真, 实事求是,不仅要准确,还要有代表性。决不可按照个人的想象决定数据的取舍,更不能伪 造数据。对于异常的数据,不要轻易删掉,要反复验证,查明是因工作误差造成的,还是事 实本来如此。

特别说明, 文章并不是数据越多越好, 我们只需要选择其中具有代表性的数据, 能说明筛选条件对反应的影响, 同时文章要求的长度也限制了选择数据的数量。

数据的选择 12 ? 条件筛选? 并不是全部选择结果好的或差的,而是二者都选取,这样能利于筛选条件的比较,易于文章 的书写。

第三部分是阐述,文字阐述是底物拓展部分的重点。数据是客观不变的,而阐述却因人 而异。表达准确、语言优美的阐述可为文章增色不少,也是一篇高档次文章必不可少的。由 于文章结果的多样性我们此处对文字阐述的总结不可能涵盖所有的情况, 仅是一般写法的总 结。该部分可以包含以下几个小部分:引入具体实验的语句、初步实验结果、各类影响因素 总结与讨论和最佳条件总结。由于不同的人习惯不一样,往往写作的方式也不尽相同,下面 罗列一些一般的写作过程。

1.? 引入具体实验的语句? 我们一开始会对采用某一底物作为模型进行表述, 各类表述大径相同。

以下是几种常见 的写法:

(1) 最初,我们使用某某化合物作为模型底物进行了反应条件的优化:

Initially, 2-methyl-5-phenylpyrrole (1a) was selected as a model substrate for optimization of the reaction conditions. (2) 某某化合物和某某化合物的反应被选为模拟反应:Benzoylation of silyl ketene acetal 1 was selected as a model reaction. (3) 为了验证我们的设想,我们最初研究了xxx和yyy 之间的反应:To test our hypothesis, we first examined the reaction of 2-phenylbenzoic acid 1a with 1-phenyl-1-butyne 2a. (4) 使用以前文章的最佳条件作为初始条件, 对目前的模拟底物的 最佳反应条件进行筛选:

4.1) Considering [{Ir(cod)Cl}2]/bisphosphine/I2 catalyst system has been successfully applied in enantioselective hydrogenation of imines and heteroaromatic compounds. The original experiment was conducted on the hydrogenation of 1a by employing [{Ir(cod)Cl}2] /(S)-MeO-Biphep/I2;4.2) We started our study with a ferrocenyl-type chiral diphosphine L1 and CuBr·SMe2 (Table 1), which has been shown previously to be effective for the AAA of allyl bromides with simple alkyl Grignard reagents. 2.? 初步实验结果? 选好模型底物后, 接下来开始使用最初始的实验条件对我们预想的反应进行验证。

作为 探索性实验,大多数时我们的初始实验结果都不会很好,或者原料根本没有反应,或者反应 没有按照自己所预想的方向进行。此时,我们就要改变反应条件,以便能够使反应很好的进 行下去。对于这些结果很差的反应条件,在写作时可分为以下二种情况:

(1) 直接忽略该反应条件,以能够反应的条件作为初始条件进行表述; (2) 将该反应条件极其差的结果一句话带过,引出能够有相对好的结果的反应条件,这样也 能够向读者说明我们这个反应并不是那么简单就做成功的, 更能展示出我们对该研究工作所 付出的努力。例如:As our initial work towards a metal-catalyzed, asymmetric reduction did not deliver the desired results with regard to high reactivity and selectivity, we decided to also examine metal-free transfer hydrogenations. Here, the initial experiments showed that various Br?nsted acids such as diphenylphosphate are able to catalyze the transfer hydrogenation of quinoxaline 1a to the corresponding 2-phenyl-tetrahydroquinoxaline 3a in the presence of the Hantzsch dihydropyridine 2a as a hydride source. (该段落首先说明使用金属催化剂没得到较 好的结果,然后改为使用非金属催化剂。通过实验表明,非金属催化剂能取得较好的结果。


)值得注意的是,对于较差的反应条件 的结果,我们只需要给出一组较差数据来说明该条件不好就可以了,不需要给出多个数据, 如:Our study began with asymmetric hydrogenation of fluorinated quinazolin-2(1H)-one 1a at 50 o C using Ir/bisphosphine based catalyst but only up to 69% ee was obtained (Table 1, entries 1-4). Fortunately, when Pd-catalyst was applied in this reaction, 2a was obtained with 93% ee (Table 1, 13 ? 条件筛选? entry 5).(这段话给出了四组较差的数据, 显得略为啰嗦) 最好直接表述如下:

Our study began o with asymmetric hydrogenation of fluorinated quinazolinone 1a at 50 C using 4 mol% Ir/bisphosphine based catalyst, but only 25% ee was obtained (Table 1, entries 1). Fortunately, when Pd-catalyst was applied in this reaction, 2a was obtained with 93% ee (Table 1, entry 2). (注 意:较差的四组数据中不一定要选择最好的结果的数据,可选择一组较差的数据,这样和接 下来较好条件所取得的实验数据的对比就会更明显。显而易见,25% vs 93%和 69% vs 93%, 前者更能说明问题。) 3.? 各类影响因素总结与讨论? 对各类条件筛选结果的讨论,其顺序一般根据具体实验操作,逻辑性要强,实验结果之 间比较的时候,一定要确定只有一个变量,比如,考察催化剂对反应的影响时,只有催化剂 是变量,其它条件(温度,溶剂,添加剂等)都必须保持不变。切记不可实验数据混乱,造 成实验结果之间不能比较。以下我们对各类反应影响因素做了总结。

1) 首先,催化剂对反应影响,催化剂一般决定反应能否进行,是条件筛选最重要的工作, 以下对其进行总结:

a) 催化剂的有无对反应影响。

1.1) 无催化剂导致反应不能进行, 如:

Cross-coupling does not occur if NiCl2·glyme is omitted, whereas carbon–carbon bond formation does proceed in the absence of ligand 2. 1.2)无催化剂时能获得痕量产物, 如:

Interestingly, a trace amount of the product was obtained when using either no catalyst or no TBP. b) 各类催化剂对反应影响。2.1) 特别指出某个非最佳条件的催化剂能反应,但是产率 较低,如:In addition, a Rh(I) catalyst precursor ([RhCl(cod)]2) also provided product, but only in low yield. 2.2) 通过比较直接写出哪个催化剂效果最佳,如:

In the presence of ligand 4, a range of Pd(II) sources were capable of catalyzing the desired reaction, with carboxylate counterions leading to the highest levels of asymmetric induction and chemical yield. A catalyst derived from Pd(OCOCF3)2 and pyridinooxazoline 4 produced the desired ketone product 3 in 87% yield and 91% ee. 2.3) 列举个别催化剂能反应,直接写出产率,如:Nevertheless, the reaction catalyzed by 1 mol % Pd(PCy3)2 formed the indole product in 56% yield after 24 h. 2.4) 各种催化剂 的结果逐一列出,通过最直接的对比,得到最佳的催化剂,如:a) Changing the palladium catalysts and phosphine ligands to Pd(OAc)2-(o-tolyl)3P or PdCl2[(o-tolyl)3P]2 gave similar results. The use of Pd(PPh3)4 and Pd2(dba)3-PPh3 resulted in almost no reaction. b) Several other palladium catalysts were then examined. Of the palladium(II) catalysts, Pd(OAc)2 gave trace amounts of products and [Pd(PPh3)2Cl2] afforded moderate yields. [Pd2(dba)3] afforded low to moderate product yields under the reaction conditions, both in the presence and absence of phosphine ligands. Therefore it was concluded that [Pd(PPh3)4] was the best catalyst for this reaction. 2.5) 一般有机催化剂 能推动反应,但是ee不好,通过改变催化剂取代基上的位阻或者给电子(吸电子) 能力,调控ee,得出最佳催化剂: Although the commercially available phosphoric acid 2a clearly showed turnover, the enantioselectivity was low. Increasing the steric bulk of the catalyst by adding aromatic substituents at the 3,3’-positions of the binaphthol core significantly increased the enatioselectivity but generally reduced the turnover. The highest ee value (81%) was achieved with the new sterically congested phosphoric acid catalyst 2i. Although the yield of 4a was low (10% after 20 h), the only remaining material was the starting imine 1a. 14 ? 条件筛选? 2) 溶剂对反应影响。由于溶剂的不同,往往在反应中产生的效果不一样,有些反应只能在 特定的反应溶剂中才能取得较好的结果。比如说我们组发展的均相钯催化剂,大多数情 况下只是在三氟乙醇[1,1,1-Trifluoroethanol, (TFE)]中反应才能进行。因此溶剂筛选是实 验不可缺少的一部分工作。下面对具体的溶剂筛选情况进行说明。

a) 初始的溶剂为最佳溶剂,此时,可对其它溶剂的结果一句话概括,说明虽然能推动 反应的进行,但是效果都不好,如:

The use of different solvents also strongly influenced the reaction: When the reaction was carried out in benzene, toluene, or DCE the yield of the desired product decreased dramatically. b) 当使用的溶剂的极性对反应的影响比较大, 可从溶剂的极性角度上来对实验结果进 行分析,如:Furthermore, inspection of the reaction conditions revealed that this reaction proceeded more efficiently in polar solvents such as 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE) and CHCl3, whereas the nonpolar solvent PhMe was found to be unfavorable. c) 总体对不同的溶剂进行评价,如:Utilizing coordinating solvents such as THF and DMF resulted in lower activity, while solvents such as benzene failed due to insolubility of the catalyst system. d) 直接点出筛选溶剂中的最佳溶剂,如:Changing the solvent to DMSO in combination with trans-4-fluoro proline produced the highest enantioselectivity (91:9 er) for aldol adduct 2 and good conversion from 1. e) 当单一溶剂不能取得较好的反应结果, 我们往往考察混合溶剂效应。

对于混合溶剂 的描述,可参考以下例子:Encouraged by this promising result, we conducted further investigation of the effect of the reaction medium, and a mixed solvent of toluene and 1,1,1-trifluoroethanol with a ratio of 2/1 (PhMe/TFE = 2/1) gave the best result in terms of both yield and enantioselectivity. 3) 配体对反应的影响。配体往往在反应中起决定性的作用,特别是不对称反应,配体和催 化剂形成络合物直接影响对映选择性。以下是配体对反应影响的具体例子:

a) 直接点出某个配体效果最佳,如:Finally, examination of various ligands showed that (R)-C4-TunePhos was the best choice regarding enantioselectivity. b) 当配体的电子效应对反应的影响比较大, 可以直接说明是因为电子效应的影响, 或 者直接说明含给电子基团的配体和含吸电子基团的配体对反应的影响结果,如:

Profound ligand electronic effects are observed in reactions with several parasubstituted triphenylphosphane derivatives. Whereas reactions with (p-CF3Ph)3P as the ligand provide 2a in 24% yield, use of (p-CH3OPh)3P provides 2a in 77% yield. c) 说明只有一个配体效果最佳,如:

Only (o-tolyl)3P gave good yields among the common phosphine ligands;

for example, a bidentate ligand, 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane (dppe), gave only 19% yield. d) 对比各种类型配体对反应影响的结果, 得出最佳配体, 如:

A variety of ligands known to be active for cross-coupling of aryl chlorides were screened. Disappointingly, bulky trialkylphosphines and an N-heterocyclic carbene palladium precatalyst 67b were not effective at promoting this cross-coupling reaction. However, biphenyl-based ligands, developed by Buchwald, 3e showed promise. In the presence of ligands 4a and 5b, the test reaction proceeded to 82% and 60% conversion after 1 h, respectively. e) 通过实验现象, 可以在取得较好结果的配体的基础上对其进行改进, 从而取得更好 的实验结果, 如:

Interestingly, of all the ligands screened, only biaryl monosphosphines were found to promote the reaction in appreciable yield or enantioselectivity. On the 15 ? 条件筛选? basis of our results, we hypothesized that a ligand similar to KenPhos but with an additional asymmetric element would lead to a more enantioselective coupling process. Indeed, we observed that 1 facilitated the coupling under the same conditions in 76% yield and 97% ee. 4) 添加剂对反应影响。添加剂对于反应往往能起到至关重要的作用,例如我们组发展的铱 催化的喹啉的不对称氢化,在没有碘存在的情况下,反应基本不能进行。以下是添加剂 对反应影响的具体例子:

a) 直接指出哪个添加剂的效果最佳, 如:

1.1) Among these additives, the use of 1-bromo3-chloro-5,5-dimethyl-hydantoin (BCDMH) led to the isolation of product with slightly superior ee value (83% ee). 1.2) Among the oxidants examined, TBP provided the best yield of the corresponding rearrangement product. 1.3) With the insight that F+ reagents are crucial for para-selectivity, we next tested various F+ sources. In all cases, uniformly high para-selectivity was observed, and NFSI gave the highest yield. b) 对比添加剂的效果,得到最佳的添加剂,如:2.1) When n-Bu4NCl was added in addition to CuCl2, the product yield increased to 76%. Changing the chloride source to LiCl additionally improved the yield to 83%. 2.2) Remarkably, all metal salt additives resulted in no observable reaction with the exception of CuCl, which produced the desired α-arylation adduct in a notable 58% yield and 76% ee. c) 不同的添加剂不仅对反应产物的收率,ee值的大小影响很大,还会对产物的绝对构 型产生较大的影响,比如说使产物的构型翻转:Notably, the use of the ruthenium catalyst in the presence of these weakly coordinating anions, gave the product of opposite configuration to that obtained when using the catalyst containing OTf-. d) 对于添加剂对反应影响的解释,一般有以下三种类型:4.1) 对于添加剂对反应作用 的机理很不清楚的, 不对其解释; 4.2)简单地解释添加剂对反应影响, 如:

Theorizing that the lack of reactivity may be due to the chloride ligands on the metal, which could prevent coordination of the N-Boc-imine, AgSbF6 was added as a halide abstractor and provided the desired product 3a in 55% yield. 4.3) 直接说明目前对该影响不是很清 楚,待进一步的研究。

5) 温度对反应影响。一般来说在方法学中讨论该内容的往往不是很多见,除非温度对反应 活性或立体选择性影响很大,作者才会罗列出来。以下有三例子仅供参考:

a) 指出各个温度下反应的详细结果,从而说明最佳反应温度,如:When we submitted 1a to the hydrogenation process at 60 bar of H2 and 80 oC, starting material was recovered, probably because of the decomposition of the catalyst. Intriguingly, upon decreasing the temperature to 40 oC, full conversion into the desired product 2a was obtained. Moreover, the enantiomeric ratio reached surprisingly good 96:4. Furthermore, it was possible to perform the reaction at even lower temperature (25 oC) and lower hydrogen pressure (10 bar), resulting in a reproducible slight increase of the enantiomeric ratio to 97:3. b) 直接对比说明最好的反应温度,如:

At room temperature, the catalyst system is somewhat less effective than at -30 oC. c) 反 应 只 能 在 特 定 的 温 度 范 围 内 才 能 进 行 如 :

Of crucial importance was the temperature, with little or no reaction observed at room temperature. However, at 80 oC the reaction produced the highest yield of trans-disubstituted cyclopropane. 16 ? 条件筛选? 4.? 最佳条件总结? 总结最佳条件。此部分内容由作者的习惯来定,有些人一般不总结最佳条件,因为他们 认为每个条件的筛选已经将最佳条件列出;而一些人为了使实验筛选的最佳条件更加明了, 会对其进行总结。以下是几个具体的例子:

(1) Therefore, the optimal conditions were established as Pd(OCOCF3)2/(R)-C4-TunePhos, EtSO3H (1.5 equiv), H2 (600 psi), PhMe/TFE (2:1), 60 oC. (2) Therefore, both enantiomers of 2a were obtained with excellent enantioselectivity under 50 atm of H2 at 40 oC in CH2Cl2. (3) Indeed, use of the dihydroquinidine catalyst 3 with trichloroacetic acid (TCA) as the cocatalyst 10 at -20 oC provided R-fluorocyclohexanone in 88% yield and 99% ee , and as such was established as the optimal protocol for this fluorination study. 最后, 以下是一个完整的关于反应条件优化的例子和一些具体描述条件筛选的例子, 仅供参 考。? Table 1. Optimization for Asymmetric Hydrogenation of 1aa entry 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11d 12e 13f solvent TFE PhMe THF PhMe/TFE (1/2) PhMe/TFE (1/1) PhMe/TFE (2/1) PhMe/TFE (2/1) PhMe/TFE (2/1) PhMe/TFE (2/1) PhMe/TFE (2/1) PhMe/TFE (2/1) PhMe/TFE (2/1) PhMe/TFE (2/1) acid (x eq) EtSO3H (1.0) EtSO3H (1.0) EtSO3H (1.0) EtSO3H (1.0) EtSO3H (1.0) EtSO3H (1.0) EtSO3H (1.5) TsOH·H2O (1.5) MeSO3H (1.5) PhCO2H (1.5) EtSO3H (1.5) EtSO3H (1.5) EtSO3H (1.5) yieldb 70 33 70 68 73 80 78 75 63 73 80 ee (%)c 71 62 86 86 86 87 85 86 90 90 92 Conditions: 1a (0.25 mmol), Pd(OCOCF3)2 (2 mol%), (R)-BINAP (2.4 mol%), Acid (x eq), 3 mL solvent, 60 oC, 16-24 h. b Isolated yields. c Determined by HPLC. d (R)-MeOBiPhep;

e (R)-SynPhos;

f (R)-C4-TunePhos. 1) Initially, 2-methyl-5-phenylpyrrole 1a was selected as a model substrate for condition optimization. Pd(OCOCF3)2/(R)-BINAP was employed as catalyst with ethylsulfonic acid (EtSO3H) as the activator. (引入具体实验的语句) When the reaction was carried out at 60 o C, it proceeded smoothly and the unexpected 5-methyl-2-phenyl-1-pyrroline 2a was obtained with 70% yield and 71% ee, and no pyrrolidine was detected from the reaction mixture (Table 1, entry 1). (初步实验结果) It is noteworthy that this is the first example of asymmetric hydrogenation of pyrrole to obtain chiral 1-pyrroline. Encouraged by this 17 ? a 条件筛选? 2) 3) promising result, further investigation on the effect of reaction media was conducted (Table 1, entries 2-6) and mixture solvent of toluene and 1,1,1-trifluoroethanol with a ratio of 2/1 (PhMe/TFE = 2/1) gave the best result in terms of both yield and enantioselectivity (Table 1, entry 6, 86% ee). (溶剂筛选) When the amount of acid was increased to 1.5 equivalent the enantiomeric excess was improved slightly (Table 1, entry 7, 87% ee). Subsequently, different acids were screened;

and the results showed that strong Br?nsted acid was necessary, whereas weak acid was invalid with starting material unchanged (Table 1, entries 7-9 vs 10). (添加剂筛选) Finally, ligand examination showed that (R)-C4-TunePhos was the best choice regarding enantioselectivity (Table 1, entry 13, 92% ee). (配体筛选) Therefore, the optimal conditions were established as: Pd(OCOCF3)2/(R)-C4-TunePhos/EtSO3H (1.5 eq)/H2 (600 psi)/PhMe-TFE (2:1)/60 oC. (最佳条件总结) (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 8866) To begin the study, N-benzyl-1-phenyl isoquinolinium bromide (1;

Ar=Ph) was chosen as a model substrate for the iridium-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation (Table 1). (引入具体实 验的语句) The reaction occurred smoothly in CH2Cl2 to give the desired product with moderate enantioselectivity and yield (entry 1). ( 初步实验结果)? Further assessment of solvent revealed that the transformation was very sensitive to the reaction medium. The protic polar solvents displayed lower reactivity and enantioselectivity (entries 4 and 5). Gratifyingly, the mixed solvent system of THF/CH2Cl2 (1:1) gave the best result in terms of enantioselectivity and yield (entry 7). ( 溶剂筛选 ) Subsequently, exploration of various commercially available bisphosphine ligands showed that (Rax,S,S)-C3*-TunePhos was the best ligand with respect to the yield and enantioselectivity (entry 13), whereas (R)-Binap gave lower enantioselectivity despite with high reactivity. (配体筛选) Replacement of the bromide counterion by the trifluoromethanesulfonate anion resulted in no reactivity. In particular, when the CO2iPr group was introduced at the 2-position of the benzyl group [1;

Ar=2-(iPrCO2)C6H4], the enantioselectivity was increased slightly, possibly because of its steric bulk and/or interaction with the iridium atom (entry 13 versus 16). (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 3685) We initially focused on the exploration of appropriate Br?nsted acid catalysts and the examination of reaction parameters, such as catalyst loading, hydride source, temperature,and concentration. (引入具体实验的语句) The best results, with respect to reactivity, yield, and selectivity, were obtained with catalytic amounts of Br?nsted acid catalysts of type 1,2-substituted quinoline derivatives 2, and dihydropyridine 4 as the hydride source. (初步实 验结果)? Further examination of this new Br?nsted acid catalyzed transfer hydrogenation concentrated on the catalyst structure (Table 1). From this survey sterically congested Br?nsted acids emerged as the best catalysts for hydride transfer, and gave good to excellent levels of enantioselection. This finding is in agreement with our recently developed binol phosphate catalyzed Strecker reaction. The highest selectivities were obtained with catalyst 1 f, which provided 2-phenyltetrahydroquinoline (3) in 97%ee (Table 1, entry 6). (催化剂筛选) Further investigations on the solvent employed (Table 2) showed that nonpolar solvents were essential for a high asymmetric induction. Excellent enantioselectivities of 2-phenyl tetrahydroquinolines (95–97% ee) were observed in both chlorinated (CH2Cl2, CHCl3, CCl4) and aromatic solvents (benzene, toluene). The hydrogenation of 2-butylquinoline with a reduced amount of catalyst (2 mol%) could best be performed in aromatic solvents (Table 2, entries 4 and 5), which is in accordance with our previously developed Br?nsted acid 18 ? 条件筛选? 4) 5) catalyzed reactions. (溶剂筛选) (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 43, 3683) In our initial research, we performed the reaction between 2-(phenyl(tosyl)methyl)phenol 1a and sulfonium salt 2a (1.5 equiv.) at room temperature, using K2CO3 (4 equiv.) as the base and CH2Cl2 as the solvent, respectively. ( 引 入 具 体 实 验 的 语 句 ) To our delight, 2,3-dihydrobenzofuran 3a was isolated in 93% yield and excellent diastereoselectivity with the ratio of more than 20:1 (trans/cis) (entry 1, Table 1). (初步实验结果) The anionic base played a vital role in this reaction, that it not only assists elimination of arenesulfinic acid to form the o-QM intermediate, but also promote sulfur ylides to participate in the nucleophilic reaction subsequently (entries 2–6). KOH and KOtBu were not effective (entries 3 and 6), while K3PO4, NaOH and K2CO3 gave moderate to good yields (entries 1, 2 and 4), and Cs2CO3 gave the excellent yield and diastereoselectivity (entry 5). (碱筛选) Then several common solvents such as CH3CN, THF and toluene all led to the formation of the product 3a in good yields and excellent diastereoselectivities except DMSO (entries 6–10), and CH2Cl2 gave the best result in terms of yield and trans/cis selectivity (98% yield and >20:1 dr) (entry 5). (溶剂筛选) While decreasing the amounts of base to 2.5 equiv. and sulfonium salt to 1.1 equiv. did not affect the yield and the diastereoselectivity. Finally, we established the optimal reaction conditions for this reaction: using Cs2CO3 as the base and CH2Cl2 as the solvent to perform the reaction at room temperature. (最佳条件总结)(Chem. Commun. 2013, 49, 1660) To initiate these studies, racemic allyl carbonate 3 was subjected to cross-coupling with allylB(pin), 5 mol % Pd2(dba)3, and 10 mol % MeO-furyl-biphep. (引入具体实验的语句)? As depicted in entry 1 of Table 1, this reaction indeed delivered the allyl-allyl coupling product 4 with very high levels of enantiomeric purity;

however, a significant amount of 1,3-diene 5 was generated, and the reaction proceeded with very low efficiency. (初步实验 结 果 ) While 5 might be produced from an intermediate bis(η1-allyl)Pd complex by intramolecular H-atom abstraction (to generate propene), it might also be produced prior to transmetalation by elimination from the allyl intermediate (i.e., 1 or related;

Scheme 1). That the latter process may operate was verified by treating rac-3 with the catalyst in the absence of allylB(pin);

this experiment provided complete conversion to 5 in 12 h. To minimize this side reaction during the coupling process, additives thought to accelerate transmetalation were examined. Both Cs2CO3 and CsF proved beneficial (entries 2 and 3) and enhanced the 4:5 ratio in a concentration dependent manner. Since addition of water has also been shown to facilitate transmetalation, aqueous solvent systems were examined and also found to minimize production of the 1,3-diene (entry 6). (添加剂筛选) Optimal conditions were found to involve CsF (3 equiv) and employ 10:1 THF/H2O as the solvent system. In this case, the allyl-allyl coupling product was obtained in excellent yield with high enantioselectivity as a single (>20:1) regioisomer (entry 7). (最佳条件总结)?(J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 9716) 条件筛选部分通常易犯的一些错误和注意事项:

1) 条件筛选部分,由于是已经发生的事情,因此通常应该用过去时态。但是对条件筛选部 分一个实验结果的解释应该用一般现在时态。

2) 表中所选取的数据不全面, 不够代表性, 不能很好的支持第三部分阐述中所得出的结论, 会使审稿人认为所做的工作不够细致。

一般情况下, 说明一种变量 (如温度) 对反应 (如 产率)的影响,比如说反应的收率随温度的升高而增加,应该有至少三组数据的支持。

3) 反应方程式、图表及阐述部分出现的化合物的编号一定要加粗, (如 1a)以示强调并和 19 ? 条件筛选? 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 其它数据相区分。

第三部分阐述时所表述的数据和第二部分表中的数据或数据的标号(如“entry 2” )不 一致。这是一个很容易犯错误的地方,尤其是当对表中的数据进行修改后(比如添加或 删减) 。


可以借用一些典型的句子, 通过替换一些 连词或者自己的专业的词汇。

表下面的反应条件等文字说明部分一定也要注意,每部分要和表中出现的小上标相对 于,不要相混淆。

文章中所有图形的大小一定要一致,为了避免不必要的麻烦,应该同一个模板,甚至最 好用同一台电脑完成所有方程式的书画。

待文章完成后, 应对该部分进行进一步的重点 检查。

对于实验结果和数据,不需做过多的说明或解释,只需将实验结果简单的介绍即可,主 要是因为实验结果解释往往只是一种可能性,过多的解释显得累赘和拖沓。 20 ? 底物拓展? 底物拓展 在完成基本的条件筛选后,确定反应的最佳条件,接下来就进入底物拓展部分,该部分 是对此方法学的实用性进行进一步地考察。

底物拓展部分是有机化学方法学研究论文的重要 组成部分, 也是衡量该方法好坏及文章档次的重要参考之一。

优秀的方法学不仅要有鲜明的 创新性,也要有较广的底物适用范围。如何描述好一段具有准确、详尽、贴切的关于底物适 用范围的话语,是一篇科技论文的重要部分。

下面我们以有机化学方法学研究论文的写作为例, 对这如何进行底物拓展以及描写进行 详尽介绍。

从结构组成来看,底物拓展部分和条件筛选部分相似,一般包括:图(一般为该方法的 化学方程式) 、 表 (各种底物的反应数据总结) 、 文字表述 (对图、 表内容的具体阐述和补充) 。

图、表的写作注意事项在条件优化部分已有细致的描写,在此不再赘述。需要特别指出 的是, 实验所得数据一般不会全部罗列在论文当中。

对于这部分数据的选择需要遵循以下四 个原则:

1) 所有的数据必须真实、有效;与科研记录数据的要求一致,在科技论文写作当中不能弄 虚作假。无效甚至错误的数据也不应该出现在图表中。

2) 数据尽可能全面、具有代表性;在尊重实验结果的基础上,尽量选用具有不同电子效应 和位阻效应的底物来说明方法学普适性广。同时对同一类型数据选择几个具有代表性的 用即可,过多的数据可能分散读者注意力。

3) 数据选择尽可能凸显方法学的优势与研究意义;比如通过此方法可以得到某些结构骨 架,而这些重要的结构骨架是合成具有特殊药理作用分子的中间体,那么这类结构的产 物可以尽量多地罗列上来并对其重点陈述。

4) 数据选择应与文字表述部分相辅相成;通过数据的说明可以初步展现该方法学的适用规 律性,为接下来的机理探索打好基础。

而文字表述则是底物拓展部分的重点, 通常可以分为导言、 对底物考察数据的论述分析、 规律性总结与理论解释三部分。

其中规律性总结与理论解释部分, 一般会与底物考察数据的 分析结合起来进行表述,甚至有时不再加以论述,以作者的喜好来定。接下来对具体的写作 手法进行分类举例说明。

1.? 导言? 导言是该章节承上启下的部分:承接条件优化内容,并展开底物适用性考察内容。一般 文章中都需要有导言来起到转接作用。

导言的表述一般开门见山,简洁扼要。如:We tested various symmetrical disubstituted naphthalenes in the asymmetric hydrogenation with chiral ruthenium catalyst 6. 我们以手性钌催 化剂 6 对众多对称的二取代萘化合物进行了不对称氢化研究。


To determine the substrate generality and limitations of this strategy, a number of donors and acceptors were evaluated (Table 1). 为了测试底物通用性与此策略的局限性,我们对一系列供体和受体都进行了适用性评 估。

为了在结构上承接条件优化部分,有时也会加入“在确定最佳反应条件后……” , “以发 展得到的新方法为工具……” 等词句。


Having established the optimized reaction conditions, we tested a variety of substituted benzofurans to probe the versatility of our catalytic system. 在 确定了最佳反应条件后, 我们对众多的取代苯并呋喃底物进行了测试来探测催化体系的适用 21 ? 底物拓展? 性。


With this newly developed intermolecular C-H amination reaction in hand, we examined the reactivity of representative substrates containing synthetically useful functional groups. 以新发展 而来的分子内碳-氢键胺化反应作为工具,我们对带有在合成上有用的官能团的代表性底物 进行了反应活性的测试。

当然导言的句式并非固定不变,也可以不拘一格。不过万变不离其宗,导言必须起到承 上启下的核心作用。把握了这一主旨后,在写作中我们可以“灵活应用”,下面再举几例。

如:With the advent of this efficient dual catalytic system, we investigated the scope of this transformation. 随着此高效的双重催化体系的确立,我们对这一转化反应的适用范围进行了 考察。又如:Having identified the optimal reaction conditions, we next set out to examine the scope and limitations of this [3+2] annulation reaction, and the results are summarized in Table 2. 在确定了最佳反应条件后,我们接下来开始了对此[3+2]环化反应的适用范围及其局限性进 行探索,详细结果见表格 2。

导言虽然简短,但却是底物拓展部分文字表述的开端,是必不可少的文字。通过一句优 美的语句来衔接条件优化和底物拓展,既可以提高文章的档次又可以吸引读者的眼球。

2.? 对底物考察数据的论述分析? 紧随导言之后, 直接进入对底物考察数据的描述与分析部分。

由于具体的底物拓展结果 各有不同,我们将这部分的论述根据数据呈现的规律性分为以下两类:

1) 当各种类型的底物均取得较好结果时, 此时多采用概括性、 综合性的句式以及一些积极 肯定的词汇,以强调底物适用范围考察取得初步的好成绩。

如:Both alkyl- and chloroalkyl-substituted 2-alkynylbenzaldehydes reacted with 3c to give the corresponding spirocyclic benzopyranones in high yields and high ee values. Not only alkyl but also phenyl- and 2-chlorophenyl-substituted 2-alkynylbenzaldehydes could participate in this reaction to give products with higher ee values. With respect to the cyclic carbonyl compounds, N-phenylisatin and NH-isatin could also participate in this reaction. 烷 基与氯烷基取代的 2-炔基苯甲醛都可与化合物 3c 反应,并以高收率和高对映选择性得 到相应的螺环类苯并呋喃酮。不仅烷基,苯基和 2-氯苯基取代的 2-炔基苯甲醛都可参 与此类反应,得到极佳结果。甚至对于环羰基类化合物比如 N-苯基吲哚醌和 NH-吲哚 醌,此方法也同样适用。(这段论述中使用了“both……,and……” “not only……,but also……”等固定搭配来表达积极肯定的语气)。

又如:As highlighted in Scheme 1, there appears to be significant tolerance toward structural and electronic variations of both the precursors, 1 and 2, to enable access to a variety of complex spiro-oxindoles having three and even four stereocenters with high diastereomeric ratio and excellent optical purity. 正如反应式 1 所示,此方法学对前体 1 和 2 在结构和电 子效应上的变化都表现出了极其显著的包容度, 从而能够以高非对映选择性和优秀的光 学纯度得到一系列结构复杂、拥有三到四个手性中心的螺环类氧化吲哚衍生物。(概述 性的语句再加上加强语气的亮点词汇,为整段论述增色不少)。

接下来的几例中, 我们可以注意到整个段落中不乏表达方法学通用性的肯定词汇, 这是 一种词汇选择的偏向, 大量表达肯定语气的词汇反复出现, 能够向编辑与读者传递正面 评价,当然这都必须基于真实的数据基础。

如:The reaction could be carried out with a series of substituted aryl N-tosylhydrazones and oxazoles, affording the corresponding products in moderate to good yields. The reaction was found not significantly affected by the substituents on the aromatic ring of N-tosylhydrazones. 22 ? 底物拓展? Both electron-donating and electron-withdrawing groups were tolerated under the reaction conditions. The reaction is also not noticeably affected by the position of the substituents on the aromatic ring of aryl N-tosylhydrazones. 此反应适用于各类芳基取代的 N-对甲苯磺酰 腙和噁唑类, 能以中等到良好的收率得到产物。

N-对甲苯磺酰腙芳环上的取代基对反应 无明显影响,给电子基与吸电子基团取代的底物都能顺利完成反应。并且,N-对甲苯磺 酰腙芳环上的取代基位次也不会对反应结果造成明显波动。

(J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 3296) 又如:The introduction of electron-donating and -withdrawing groups on both the oxindole core and the 3-aryl group provided for products with excellent enantioselectivity with 30 min reaction times. 在羟基吲哚母核和 3 位取代的芳环上引入给电子或吸电子基的底物均可 在 30 分钟内以优异的对映选择性得到产物。(J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 3339) 当各类底物都取得较好结果时, 对数据的文字表述是相对简单直接的, 强调重点放在方 法学的适用范围很广这一点即可。

2) 在底物拓展时经常会遇到有部分底物结果较好, 部分底物结果不好的情况。

对于这类图 表的文字表述, 我们一般在两部分内容衔接时采用转折的句式, 并使用表示转折的关联 词。表述的方法可直接也可含蓄,与论文整体风格一致即可。也可根据底物结构和取代 基类型进行分类对比说明,使数据的规律性更明了。

如 :

The presence of an electron-donating group increased the yield to 68% (3n). Electron-withdrawing groups, such as halides and CF3, decreased the yield (3p, 3q). An extremely electron-withdrawing nitro group decreased the yield to 36% (3r). 给电子基团的 存在可以提高反应收率至 68%;而吸电子基如卤原子和三氟甲基反而会降低收率,极 端的例子比如硝基的存在,会使反应收率降至 36%。(由于给电子基和吸电子基取代的 底物数据呈现相反走向,这里进行直接的对比说明) (J. Am. Chem. Soc.2011, 133, 7222) 又如:The enantioselectivity of products bearing electron-donating groups was found to be slightly lower than that of products bearing electron-withdrawing groups. High yield and modest enantioselectivity can be obtained even with an alkyl substituent at the 3-position of the oxindole. With a 3-methyl substituted oxindole as a substrate, the reaction affords the product with 98% yield and 62% ee, although a longer reaction time is required. Variation of the carbamate protecting group afforded the product with high enantioselectivity, while lower ee or complete loss of reactivity was observed with other protecting groups on nitrogen. 带 有给电子基的底物较之带有吸电子基的底物会在反应中得到更低的对映选择性。

而羟基 吲哚在 3 位带有烷基取代基的底物也能有很高的收率和中等的对映选择性。

当 3 位取代 基是甲基时,通过延长反应时间,收率可达到 98%,对映选择性 62%。各类 N-氨甲酸 酯保护的底物可以得到高的对映选择性, 然而其他保护基却会降低对映选择性或者完全 失去反应活性。(这段叙述中有对比说明,也有平铺直叙,通过各种手法将图表所列数 据进行全面分析) (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 3339) 当数据中出现“特例”时,由于其在所有数据表现出的规律性中“格格不入” ,可 以适当单独列出,一方面要考虑文字表述的完整性,另一方面这种独特的数据,也可能 对反应的机理推断有所帮助。


As shown in Table 2, in all cases, the ee values of the products 2 were excellent (93-99% ee, Table 2) and the yields were as well, except for substrates with a bulky group on the ester moiety. 正如表格 2 所示,所有底物都可以通过反应以高对映选择性和高收率 得到产物,除了那些带有大位阻酯基片段的底物。

(J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 5636) 又如:

The methodology was not readily affected by the electronic nature of the acetophenone 23 ? 底物拓展? substrate, as both p-methoxyacetophenone and p-nitroacetophenone provided the corresponding addition products with high enantio-induction (95 and 93% ee, respectively). However, the reaction with benzofuran methyl ketone required a catalyst loading of 10 mol % and 35 h to reach complete conversion and proceeded with a decrease in enantiocontrol (84% ee). 由于对位甲氧基取代和硝基取代的苯乙酮都可以高对映选择性 得到相应的加成产物, 可见苯乙酮的电子效应对于方法学的适用性没有明显影响。

然而, 苯并呋喃甲基酮在反应时要求 10 mol%的催化剂用量和 35 小时的反应时间才能实现完 全转化,并且对映选择性有部分降低。(在对数据进行分析时也加入了部分结论性文字, 对于特殊的底物也有补充说明) (J. Am. Chem. Soc.2011, 133, 10332) 这一部分的叙述要求详细, 有条理; 并且可利用转折句式或连接词来突出不同数据之间 的对比效果。文字部分可以完全由客观陈述构成,也可加入适当的主观分析,即针对实 验结果而进行的规律性总结及理论解释。

3.? 针对实验结果进行规律性总结及理论解释? 对实验数据的规律性总结与引言相呼应, 在章节结尾再次强调此方法学的普适性。

但方 法学中没有万能的反应,一个反应在取得不好结果时,附上合理的解释也是必要的。理论解 释不仅反应了作者对反应的深度理解,也是对读者负责的一种做法。此部分在具体论述时, 会出现在对特定数据结果的分析之后, 故而往往呈现不完整性。

作者一般会采用较主观意味 的词汇以显示这些结论来源于理论推理。

如:To our delight we found that even some substituted aryls were transferred very well, affording the corresponding products in good yields and with high ee. Unfortunately, arylboronic acids with ortho substituents and those with other sterically more demanding groups were problematic and both product yield and enantioselectivity were lower. Presumably due to hindered transmetalation, ortho-disubstituted 5f did not react at all. 令我们高兴的是, 甚至一些取代芳基也可以很好地实 现转化, 顺利以高收率与高对映选择性得到产物。

不过带有邻位取代基的芳基硼酸以及那些 在空间位阻上要求更高的基团却遇到问题,收率与对映选择性会有所降低。

而邻位双取代 的底物 5f 可能由于转金属化在空间位阻上受到阻碍,根本没有发生反应。(最后一句作者加 入自己的合理假设, 对底物拓展的数据规律性进行了分析, 认为取代基不同造成的底物立体 环境,即空间位阻是影响反应的最关键因素) (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002, 124, 14850) 又 如 :

However, the fact that the ortho-methyl phenylboronic acid afforded a lower enantioselectivity (75% ee) indicated that the steric hindrance has a negative influence on the enantioselectivity of the reaction. 然而, 邻甲基取代的苯基硼酸取得了更低的对映选择性这一 事实,表明立体位阻对反应的对映选择性会有负面影响。(针对数据进行合理地推理,对底 物的适用性受阻作出机理上的解释) (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 4351) 很多底物拓展章节并没有加入规律性总结与机理解释的部分, 或者描写甚少, 但是这一 部分恰能体现出作者的逻辑思考, 对数据结果进行理论总结与推理解释, 可以为文章增添亮 点。

在文字表述结束后, 我们再引用以下几例完整的底物拓展章节来回顾一下, 这部分是如 何将数据与文字表述结合, 再加入作者的理论分析并糅合为一个整体, 从而为整篇科技论文 的主旨服务的。

最后,底物拓展部分的篇幅可长可短,没有严格要求,视其内容多寡而定。以下是一些 具体例子。

Table 1. Biomimetic Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Benzoxazinones 3 Using Catalytic Amount of Hantzsch Ester 2a 24 ? 底物拓展? ? entry R in 3 Ar in 3 yield (%)b ee (%)c 1 H Ph 93 (4a) 98 (S) 2 H 4-MeOC6H4 96 (4b) 98 (S) 3 H 4-MeC6H4 96 (4c) 99 (S) 98 (4d) 98 (S) 4 H 3,4-Me2C6H3 5 H 4-ClC6H4 96 (4e) 99 (S) 6 H 4-BrC6H4 95 (4f) 99 (S) 94 (4g) 99 (S) 7 H 4-FC6H4 8 H 3-FC6H4 86 (4h) 98 (S) 9 H 2-Thienyl 59 (4i) 92 (R) 10 6-Cl Ph 81 (4j) 98 (S) 11 6-Me Ph 83 (4k) 96 (S) 12 7-Me Ph 90 (4l) 94 (S) 13 6-tBu Ph 68 (4m) 98 (S) a 3 (0.20 mmol), 2 (10 mol%), [Ru(p-cymene)I2]2 (1.25 mol%), (S)-5 (2 mol%), H2 (1000 psi), THF/CH2Cl2 1/3 (2 mL), 48 h, 50 oC. b Isolated yields. c Determined by HPLC. 1) 2) 3) Having established the optimized conditions, the scope of enantioselective synthesis of dihydrobenzoxazinones 4 using a catalytic amount of Hantzsch ester 2 was explored (Table 3). (导言) In general, good yields (86-98%) and excellent enantioselectivities (98-99% ee) were obtained in this biomimetic asymmetric hydrogenation regardless of the electronic properties of the phenyl ring of benzoxazinones 3 (entries 1-8). (大多数底物结果都很好, 这 里用概括性的语句) For heteroaromatic benzoxazinone 3i, a moderate yield (59%) but high enantioselectivity (92% ee) was observed (entry 9). The reduction of 6- or 7-position substituted 2-phenyl benzoxazinones 3 gave dihydrobenzoxazinones 4 with excellent enantioselectivities (94-98% ee) and moderate to good yields (68-90%, entries 10-13). (部分 不是太好的结果分别说明) (?J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 16432) A broad range of aryl imines, aryl diazoacetates and indoles were then investigated under standard reaction conditions and the results summarized in Table 3. (导言) Electron-donating imines (Table 3, entry 3) afforded relatively poor enantioselectivity compared with electron-withdrawing and neutral imines (Table 3, entries 1,2,4,6). ( 概括说明 ) Diazo compounds with substitutions at the m- and p-positions were all tolerated (Table 3, entries 7-9), and a heterocyclic thiophene-derived diazo compound was also employed in the reaction to give 5k in high yield with 20:1 d.r. and 96% e.e. (Table 3, entry 10). It is noteworthy that methyl trans-styryl diazoacetate, which has been reported to induce [3+2] annulation with indole, can be adapted to our dual catalysis system, resulting in the three component product being isolated at moderate yield with 97% e.e.(Table 3, entry 11). The carbon-carbon double bond leaves potential functionalities for further chemical transformations. Also, the substitution of indoles has little impact on the reaction. Various substitutions at the nitrogen atom and the aromatic ring all afforded good results (Table 3, entries 12-16). (描述各类型底物的考察结果) (Nature Chemistry 2012, 4, 733-738) We tested various symmetrical disubstituted naphthalenes in the asymmetric hydrogenation with chiral ruthenium catalyst 6. (导言) 2,6-Dimethoxy naphtalene (9a) was quantitatively hydrogenated to the desired tetralin 11a (Table 2, entry 1). However, the reaction required a higher temperature than for the hydrogenation of 4 or 7, and proceeded with 69% ee. The 25 ? 底物拓展? 4) enantioselectivity was enhanced to 90% ee by using an ethoxy- or isopropoxy-substituted substrate (entries 2 and 3). In order to remove the O-alkyl group from the hydrogenation product, THP-protected naphthalenediol 9d (THP=tetrahydro-2H-pyran-2-yl) was employed for the asymmetric transformation. The hydrogenation of 9d afforded 11d in high yield (entry 4). The THP groups of 11d were deprotected by treatment with p-toluenesulfonic acid in ethanol to give (S)-2,6-dihydroxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydronaphthalene with 85% ee. 2,7-Dialkoxynaphthalenes 10 were also reduced to chiral tetralins 12 through ruthenium catalysis (entries 5-8). As with 9, ethyl or isopropyl ethers were more favorable for the asymmetric hydrogenation of 10 than methyl ether, giving 12b or 12c with 92% ee. The chiral ruthenium complex 6 can also catalyze the hydrogenation of bis(alkoxymethyl) naphthalene 13 [Eq. (2)]. However, the reaction proceeded with moderate stereoselectivity and did not reach completion within 48 h. Disappointingly, no reaction was observed when a selection of symmetrical dialkyl naphthalenes were treated with hydrogen in the presence of the PhTrap-ruthenium catalyst. ( 对 于 底 物 考 察 数 据 分 析 ) These results suggest that the coordination of anoxygen lone pair in the naphthalene substrate to the ruthenium atom is required for chiral catalysis, as this coordination may induce interaction between the catalyst and the naphthalene ring. (对数据展现出的规律性进行推理) (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 4136) We next investigated the scope of our reaction. (导言) The N-benzyl protected hydrazone 1a and the iodinated analogue 1b reacted smoothly to give products in 94% and 99% yield and enantiomeric ratios of 94:6 and 95:5, respectively (Table 2, entries 1 and 2). Different para substituents on the hydrazine moiety furnished 6-substituted tetrahydrocarbazoles 2c-e in good yields, regardless of their electronic properties, albeit with slightly reduced enantioselectivity (entries 3-5). (不同对位取代基的影响) Also the 3,5-dimethyl-substituted hydrazone 1f reacted similarly (entry 6). When 3-methyl substituted phenylhydrazones 1g and 1h were employed, there action proceeded with good regiocontrol (6:1), and the corresponding 7-methyl carbazole derivatives 2g and 2h were obtained as the major regioisomers with enantiomeric ratios of 96:4 and 93:7 respectively (entries 7 and 8). All of the hydrazones in which R3 was an aromatic group (1i-o) were transformed to the tetrahydrocarbazoles in high yields (88-99%) with good enantioselectivites (between 94:6 and 96:4 er), irrespective of the electronic or steric nature of the substituent (entries 9-15). Aliphatic groups in this position were also tolerated (entries 16-18). The desired products 2p-r were obtained in good yields (70-98%), with a notably high enantioselectivity of 95:5 er in the case of the small methyl substituent (entry 16). Switching to more sterically demanding alkyl substituents afforded diminished enantioselectivity (entries 17 and18). Heteroatom-substituted substrates 1s and 1t were well tolerated and give the desired products 2s and 2t in 99% yield (entries 19 and 20). Particularly noteworthy is the high enantioselectivity of 98.5:1.5 er observed in the benzoyloxy-substituted product 2s. (指出所 取得的最好结果 ) Given the biological relevance of 3-amino tetrahydrocarbazoles, we investigated the possibility of obtaining 2t in a one-pot procedure from the corresponding phenylhydrazine and 4-N-phthalimido cyclohexanone. The results obtained were comparable to those obtained starting from the preformed hydrazone 1t (cf. entries 20 and 21). The synthesis of tetrahydrocarbazole 2u bearing a quaternary stereogenic center proved challenging in terms of conversion and enantioselectivity (entry 22). Although 26 ? 底物拓展? 5) 6) 7) cyclopentanone-derived hydrazone 1v also showed reduced reactivity, conducting the reaction at elevated temperatures and with a prolonged reaction time gave 2v in 62% yield with 90.5:9.5 er (entry 23). (其它不同取代基的影响) (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 18534) Having established the optimized reaction conditions, we tested a variety of substituted benzofurans to probe the versatility of our catalytic system (Table 2). (导言) Interestingly, the reactivity of the 2-phenyl-substituted benzofurans changes significantly with the electronic properties of the substituents: When the phenyl ring contains electron-withdrawing groups, such as fluorine (1g) or trifluoromethyl (1f) in a para position, the reaction proceeds smoothly at 10 bar of hydrogen pressure and at room temperature, with full conversion and very good enantiomeric ratio. However, when the phenyl ring bears electron-donating substituents, such as a methoxy group (1e), low conversion to the desired product was observed. (取代基的电子性质对反应的影响) Fortunately, with 1e, full conversion was achieved when the reaction was carried out at 60 bar of hydrogen and 40 oC, maintaining an excellent enantiomeric ratio of 99:1. (对最佳条件进行微调促进反应进行) We also studied the effect of the substitution pattern of the 2-phenyl ring on the reactivity. The reaction worked nicely for the 2-(p-tolyl) (1d) and 2-(m-tolyl) benzofuran (1c) with full conversion and enantiomeric ratio of 99:1, but in the case of 2-(o-tolyl) benzofuran (1b) the reactivity dropped, resulting in only 73% yield of isolated product, and 96:4 enantiomeric ratio. To our knowledge, this is the first report of highly asymmetric hydrogenations of aryl-substituted benzofurans. (芳香基取代的底物的反应结果) In the case of alkyl-substituted benzofurans, the reaction proceeds with perfect conversion and high enantioselectivity for many primary and secondary alkyl chains (1h–k). We noticed that the enantiomeric ratio decreased slightly when the length or substitution of the chain was increased, while maintaining perfect conversion into the desired product. Surprisingly, the reaction even works with the 2-(tert-butyl)-benzofuran (1l) albeit with lower conversion and ee value. The reaction also gave the desired product for 2-benzyl benzofuran (1m) with an e.r. of 92:8. Changing the position of the substituent to position 3 (1o) led to a slight drop in enantioselectivity (93:7) compared to the regioisomer 1h, but maintains perfect regioselectivity and conversion. By comparison of the optical rotation data of 2h, the absolute configuration could be assigned to be R (see Table 2). (烷基取代的底物的反应结 果) We also studied the influence of the substitution on the carbocyclic ring of the benzofuran. When 6-(tert-butyl)-2-phenylbenzofuran (1n) was submitted to hydrogenation conditions, the corresponding 2,3-dihydrobenzofuran 2n was obtained with no change on the enantiomeric ratio or reactivity compared to the analogue 2a. Moreover, we studied the influence of the presence of other aromatic rings. When 2-(benzofuran-2-yl)pyridine (1p) was submitted to hydrogenation conditions, the corresponding 2,3-dihydrobenzofuran derivative (2p) was obtained smoothly without any observed hydrogenation of the pyridine, but with a considerable drop in the enantiomeric ratio compared to the phenyl analogue 1a. The basis for this deterioration might be the ability of 1p to form a bidentate chelate. To test this hypothesis, we used the regioisomeric 3-(benzofuran-2-yl)pyridine (1q), which led to the exclusive formation of 2,3- dihydrobenzofuran with excellent 99:1 enantiomeric ratio. (其它 位置的取代基对反应的影响) (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 1710) 27 ? 底物拓展? 底物拓展部分通常易犯的一些错误和注意事项:

1) 底物拓展部分,由于是已经发生的事情,因此通常应该用过去时态。对底物拓展中实验 结果的解释应该用一般现在时态。

2) 文字表述逻辑不清,思维混乱。为了说明自己方法的实用性,需要较广的底物适用范围。

在具体论述时,应该按照逻辑顺序来递进说明。以 2-取代喹啉的不对称转移氢化为例:

假如最佳反应条件是用 R = Ph 筛选而得, 那么首先要拓展的底物即是 R 为含同种取代基 但不同取代位点的苯基,例如 R = 2-MeC6H4, 3-MeC6H4, 4-MeC6H4,其次是含不同取代 基的苯基, 例如吸电子基团 (R = 4-CF3) 、 给电子基团 (R = 4-OMe) 、 卤素 (R = 4-Cl, 4-Br, 4-F) 、不同体积的类似基团(R = 4-Me, 4-Et, 4-iPr, 4-tBu) ,然后是杂环,例如(R = 2-Furanyl) ,最后的是 R 为烷基和烯基的底物。对于 R 为烷基的底物,即使实验结果差 些也没有关系,因为从来没有一种方法是万能的,但为了说明此方法较广的底物适用范 围,应该尽量举 1~3 个这种例子。图表数据做到了全面有代表性,文字表述相应地更要 有逻辑清晰的分析与总结,不能杂乱无序,这样才能将工作中展现出的逻辑与层次美感 呈现给读者。

3) 化合物编号和具体名称中间应该有一个空格,如:

“ ….quinoline(5a)… ”应该表述为:

“….quinoline (5a)…” 。并且化合物的编号通常需要加粗,但是括号不需要加粗。

4) 苯基(Ph)通常是表示 C6H5,不要写混淆了。如写对甲基苯基,应该写成 4-MeC6H4, 不应该写成 4-MePh。

5) 底物拓展部分的图表数据和条件优化部分标号不一致。这是一个很容易犯错误的地方, 尤其是当对表中的数据进行修改(比如添加或删减)后。所以整篇文章完成后还要上下 核对,确保无误。

6) 一定不要大段照抄前人类似工作的阐述部分。因为底物拓展的阐述是作者以自己的专业 知识与工作数据共同作为理论基础,从而进行的推理与总结,是一篇文章中寄托作者专 业素养和理论灵魂之所在。这部分不可能出现雷同。当然典型的句式表达甚至是专业上 的逻辑思维都是可以借鉴的,我们要把握好尺度,既要在前人的基础上完善自己的工作, 又要在思想上保持独立,不能照搬。

7) 进行底物拓展时,不一定要严格按照条件筛选部分的最佳反应条件进行。对于某些反应 结果不是很理想的底物,可对最佳条件进行适当调整,比如说升高反应温度、延长反应 时间、增加或减少催化剂用量等,对于这些条件的调整必须在图表中一一作出注明,必 要时要加以文字注释。

8) 叙述主次分明,突出重点。底物拓展作为论文整体的一部分,为文章主旨服务,必须起 到应起的作用。如前所述,任何方法学都不是万能的,都有自己力所不能及之处。我们 在把握底物拓展部分这个整体时,应该在充分肯定其适用性之余,再对其不足之处作出 补充叙述。而不能本末倒置,将其不足点重点分析,而将大量优秀的数据一带而过。

9) 要核对文章中的数据和实验记录本中的数据是否一致,注意化合物的编号,不要出现张 冠李戴的情况。还有一点必须谨记的是所有的数据必须真实可靠,能具有可重复性。千 万不能随意地编造数据。 28 ? 放大实验? 放大实验 在科技论文中,放大实验是极其重要的组成部分之一,一篇好的科技论文,不仅要具有 好的创新性, 在基础研究领域对学科的发展能起到有力的促进作用, 同时也应该具有一定的 应用价值, 在工业应用领域也能起到借鉴作用, 这也是化学家们研究新的方法学的主要目的 之一:

希望能用这种方法学合成出在日常生活中有用的有机化合物, 如治疗某种疾病的药物 或有特殊用途的材料等。因此,常常采取放大实验的方法验证放大生产的可行性,从而考察 其在工业上的应用前景, 为后来的有机化学科技工作者提供一个可能的选择。

当一个反应可 以在 1 克至 10 克规模进行时, 这个反应具有实验室合成价值, 当合成规模在 100 克以上时, 则其具有小型工业化合成价值。实验规模放大后,实验本身的性质也可能会发生变化,如:

实验现象,收率,手性化合物的 ee 值等。此外,在一篇科技论文中,如果所报道的方法学 可以在更大规模下进行, 则对所发表的论文也有很好的帮助。

在某些时候甚至能够使论文在 更高档次的刊物发表。因此,放大实验在科技论文中具有重要的意义。


(1)通过同时提高催化剂和原料的 投料来研究反应的效果。在这种情况下,催化剂和底物呈正比增加,溶剂可适量减少; (2) 为了考察催化剂的活性或选择性,通过提高原料同催化剂的摩尔比(S/C 值)来研究催化剂 的效果。


在此种情况下, 应该至少保持催化剂的量不减少的条件下加大反应底物的量。

组成结构:在放大实验部分,从结构组成来看,和底物拓展部分及条件筛选部分相似, 一般也包括:

图 (一般为该方法的化学方程式) 、 文字表述 (对图中内容的具体阐述和补充) 。


1.? 同时提高原料和催化剂的投料放大实验? 第一部分是图表:图表的注意事项在条件优化部分已有细致的描写,在此不再赘述。需 要注意的是,在所画的图表中,最好将底物结构、反应条件、产物的重量、收率都列出。如 果是手性化合物,产物的 ee 值也需注明。 第二部分是文字表述:文字表述则是重点部分,通常可以分为承上启下的句子、对反应 的具体描述、对反应结果的总结三部分。接下来对具体的写作手法进行分类举例说明。


这时一般需要过渡句来承接前面的内容, 如:

To demonstrate the practical utility, the reaction of isatin and indole was performed at the 10 mmol scale。

对反应的具体描述:具体介绍提高原料的投料后反应的产率或对映选择性,如:The desired product was formed in 91% yield and 95% ee。如果得到的产物 ee 值不够理想,经常通 过重结晶来进一步提高其 ee 值,在这里一般表述为:通过重结晶后,可以以某某收率和 ee 值得到产物,如: After a single recrystallisation, 81% product was isolated with >99% ee。由于 29 ? 放大实验? 催化剂的回收在工业上有很大的价值, 紧接着一般介绍催化剂的回收率。


以某某收率回收得到纯的催化剂,如:The optically pure catalyst could be recovered in 94% yield。

对反应结果的总结:有时候,作者会对底物放大实验的结果进行总结,描述其优势等, 如:It was worthy to note that the reaction performed well under rather low catalyst loading on a large scale, giving a TON of 43 000, which is the highest TON reported to date。


a) To demonstrate the practical utility, (承上启下的句子) the reaction of isatin and indole was performed at the 10 mmol scale. (反应规模)The desired product was formed in 91% yield and 95% ee.(反应结果描述)After a single recrystallisation 81% product was isolated with >99% ee. The optically pure catalyst could be recovered in 94% yield. (Chem. Eur. J. 2010, 16, 7709). b) As an indication of the possible practical potential of this catalyst system,(引言)the cyanosilylation of 2’-methylacetophenone was carried out on 10 mmol scale (96% yield, 98% ee) and the catalyst recovered in 96% yield by silica gel chromatography (entry 4).(反 应结果描述)(J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 8964). c) The screening reactions were carried out on small scale (i.e., approximately 0.22 mmol of isatin), and encouraged by its success, the [APC/IPr·HCl] catalyst system was used in a larger scale preparative reaction.(引言)The cyclization-trapping of bisdiene isatin with phenol was carried out on a 10 mmol scale at a catalyst loading of 0.025 % palladium. The reaction proceeds smoothly (0.5 M in dioxane, Cs2CO3, 85 oC, 10 h) to give cyclized product indole in 84% yield after chromatographic purification. Product indole is formed with high diastereoselectivity (>95%) with the trans relative stereochemistry between the two newly-formed side-chains and the E-disubstituted alkene geometry.(反应结果描述)(Adv. Synth. Catal. 2005, 347, 1937). d) The asymmetric hydrogenation of cyclic N-sulfonylimine can be run on a gram-scale providing a potential synthetic application. (引言) As illustrated in Scheme, the chiral sultam 12d was obtained in 99% isolated yield with 93% ee by flash column chromatography, and 72% isolated yield with >99% ee after single recrystallization from ethanol/water (3/2 v/v). (反应结果描述) (J. Org. Chem. 2007, 72, 3729). 2.? 保持催化剂的量不变,提高 S/C 值考察催化剂的活性? 这部分的写作方法和同时提高催化剂和原料的投料放大实验一样, 也是包括图表和文字 描述两部分,只是在具体内容上有所差别。

第一部分是图表:图表的注意事项在条件优化部分已有细致的描写,在此不再赘述。但 仍需要注意的是,在所画的图表中,最好将底物结构、反应条件、产物的重量、收率都列出。

如果是手性化合物,产物的 ee 值也需注明。

第二部分是文字表述:文字表述部分也由引言、对反应的具体描述、对反应结果的总结 三部分组成。接下来对具体的写作手法进行分类举例说明。

a) 首先我们一般通过引言来提出文章的放大实验部分。


为了进一步考察某某 催化剂的活性,我们进一步提高反应的 S/C 值来考察催化剂的活性及选择性,如:To further evaluate the catalytic efficiency of the [Ir(COD)Cl]2/(S,SP)-X/I2 system in asymmetric hydrogenation, we investigated the effect of the substrate-to-catalyst (S/C) molar ratio on the 30 ? 放大实验? b) c) d) conversion and enantioselectivity of this reaction。

接下来一般有一句过渡句。描述的内容一般是:我们选择某某底物为模型底物,具体的 结果见某某表格。对于一种模型底物,可如下表达:

2-Methylquinoline was selected as substrate, the results shown in Figure。对于考察多种模型底物,可如下表达:As shown in Table, for most of the substrates…。

紧接着就是具体介绍随着 S/C 的提高对反应活性及选择性的影响。描述的内容一般是:

当 S/C 是某某时,反应的活性和 ee 值多少;再提高 S/C 到某某时,反应的活性和 ee 值 又达到多少, 如:

The results show that the reaction can proceed smoothly at an S/C of 500/1 or 1000/1 with complete conversion, the ee decreased slightly (90% ee vs. 88% ee, 86% ee). But when the S/C is 2000/1, the conversion is only 67%, although the ee is 82%。

最后对考察的结果进行总结。一般是描述反应的 S/C 值或 TON 值能达到多少,并与别 的催化体系比较。

如: It was worthy to note that the reaction performed well under rather low catalyst loading on a large scale, giving a TON of 43 000, which is the highest TON reported to date。

另外也可以描述随着 S/C 的提高, ee 的具体变化, 如:

It is noteworthy that the ee values with L dropped dramatically as S/C increased from 500 to 25,000 (78–64%). In contrast, for L, the S/C ratio has no effect on the enantioselectivities。另外,最后也可以加 上一些对催化结果评价的话。如:These results encouraged us that an effective strategy for inhibiting deactivation of chiral iridium catalysts had been established。 结合上面的写作方法,基本表达方式如下:

1) 不同的底物在提高 S/C 后的反应活性和对映选择性评价:

To further unclose the efficiency of our catalytic system, the S/C ratio increased to 5000. As shown in Table 4, for most of the substrates, L displayed full conversions with moderate to good enantioselectivities. For the 2,6-dimethylquinoline, only 61% yield but 82% ee was obtained. As to L, for 2-methylquinoline, 94% yield and 89% ee were obtained, for 2,6-dimethylquinoline, 93% ee and 67% yield were obtained. Ligand L exhibited very high efficiency, even when the S/C ratio increased to 25,000, the reaction could also proceed almost completely with lower ee value of 64%. It is noteworthy that the ee values with L dropped dramatically as S/C increased from 500 to 25,000 (78–64%). In contrast, for L, the S/C ratio has no effect on the enantioselectivities. These results encouraged us that an effective strategy for inhibiting deactivation of chiral iridium catalysts had been established. (Tetrahedron Lett. 2010, 51, 525). 2) 不同的底物在提高 S/C 后的反应活性和对映选择性评价:On the basis of the optimized reaction conditions, the asymmetric hydrogenation of substrate was also used to assess the minimum amount of the dendritic catalysts. In sharp contrast to the small diphosphine ligands, the dendritic catalyst was found to be highly effective even at extremely high substrate/catalyst ratio. Most importantly, the enantioselectivity did not decrease under low catalyst loading. For example, in the presence of 0.01 mol % of GnDenBINAPIr, the reaction proceeded smoothly upon prolonged reaction time, giving 88% ee and more than 95% conversion. It was worthy to note that the reaction performed well under rather low catalyst loading on a large scale, giving a TON of 43 000, which is the highest TON reported to date. (Org. Lett. 2007, 9, 1243). 3) 同一个底物在提高 S/C 后反应活性和对映选择性评价:To further evaluate the catalytic efficiency of the [Ir(COD)Cl]2/(S,SP)-L/I2 systemin asymmetric hydrogenation, we 31 ? 放大实验? 4) 5) investigated the effect of the substrate-to-catalyst (S/C) molar ratio on the conversion and enantioselectivity of this reaction. 2-Methylquinoline was selected as substrate, the results show that the reaction can proceed smoothly at an S/C of 500/1 or 1000/1 with complete conversion, the ee decreased slightly (90% ee vs. 88% ee, 86% ee). But when the S/C is 2000/1, the conversion is only 67%, although the ee is 82%. (Adv. Synth. Catal. 2004, 346, 909). 同一个底物在提高 S/C 后反应活性和对映选择性评价:To further evaluate the practical utility, the hydrogenation of N-benzyl-2-phenylpyridinium bromide was carried out on gram scale, and the desired product was furnished with 93% yield and 92%ee [Eq. (1);

S/C=substrate/catalyst, TOF=turnover frequency, TON=turnover number].( Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 10181). 同一个底物在提高 S/C 后反应活性和对映选择性评价:To test the practicality of the current method, the asymmetric hydrogenation of the standard substrate on a gram scale (1.227 g, 4.0 mmol of 1a) was carried out with 1 mol % of iridium catalyst [Ir(COD)Cl]2/(S,S,R)- C3*-TunePhos at room temperature, giving the chiral product in 99% yield and 95% ee. (Org. Lett. 2012, 14, 3890). 放大实验部分通常易犯的一些错误和注意事项: 1) 2) 3) 英语的表达一定要清晰,准确,科技论文不同于文学作品,在写作中,尽量不用华丽的 词汇。


为了说明所发展方法学的实用性, 在放大试验中所选择的底物最好是在药物或天然产物 中有用的化合物,或具有潜在应用价值的化合物。同时,所选择的的底物最好是合成所 需的原料易得,合成路线简单易操作,容易合成。

在论文中最好单独用一个 Scheme 画出放大实验中所用的具体的底物结构,反应条件, 产物的重量、收率。如果是手性化合物,产物的 ee 值也应注明。 4) 32 ? 机? ? 理? 机 理 一篇优秀的科技论文, 除了其本身良好的创新性(前言部分)和优秀的实验结果(实验结果 与讨论)之外,反应机理的研究和论证也是不容忽视的,通常起到画龙点睛的作用。反应机 理,是为了阐述化学反应的因果关系而建立的化学模型,是对反应历程推测的描述。这种描 述是建立在实验的基础上, 通过分析实验结果和现象得出的可能的反应历程。

在一定的范围 内,它具有普适性并能预测反应的结果。研究反应机理常用的方法有:NMR、IR、单晶 X 衍射等谱学手段,反应中间体的分离,同位素实验,条件控制实验,理论计算,机理模型搭 建,动力学分析等,通常需要几种方法同时使用来证明一个反应机理。

一般在完成底物拓展的工作后, 实验工作者首先必须要结合已知的文献对于实验的结果 提出一个合理的解释,再者,设计合理的实验进一步论证实验的历程。如果遇到机理实验的 结果与设想不符合, 实验工作者必须重新审视反应历程, 反复推敲实验过程直到能合理解释 机理。此外,对于模棱两可的机理切记不要过多的解释,避免审稿人或读者对反应历程的误 解。

对机理实验的描述通常用一般过去时态, 表示过去进行的实验操作; 而对于反应过程的 描述通常为一般现在时, 表示为一般规律的描述。

通常对于机理的描述可以分三种不同的模 式,1)进行初步机理的探讨和实验研究证明和补充,再对机理进行合理描述,两者进行呼 应;2)基于前人文献研究提出可能的机理,再对于反应如何发生以及怎样发生进行实验证 明和探讨;3)结合已知文献对反应认识,提出机理并引用相关文献加以佐证。


在证明实验机理时, 尽量用多种手 段证明可能的途径。例如,周永贵教授小组报道的钯催化的简单吲哚的不对称氢化。首先作 者结合文献报道推测反应是通过吲哚异构化为亚胺盐进行。因此,采用原位核磁观察吲哚 3-位氢在酸性条件的位移是否发生改变,同时,进一步采用同位素实验观察重原子的位置确 证吲哚的不对称氢化是通过亚胺氢化进行的。

完成上述实验后, 最后对整个实验过程进行简 要的描述。 在文章写作中首先会引入过渡的语句 , 如 “To probe the mechanistic information, two isotopic labeling experiments were carried out”。

其后, 将实验的结果用简练的语句进行描述并 解释实验的结果说明氢化反应是经历吲哚异构化为亚胺盐进行, 如:

“When the hydrogenation was carried out in deuterated TFE, 1H NMR analysis of the crude hydrogenated product showed that two deuterium atoms were incorporated to the 3-position (eq 2), which suggested that a reversible process of protonation and deprotonation existed, and the equilibrium was faster than 33 ? 机? ? 理? hydrogenation. Thus, two deuterium atoms were imported to the 3-position of the 2-methylindoline before hydrogenation occurred. When 2-methylindole was subjected to D2, 2-deuterio-2-methylindoline with 92% incorporation was obtained, and deuterium at the 3-position was not observed.”。

最后, 基于前面的实验结果, 对整个反应历程进行简要的描述。


“These results confirmed that the simple unprotected indole can be activated by a Br?nsted acid to form iminium in situ, which was then hydrogenated by the Pd-catalyst.” 又如:


首先作者先通过实验论 证该反应的特性:1)对比实验说明反应是重排反应且只能是苯环的邻位间;2)对比实验说 明只有邻酰基二芳基醚才能反应;3)催化剂对比实验说明实验不是自由基反应;4)通过分 子内和分子间的实验说明,实验只能在分子内进行。作者还通过 GC-MS 观察到的一些副产 物(如丙酮)产生。最后,在上述实验的基础上提出合理的实验历程。 34 ? 机? ? 理? 在文章写作中首先会引入过渡的语句, 如“To explore the reaction mechanism for this rearrangement, control experiments were conducted under the standard reaction conditions”。其 后,对实验的结果进行详细的描述并解释。如: “The reaction of benzaldehyde with bromo biphenyl either gave no phenol or bromophenol. When 3-(phenoxy)benzaldehyde was subjected to the optimized reaction conditions, it also did not generate the C-O bond-cleavage product, thus demonstrating that the chelation to the rhodium catalyst by the CHO and 2-aryloxy groups is essential for the rearrangement. Meanwhile, when o-anisaldehyde was subjected to the standard reaction conditions, no 2’-hydroxyacetophenone was observed, thus indicating the important role of the 2-aryloxy group for this C-O bond-cleavage chemistry. Additionally, when [Rh2(OAc)4] (usually employed in radical reactions involving nitroene or carbine radical species) was used instead of [{RhCl(CO)2}2], the desired product was not obtained, thus suggesting that this reaction may not involve a radical mechanistic pathway (although a radical mechanism cannot be excluded;

Scheme 2d). Finally, a cross-experiment showed no cross-rearrangement product, thus indicating that this rearrangement most probably proceeded through an intramolecular process” 最后,在实 验的基础上提出可能的反应机理圈并详细地解释机理的可能性。On the basis of the above investigations, a tentative mechanism for this aryloxy C-O bond-cleavage chemistry is depicted in Scheme 3. Initially, the chelating aldehyde C-H insertion of 2-(aryloxy)benzaldehydes 1 by RhI generates the RhIII hydride species 3. Upon reaction with TBP, the RhIII complex 4 is formed, thus liberating one molecule of tBuOH. Then complex 4 may undergo an intramolecular SNAr process to afford the complex 5 upon heating to 160 oC, thereby generating the RhIII complex 6 (an alternative process through 1,4-elimination of Ar-Rh-tOBu from 4 with subsequent conjugate addition of Ar-Rh-tOBu to the resulting enone species may be excluded based on the result of the cross-experiment), which could release one molecule of acetone (detected by GC-MS) to afford the RhIII/Me complex 7. Finally, reaction of the previously formed tBuOH with complex 7 can release one molecule of the desired product 2 and form [RhIII(Me)-(tOBu)] (8), which could regenerate the RhI catalyst through a reductive elimination process by releasing tBuOMe (detected by GC-MS). 第二种模式由实验历程推测和实验论证组成。

它其实是第一类模式写作顺序的颠倒, 并 没有什么特殊形式。例如,周永贵教授小组报道的钯催化的 2,5-二取代吡咯的不对称氢化。

首先基于实验结果和文献的调研,作者提出了反应历程:首先在强酸条件下 2,5-二取代吡咯 异构化为亚胺盐中间体, 其后亚胺盐中间体经历氢化得到烯胺中间体, 最后烯胺中间体在酸 性下异构化目标亚胺产物。

其后, 作者分析反应两条可能的反应历程并结合理论计算论证的 第一条途径在氢化上存在能量有利,因此合理的解释了实验结果。 首先引入文章机理部分,提出合理的说明。

“ A possible mechanism (Scheme 1) was 35 ? 机? ? 理? proposed as follows: Simple unprotected pyrrole reacts with a strong Br?nsted acid to form the iminium salt by protonation of carbon-carbon double bond, and the aromaticity of pyrrole is destroyed. The in situ-formed iminium salt is hydrogenated to give the intermediate enamine, and in the presence of acid, the enamine isomerizes to the more stable imine, which survives under the current catalytic system.”为了进一步印证自己所提机理的合理性,通过理论计算确证实验结 果。

“The pyrrole can be protonated at both the 3- and 4-positions in the presence of a strong Br?nsted acid (Scheme 2). Density functional theory calculations at the B3LYP/cc-pVTZ(-f)// B3LYP/6-31G** level were carried out to give further insight into the selectivity. The computed bond length alternation suggests that the C=N bond in intermediate II is better conjugated with the phenyl group (Figure 1). As a result, II is more stable than I by 1.4 kcal/mol (ΔGo in CH2Cl2), and the positive charge in II is also more delocalized. Palladium hydride species were observed in palladium-catalyzed hydrogenation reactions, strongly suggesting that it could be the true active catalyst, and the rate-determining step for the hydrogenation is most probably the hydride transfer from the catalyst to the substrate. Thus, the observed selectivity is understandable. The C=N bond in I is more facile for the hydride transfer because its carbon atom is more positively charged than that in II. To further validate this proposal, we studied the hydride transfer reaction from ((R)-BINAP)Pd(H)(OCOCF3) to I and II. Indeed, the calculations showed that the hydride transfer barrier for I is 27.7 kcal/mol relative to 1a, which is lower than that for II by 1.8 kcal/mol. Therefore, the theoretical studies suggest that the pathway in Scheme 2 is reasonable and that IV is not formed for kinetic reasons.” 第三种模式是结合已知文献对反应认识, 提出机理并给出文献的说明, 它是建立于人们 对已知的反应历程具有较深的共识上。例如 Kundig 小组报道钯催化的不对称 C-H 活化合成 吲哚啉。基于早先 C-H 机理的研究,作者直接提出了反应机理:首先卡宾钯络合物与底物 发生氧化加成生成中间体 3,再发生溴/特戊酸根交换和 sp3C-H 键活化合成中间体 4,最后 还原消除得到目标产物 2。 文章写作中,作者直接提出了整个反应历程。

“We propose the reaction mechanism shown in Scheme 2. The palladium dimeris cleaved by the NHC ligand. The latter is generated in situ from NHC-HI and cesium pivalate. Nucleophilic addition of pivalate to the cinnamyl ligand followed by alkene dissociation generates the Pd0 – NHC catalyst. Oxidative addition of 36 ? 机? ? 理? carbamate 1 and bromide/pivalate exchange is followed by C-H bond activation and reductive elimination to produce the fused indoline 2 and regenerate the catalyst.” 最后,作者给出关于 C-H 活化机理研究的文献。

“An excellent mechanistic analysis of the C-H bond-activation step has been reported by Rousseaux et al.” ? 以下具体机理写作例子 1) To probe the mechanistic information, two isotopic labeling experiments were carried out (引 1 言). When the hydrogenation was carried out in deuterated TFE, H NMR analysis of the crude hydrogenated product showed that two deuterium atoms were incorporated to the 3-position (eq 2), which suggested that a reversible process of protonation and deprotonation existed, and the equilibrium was faster than hydrogenation. Thus, two deuterium atoms were imported to the 3-position of the 2-methylindoline before hydrogenation occurred. When 2-methylindole was subjected to D2, 2-deuterio-2-methylindoline with 92% incorporation was obtained, and deuterium at the 3-position was not observed. These results confirmed that the simple unprotected indole can be activated by a Br?nsted acid to form iminium in situ, which was then hydrogenated by the Pd-catalyst (机理实验) . (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 8909) 2) To explore the reaction mechanism for this rearrangement, control experiments were conducted under the standard reaction conditions (Scheme 2) (引言). The reaction of benzaldehyde with bromo biphenyl either gave no phenol or bromophenol (Scheme 2a). When 3-(phenoxy)benzaldehyde was subjected to the optimized reaction conditions, it also did not generate the C-O bond-cleavage product (Scheme 2 b), thus demonstrating that the chelation to the rhodium catalyst by the CHO and 2-aryloxy groups is essential for the rearrangement. Meanwhile, when o-anisaldehyde was subjected to the standard reaction conditions, no 2’-hydroxyacetophenone was observed, thus indicating the important role of the 2-aryloxy group for this C-O bond-cleavage chemistry (Scheme 2c). Additionally, when [Rh2(OAc)4] (usually employed in radical reactions involving nitroene or carbine radical species) was used instead of [{RhCl(CO)2}2], the desired product was not obtained, thus suggesting that this reaction may not involve a radical mechanistic pathway (although a radical mechanism cannot be excluded;

Scheme 2d). Finally, a cross-experiment showed no cross-rearrangement product, thus indicating that this rearrangement most probably proceeded through an intramolecular process (Scheme 2e) (机理实验). On the basis of the above investigations, a tentative mechanism for this aryloxy C-O bond-cleavage chemistry is depicted in Scheme 3. Initially, the chelating aldehyde C-H insertion of 2-(aryloxy)benzaldehydes 1 by RhI generates the RhIII hydride species 3. Upon reaction with TBP, the RhIII complex 4 is formed, thus liberating one molecule of tBuOH. Then complex 4 may undergo an intramolecular SNAr process to afford the complex 5 upon heating to 160 oC, thereby generating the RhIII complex 6 (an alternative process through 1,4-elimination of Ar-Rh-tOBu from 4 with subsequent conjugate addition of Ar-Rh-tOBu to the resulting enone species may be excluded based on the result of the cross-experiment), which could release one molecule of acetone (detected by GC-MS) to afford the RhIII/Me complex 7. Finally, reaction of the previously formed tBuOH with complex 7 can release one molecule of the desired product 2 and form [RhIII(Me)-(tOBu)] (8), which could regenerate the RhI catalyst through a reductive elimination process by releasing tBuOMe (detected by 37 ? 机? ? 理? 3) 4) 5) GC-MS)? (机理历程). (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 8936) A possible mechanism (Scheme 1) was proposed as follows: Simple unprotected pyrrole reacts with a strong Br?nsted acid to form the iminium salt by protonation of carbon-carbon double bond, and the aromaticity of pyrrole is destroyed. The in situ-formed iminium salt is hydrogenated to give the intermediate enamine, and in the presence of acid, the enamine isomerizes to the more stable imine, which survives under the current catalytic system (机理 历程). The pyrrole can be protonated at both the 3- and 4-positions in the presence of a strong Br?nsted acid (Scheme 2). Density functional theory calculations at the B3LYP/cc-pVTZ(-f)// B3LYP/6-31G** level were carried out to give further insight into the selectivity. The computed bond length alternation suggests that the C=N bond in intermediate II is better conjugated with the phenyl group (Figure 1). As a result, II is more stable than I by 1.4 kcal/mol (ΔGo in CH2Cl2), and the positive charge in II is also more delocalized. Palladium hydride species were observed in palladium-catalyzed hydrogenation reactions, strongly suggesting that it could be the true active catalyst, and the rate-determining step for the hydrogenation is most probably the hydride transfer from the catalyst to the substrate. Thus, the observed selectivity is understandable. The C=N bond in I is more facile for the hydride transfer because its carbon atom is more positively charged than that in II. To further validate this proposal, we studied the hydride transfer reaction from ((R)-BINAP)Pd(H)(OCOCF3) to I and II. Indeed, the calculations showed that the hydride transfer barrier for I is 27.7 kcal/mol relative to 1a, which is lower than that for II by 1.8 kcal/mol. Therefore, the theoretical studies suggest that the pathway in Scheme 2 is reasonable and that IV is not formed for kinetic reasons(理论计算解释机理历程). (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 8866) We propose the reaction mechanism shown in Scheme 2. The palladium dimeris cleaved by the NHC ligand. The latter is generated in situ from NHC-HI and cesium pivalate. Nucleophilic addition of pivalate to the cinnamyl ligand followed by alkene dissociation generates the Pd0–NHC catalyst. Oxidative addition of carbamate 1 and bromide/pivalate exchange is followed by C-H bond activation and reductive elimination to produce the fused indoline 2 and regenerate the catalyst. An excellent mechanistic analysis of the C-H bond-activation step has been reported by Rousseaux et al (基于文献提出机理历程). As illustrated in Scheme 2, we propose that this tandem-catalysis pathway begins with concurrent formation of both the activated chiral enamine 4 (from condensation of amine catalyst 3 with the aldehyde substrate) and the electron-deficient aryl-Cu(III) species 5 (arising from oxidative addition of Cu(I) into the C-I bond of the diaryliodonium triflate system). We expect that the highly electrophilic Cu(III)-aryl system 5 will rapidly coordinate to the Re face of the enamine (Si face shielded by the phenyl substituent of 3;

see 6) to form the π-Cu complex 6. Rapid bond isomerization will subsequently lead to the η1-iminium 7 organocopper, which upon reductive elimination should release the optically enriched α-aryl iminium 8 and reconstitute the Cu(I)Br catalyst. Hydrolysis of iminium 8 will subsequently regenerate the organocatalyst partner 3 along with the desired α-aryl aldehyde product(基于 文献提出机理历程). (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 4260) 机理部分通常易犯的一些错误和注意事项:

1) 绘画机理圈时,应注意画图的美观性。循环圈尽量要画成圆的,不要画成扁的或其他形 38 ? 机? ? 理? 2) 3) 4) 状。同时,布局要合理,逻辑要清楚,这样才能让读者更容易读懂。简洁美观的机理图 示会给审稿人以良好的印象。有时候,特别是你的工作属于那种可上可下的文章,良好 的印象就会起到关键的作用,增大稿件接受的机会。

图示部分中的反应物只需给出一个代表性的例子或者简化的通式, 不需要涵盖所有的底 物范围,这样易于读者阅读和理解。

写机理部分时, 应注意描述完一个实验结果后切忌不要匆忙下结论, 特别是从反面实验 论证反应的可能性时。

文献证据也属于论据之一, 在下结论时最好能有一定文献的支持, 这样可以进一步增加机理的可信度。

另外, 一些无法解释的实验结果尽量不要放在文中, 自己都解释不清楚必然会引起审稿人的质疑。


对于一个机理历程, 最好能采用多种方法或手段加以证 明。尽量拿到有力的谱学证据来证明你的机理推测,减少可能的争议。如果只有一种方 法时,最好能结合前人研究加以说明。 39 ? 天然产物或药物合成? 天然产物或药物合成 在化学研究中,探索新的方法学是我们研究的重要内容。而发展高产率、高对应选择性 和更加绿色的方法学是我们追求的目标。

当我们研究出一种新的方法学时, 为了突出我们方 法学的优势以及潜在的应用前景, 我们一般将这种新的合成方法用于天然产物或药物的合成 中或者对合成的底物进行衍生化,以提高该方法学的价值,进而提高发表文章的档次。一般 情况下,选择合成的化合物最好是:

(a)已经上市的药物; (b)具有较好的药理活性; (c) 一个最近才分离出的天然产物,目前还没有对其合成的文献报道; (d)合成步骤要尽量少; (e)发展的方法学在选择的目标化合物的合成中最好是一个关键步骤,能极大地缩短合成 步骤。


(1)介绍该方法学 应用于天然产物或药物合成的效果; (2)介绍该方法学应用于合成的产物衍生化的情况。下 面针对这两种不同的内容分别介绍一般的写作方法。


和底物放大实验类似, 天然产物或药物合成部分在结构上一般也包括:

图 (从 反应原料到目标化合物的化学方程式、收率、ee 值等) 、文字表述(对图中内容的具体阐述 和补充) 。

1.? 合成天然产物或药物? 在写作方法上,这部分内容和底物放大实验类似,也是包括图表和文字描述两部分。

第一部分是图表:图表的注意事项在前面章节已有细致的描写,在此不再赘述。但需要 注意的是,在所画的图中,也需要将底物结构、反应条件、收率都列出,如果是合成手性化 合物,产物的 ee 值也需注明。 第二部分是文字表述:该部分一般包括:引言、对合成反应的具体描述、对合成结果的 总结。接下来对具体的写作手法进行分类举例说明。

首先是将介绍的内容引入到天然产物或药物的合成工作中来, 这时一般需要过渡句来承 接前面的内容,在这里一般可以这样描述:为了进一步验证我们方法学的价值,我们将该方 法学用于某某天然产物或药物的合成中,如:To further demonstrate the value of this new R-arylation strategy, we focused upon the development of a unique and expeditious route to ketoprofen, an oral and topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug。

紧接着介绍一下该天然产物或药物的功能和作用,在这里可以另外用一句话来介绍一 40 ? 天然产物或药物合成? 下, 更多情况下也可将功能和作用的介绍放在上面的过渡句中, 与第一句的天然产物或药物 名称作同位语,如:ketoprofen, an oral and topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug。

然后就是具体介绍自己的方法和合成路线,这时一般有个过渡,一般写:见某某图的数 据显示, 如:

As shown in detail in Scheme 3, implementation of our standard arylation conditions o at 0 C with propionaldehyde and iodonium X (prepared in two steps from 3-aminobenzophenone;

see Supporting Information), followed by in situ aldehyde oxidation, successfully furnished (S)-ketoprofen in 71% yield and 92% ee (a total of three chemical operations from commercial materials) (Scheme 7-1)。其中,“As shown in detail in Scheme 3”就是过渡句,而后面的内 容则是介绍用自己发展的方法学合成天然产物 (S)-ketoprofen 的具体合成步骤。又如:

Intermediate can be assembled from readily available starting materials in an overall yield of 88%. The key C-SCF3 bond-forming process proceeded in 95% yield。

最后对上述的内容进行总结, 这部分主要写该方法在天然产物或药物合成中的优点, 一 般可以从绿色化学的角度来写。例如:运用新的方法使原来合成步骤大大缩短,使原来合成 的关键步骤产率或选择性得到大大提高,如:To our knowledge, this is the first report on the synthesis of convolutamydine B and E with high enantiopurity using chiral catalysts。当然,有时 一些结论性的句子不会另外用一句话书写,而是在介绍合成天然产物或药物的路线及结果 时,顺便和该新合成方法的优点一起介绍。如:

successfully furnished (S)- ketoprofen in 71% yield and 92% ee (a total of three chemical operations from commercial materials), 在表述实验结 果的同时,也说明了“运用该合成方法使用三种商业易得的原料便能以很好的收率和对映选 择性一步得到天然产物(S)-ketoprofen”,这样作者同时也表述了该合成方法的优点。


1) Finally, to demonstrate the utility of this method,(引言)we prepared an intermediate in the reported synthesis of Toltrazuril, an antiprotozoal agent. Intermediate can be assembled from readily available starting materials in an overall yield of 88%. The key C-SCF3 bond-forming process proceeded in 95% yield (Scheme 3). (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 1). 2) To further demonstrate the value of this new R-arylation strategy, (引言) we focused upon the development of a unique and expeditious route to ketoprofen, an oral and topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. As shown in detail in Scheme 3, (具体描述) implementation of our o standard arylation conditions at 0 C with propionaldehyde and iodonium (prepared in two steps from 3-aminobenzophenone;

see Supporting Information), followed by in situ aldehyde oxidation, successfully furnished (S)-ketoprofen in 71% yield and 92% ee (a total of three chemical operations from commercial materials). (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 4260). 3) Iridium-catalyzed asymmetric hydrogenation of quinolines provides a convenient route to synthesize optically active tetrahydroquinoline derivatives since quinolines are very cheap starting materials.(引言)This methodology can be successfully applied to asymmetric synthesis of tetrahedroquinoline alkaloids. For example, 2f, 2h, and 2i are naturally occurring tetrahydroquinoline alkaloids, N-methylation of 2f, 2h, and 2i gives naturally occurring tetrahydroquinoline alkaloids angustureine, galipinine, and cuspareine, respectively in high total yields, and absolute configurations of (+)-angustureine and (-)-galipinine can be assigned through our synthesis (for the detailed procedure, see Supporting Information).(具 体描述)2j is the key intermediate in the synthesis of antibacterial agent of flumequine, which was obtained through the resolution method. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2003, 125, 10536). 4) Finally, to demonstrate the utility of this method,(引言)we focused on the synthesis of the 41 ? 天然产物或药物合成? 5) 6) 7) urinary antispasmodic drug (+)-solifenacin. Synthesis of this chiral drug requires an optical resolution of the racemic 1-phenyl tetrahydroisoquinoline using tartaric acid in industry. Hydrogenolysis of the hydrogenation product afforded the product in the presence of a Pd/C catalyst without loss of enantioselectivity. Subsequent acylation and transesterification with (R)-3-quinuclidinol furnished the (+)-solifenacin in 85% overall yield. (具体描述)(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 3685). A practical application of this methodology as the key step in the enantioselective synthesis of the chiral herbicide (1S)-metolachlorwas was examined. (引言) The hydrogenation was performed on a 50 g scale at 100 oC for 18 h under a H2 pressure of 80 bar with Bu4NI as the additive by employing a catalyst loading of 0.001 mol % (S/C = 100000). MEA imine was completely transformed into the corresponding MEA amine in up to 80%ee. Restricted by the hydrogenation apparatus in our laboratory, we did not investigate the feasibility of the hydrogenation of MEA imine under lower catalyst loading. Because of the ready availability and the low cost of chiral ligand, the present catalytic system should be a competent alternative for the use in the industrial production of chiral herbicide (1S)-metolachlor.(对本 文所用的法学进行评价)(Org. Lett. 2012, 14, 3554). Lastly, we present an asymmetric synthesis of the natural product (S)-(-)-3-n-butylphthalide. (引言)This phthalide is responsible for the flavor of celery, and its racemate was in phase-III clinical trials for treating strokes. As shown in Scheme, we converted commercial acetal to ketoaldehyde in 71% yield in one pot. In the presence of [Rh((S,S,R,R)-Duanphos)]NO3, cyclized to phthalide in 93% yield and 97% ee.(J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 15608). To broaden the application of our methodology,(引言)we were keen to explore the formal synthesis of piperidine, an orally active NK1 receptor antagonist. Reduction of hydrogenation product with lithium aluminum hydride gave the intermidate, and subsequent hydrogenolysis and protection yielded 4a with up to >99% ee after a single crystallization.(具体描述)4a was the key intermediate for the formal synthesis of the NK1 receptor antagonist reported in literature. The absolute configuration of 4a was assigned to be S by comparison of the sign of the observed optical rotation with the reported data. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 10181). 2.? 产物的衍生化? 产物的衍生化部分的写作和合成天然产物或药物类似,也是包括图和文字阐述两部分。

第一部分是图表:图表的注意事项在前面章节已有细致的描写,在此不再赘述,需要注 意的是,在所画的图表中,一定要标出具体的反应条件,反应原料和产物的正确结构以及某 些对反应很关键的参数,如果是手性化合物的衍生化,则原料和产物的 ee 值和绝对构型必 须在图中标出,让读者能够一目了然。 第二部分是对产物衍生化的具体描述:

首先,与天然产物及药物的介绍类似,一般需要过渡句来引入该部分的工作。可以这样 42 ? 天然产物或药物合成? 描述:用我们的合成方法得到的产物在有机合成中具有很大的应用前景,如:

The thus obtained products 4 potentially have wide application in organic synthesis。

然后就是对产物衍生化的具体实验步骤及结果进行描述,如:For example, the reduction of product 4b by NaBH4 afforded lactone 7 in 81% yield with 3:1 dr, while reduction by LiAlH4 provided 3a-hydroxyfuroindoline in 75% yield as a single isomer。在这部分的说明中如果涉及 到选择性,除了具体说明取得多少 ee 外,我们一般对产物衍生化前后的 ee 变化进行说明, 如:All of these reactions took place with no loss of optical activity,又如:As illustrated in Scheme 3, reduction of 2a with DIBAL-H afforded cis-2-methyl-5-phenylpyrrolidine (3) in quantitative yield without loss of optical purity. In the presence of trifluoroacetic anhydride, 2a isomerized to 2-pyrroline 4 with a trifluoroacetyl group on the nitrogen atom. The enantiomeric excess was preserved, and a yield of 88% was obtained。这里“without loss of optical purity”与 “The enantiomeric excess was preserved”也是对 ee 变化的描述。

接着就是说明我们的合成方法的优点,一般可以从不同的角度来写,如:衍生化得到产 物用其他方法合成比较困难,而用我们的方法得到的产物,通过衍生化很容易得到;或者衍 生化得到的产物很有用, 可以用来合成天然产物或者药物, 或者衍生化后直接得到天然产物 或药物,如:Access to enantiomerically enriched compounds of this type would be difficult using conventional methodology;

Compound 8 can be potentially used for the synthesis of the analogues of natural products (+)-madindoline。


1) The thus obtained products 4 potentially have wide application in organic synthesis.(引言) For example, the reduction of product 4b by NaBH4 afforded lactone 7 in 81% yield with 3:1 dr, while reduction by LiAlH4 provided 3a-hydroxyfuroindoline 8 in 75% yield as a single isomer. Compound 8 can be potentially used for the synthesis of the analogues of natural products (+)-madindoline. (J. Am. Chem. Soc.2010, 132. 15176). 2) As shown in Scheme 1, vinyl oxindole 4 was readily converted into either the related saturated compound 5 or the 3-acetyl derivative 6 by reduction or ozonolysis, respectively. Access to enantiomerically enriched compounds of this type would be difficult using conventional methodology.(直接阐述反应的用途)3-Aryl oxindole 2 was converted into the corresponding indoline 7 with LiAlH4, and 3 was employed in a Pd-catalyzed C-N cross-coupling reaction to give 8. All of these reactions took place with no loss of optical activity.(具体描述反应过程) (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 9900). 3) We also examined the preparation of convolutamydine B. (R)-Convolutamydine E (92% ee) was treated with TsCl (10 equiv) in pyridine at 75 oC to give (R)-convolutamydine B in high yield without loss of enantiopurity ( 直 接 阐 述 反 应 的 用 途 )(Scheme 1). Single recrystallization of convolutamydine B with 92% ee afforded almost enantiomerically pure (R)-convolutamydine B. The absolute stereochemistry of convolutamydine B was assigned to be R in comparison with the CD spectrum reported in the literature. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the synthesis of convolutamydine B and E with high enantiopurity using chiral catalysts.(评价方法学的优点)(Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 6790). 4) As mentioned above, aryl azides are versatile intermediates and building blocks in organic synthesis. (引言) After this aminogroup-directed ortho azidation protocol was established, we looked forward to applying the aryl azide products in other transformations. For the classical click reaction, 2-azido-4,6-dimethylaniline was treated with phenylacetylene in the presence 43 ? 天然产物或药物合成? 5) 6) 7) 8) of a catalytic amount of CuSO4, thus a?ording the corresponding triazole in 85% yield. When 2-azidoaniline was treated with benzaldehyde, benzimidazole was produced in 70% yield. (具 体描述)One of the advantages of using a primary amino group as the directing group is the possibility that it can be removed or used in other transformations.(评价方法学的优点)By means of the well-known Sandmeyer reaction, diazotization of with NaNO2 followed by treatment with KI produced 1-azido-2-iodobenzene in 73% yield.The azide group was well-tolerated in this reaction, and the resulting product could be used in subsequent conversions. Moreover, 2-azidoanilines could also undergo some other transformations according to the literature. 9H-Benzo[4,5]imidazo[1,2-d]tetrazole was easily prepared by the reaction of 2c with BrCN via Narylcyanamide as the intermediate. The biologically important 8-aminoquinoline compound was constructed using 2c as the starting material. In addition, 1-azido-2-isocyanobenzene, which is a precursor of N-heterocyclic carbene ligands, was synthesized from 2c. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 18924). An advantage of our system is that the initial adduct generated in the Michael addition is an imine, which can be reduced to afford an amino ester.(引言)We found that this reduction occurred simply upon the treatment of the initial product with NaBH4. In this way, the Michael addition of the enamide to the ethylidenemalonate followed by reduction instead of hydrolysis gave the amino ester. Thus, the nitrogen atom of the enamide is retained in the product. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 7803). The present transformation can be coupled to Pd/C catalyzed hydrogenolysis for the preparation of chiral g-aryl isobutylamines.(引言)When the chiral 1,3-amino alcohol precursor (99%ee) was treated with Pd/C in the presence of hydrogen gas (20 bar), g-phenylisobutylamine (97%ee) was obtained in quantitative yield. (具体描述)To our knowledge, there is no other catalytic method available for the preparation this class of chiral amines. This transformation therefore represents an elegant catalytic approach to these pharmaceutically and biologically valuable chiral compounds.(评价方法学的优势)For example, compound pesticide, an agrochemical for pest control, could potentially be prepared by this sequence of reactions.( Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 6052). Furthermore, we extended this protocol to the asymmetric synthesis of chiral lactams.(直接 阐述用途)Thus, the imines 12m and 12n bearing a remote ester group were subjected to the asymmetric hydrogenation, and after subsequent deprotection of the N-aromatic group, 5-phenyl-2-pyrrolidinone 16 and 6-phenyl-2-piperidinone 17 were obtained in 74% yield, 92% ee and 78% yield, 97% ee, respectively.(具体描述)(Org. Lett. 2007, 9, 3089). To demonstrate that the chiral cis-disubstituted products could be used for preparing the corresponding trans compounds, ( 引 言 ) compound 3 was treated with lithium diisopropylamide (LDA) to give the trans epimer 4, which is generally difficult to obtain through direct asymmetric hydrogenation.(具体描述)(Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 8286). 天然产物或药物合成部分通常易犯的一些注意事项:

1) 英语的表达一定要清晰,准确,同时也要注意中国式英语,对于别人已经写好的句子, 可以借鉴,但不能原封不动的照抄过来。

2) 在本段的描述中, 当提到合成的天然产物或药物时, 一定要引上相应的天然产物或药物 的原始文献,这样,既能证明我们的合成是有根据的,同时也方便他人查阅。 44 ? 天然产物或药物合成? 3) 4) 5) 6) 为了说明所发展方法学的实用性,所选择的底物最好是具有生理活性的药物或天然产 物,或具有潜在应用价值的化合物。

在论文中最好单独用一个 Scheme 画出所合成的天然产物或药物的路线、所用的具体的 原料和产物结构、反应条件、产物的重量、收率。如果是手性化合物,产物的 ee 值和 绝对构型也应注明。

在本部分的写作中,一定要注意化合物的结构式不能出错,如果是手性化合物,要仔细 检查手性中心的构型和目标化合物是否一致。

当我们只是做形式合成时, 从我们合成的产物到最终的目标化合物的合成文献一定要在 正文中注明。 45 ? 结? ? 论? 结 论 这部分主要是用实用、简洁、概括的语言对文章中所描述的工作加以总结,与题目和摘 要部分相呼应,使读者对你完成的工作形成更清晰和直观的印象。有些是一句话,有些是对 文中内容的逐条列举。

撰写结论时, 不仅要对研究的全过程、 实验的结果、 数据等进一步认真地加以综合分析, 准确反映客观事物的本质及其规律, 而且, 对论证的材料, 选用的实例, 语言表达的概括性, 科学性和逻辑性等方方面面,也都要一一进行总判断、总推理和总评价。同时,撰写时,不 是对前面论述结果的简单复述,而要与引言相呼应,与正文其他部分相联系。总之,结论要 有说服力,恰如其分。语言要准确、鲜明。结论中,凡归结为一个认识、肯定一种观点、否 定一种意见,都要有事实、有根据,不能想当然,不能含糊其词,不能用“大概”、“可能”、 “或许”等词语。如果论文得不出结论,也不要硬写。对于不写结论的论文,可对实验结果进 行一番深入讨论。

科技论文的结论部分一般包括四个方面,其中包括总结词、对具体工作的总结、文中工 作的优点或与之前工作的比较或对将来工作的指导意义等。

这几个方面并不都是必须的, 可 以根据文章的题材或是个人喜好和篇幅等删减或增加。

结论部分是最终和总体的结论, 不是 正文中各段小结的简单重复。结论应准确、完整、明确、精炼。要认真阐述自己的创造性工 作在本领域中的地位和作用以及自己所提出的新见解的意义。结论主要是对文中工作的总 结,进一步阐述作者的观点和工作的指导意义,一般会与文题、摘要和文章开头相呼应,并 列举该工作的优点、 重要性, 最后再提出接下来可以进行的工作或是未来自己的打算或对别 人工作的启示。

1.? 结论词? 科技论文结尾最常用的两个总结词语是in summary或者in conclusion,然后引出对文章 的总体概括,主要起到总结的作用,提示读者正文部分已经结束,下面的内容是对整篇科技 论文的总结。

对于不需要对文章进行精读的读者, 一般都会在有结论词开头的那段进行阅读。

但是结论词也不是必须的,可以在结论部分直接对文章进行总结,或者用in the present work 或者we have demonstrated等开头,来引出结论部分。下面是一些代表性的例子:

1) In conclusion, using a DNA-based catalyst, we have achieved Lewis acid catalyzed asymmetric Friedel-Crafts alkylations with olefins in water for the first time. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 3346) 2) In conclusion, for the first time we have demonstrated that a single nucleotide (adenosine 5’-diphosphate) is able to catalyze the direct asymmetric reductive amination of carbonyl compounds using a Hantzsch ester as transfer hydrogenating agent, resulting in structurally diverse amines. (Adv. Synth. Catal. 2010, 352, 2227) 3) In summary, we have developed an efficient enantioselective reductive amination of R-branched aldehydes via dynamic kinetic resolution. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 13074) 4) In summary, a fundamentally new approach to the direct construction of six- and five-membered carbocycles from aldehydes and conjugated olefins has been achieved using enantioselective SOMO-catalysis. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 10015) 2.? 对具体工作的总结? 46 ? 结? ? 论? 该部分主要是对文章中的各部分研究工作进行总结, 但并非单纯的一一罗列, 比如发展 了好的方法或是合成了有用的化合物以及研究了反应的机理等, 这部分一般与工作的优点是 一致的。有些只是一句话,比如说发展了一条合成化合物的路径,或是合成了一类有用的化 合物等。

有些把文章中的具体工作都进行了总结, 例如合成方法, 产物的重要性, 反应机理, 放大实验等都会包含在该部分。

1) 以简洁的语言描述了文中主要工作,发展了一系列的催化剂用于非环状酮的SOMO活 化,直观明了。We have developed a family of oxidatively stable imidazolidinone catalysts 4–6 that are readily employed for the SOMO activation of cyclic ketones. (PNAS, 2010, 107, 20648) 2) We have discovered a new and efficient method for the regioselective synthesis of substituted indoles. The reaction proceeds from readily available 1-(2-aminophenyl)- 2-chloroethanones by a [1,2]-aryl rearrangement followed by intramolecular condensation to form indoles. The method introduces substituents at the C2-position of indoles and tolerates different 3) substitution patterns on ?-chloro achloroketones. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 4231) We have developed a new oxidative cross-coupling of sp3 C-H bonds and alkenes under neutral and catalytic conditions. From a mechanistic standpoint, the key advance was the ability to facilitate C-H activation and alkene insertion in tandem and in preference to ?-hydride elimination. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 6556) 将自己工作中的亮点逐条列出,使用furthermore等词来过渡和连接不同的内容。

We have demonstrated the discovery of a novel activation mode, provided by small molecule amines. As a proof of concept, we have realized the first trienamine catalyzed Diels-Alder reaction of 2,4-dienals and two classes of olefins as trienamine precursors and dienophiles, respectively. A detailed mechanistic survey, including NMR and computational studies in concert with rationalization of the preferred reaction pathway and the origin of stereoselectivity, has been presented. Furthermore, we have illustrated that trienamine catalysis can be merged with other amino-catalyzed activation modes, as demonstrated by the first trienamine enamine-tandem reaction. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 5053) 4) 3.? 工作的优点? 工作的优点是结论部分的亮点, 主要是列举文中工作的优点, 如原料廉价易得或合成方 便,催化剂用量少且活性高,产率高,对映选择性好,底物范围广,产物用途多等等。如果 文中有放大实验或机理研究以及全合成(或类似全合成)等工作,一般也会被作为亮点放在 结论部分中。大部分作者会用一些具有正面感情色彩的词语来对这些优点进行评价,例如 excellent, novelty, perfect, efficient, good和key等等。

1) 使用direct, excellent等词对文章进行评价 These catalysts allow the direct α-allylation, α-enolation, and α-carbooxidation of carbocyclic ketones with excellent levels of enantiocontrol. (PNAS, 2010, 107, 20648) 2) novelty, perfect chirality等突出了文章的特点 The novelty of this activation strategy, named trienamine catalysis, lies within the perfect chirality relay over a distance of up to eight bonds. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 5053) 3) 使用new, efficient, readily available或者tolerates different substitution patterns等词对工作 进行评价 We have discovered a new and efficient method for the regioselective synthesis of substituted indoles. The reaction proceeds from readily available 1-(2-aminophenyl)-2-chloroethanones 47 ? 结? ? 论? by a [1,2]-aryl rearrangement followed by intramolecular condensation to form indoles. The method introduces substituents at the C2-position of indoles and tolerates different 4) substitution patterns on ?-chloro achloroketones. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 4231) 催化剂用量少, 产率高, 对映选择性好。

Employing catalyst loadings as low as 0.15 mol%, good yields and excellent enantioselectivities (up to 93%) were obtained in the synthetically important reaction of ?,?-unsaturated 2-acyl imidazoles with heteroaromatic ? nucleophiles. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 3346) 底物范围广。

Our process is broad in scope, and both aromatic and aliphatic aldehydes can be used, although enantiomeric ratios are typically lower with simple aliphatic aldehydes. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 13074) 反应条件适用范围广。

After ?-C-H olefination, the amide products underwent 1,4-conjugate addition to give the corresponding lactam compounds. The reaction conditions could also be applied to effect olefination of cyclopropyl methylene C-H bonds and substrates containing R-hydrogen atoms. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 132, 3680) 用 Key advance, catalytic 和 neutral conditions 对 文 章 的 优 点 进 行 总 结 。

From a mechanistic standpoint, the key advance was the ability to facilitate C-H activation and alkene insertion in tandem and in preference to ?-hydride elimination. With respect to complex synthesis, the catalytic and neutral conditions of this method unlock new exciting opportunities as illustrated by the cyclization of proline derivative 16. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 6556) 4.? 后续工作的展望? 一般是自己下一步工作展望,为自己的工作划定一个范围,例如某某实验正在进行中。


也有提出文章中存在的难点或是方法的局限性, 进而提出在这些方面使用可能的方法来加以 改善。下面是一些代表性的例子:

1) Further application of these organocatalytic methodologies will be reported shortly. (PNAS, 2010, 107, 20648) 2) We believe that this work may open up for new possibilities of trienamine catalyzed cycloadditions and tandem reactions, offering an interesting entry to complex molecule synthesis using asymmetric catalysis. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 5053) 3) Currently, our reaction is limited to the use of aromatic amines, but we expect to overcome this limitation in ongoing studies in our laboratory. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 13074) 4) Further studies directed toward the application of this technology to the construction of heterocyclic adducts will be outlined in due course. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 10015) 5) Studies to expand the scope to simple carboxylic acid substrates and to develop enantioselective sp3 C-H olefination reactions of gem-dimethyl- and cyclopropyl groups are currently underway in our laboratory. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 132, 3680) 6) This reaction serves as an important prototype for further advancement in terms of substrate scope, mechanistic insight, and efficiency. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 6556) 完整结论部分具体范例:

1) In summary, we have developed a family of oxidatively stable imidazolidinone catalysts 4–6 that are readily employed for the SOMO activation of cyclic ketones. These catalysts allow 48 ? 5) 6) 7) 结? ? 论? 2) 3) the direct α-allylation, α-enolation, and α-carbooxidation of carbocyclic ketones with excellent levels of enantiocontrol. Further application of these organocatalytic methodologies will be reported shortly. (PNAS, 2010, 107, 20648) We have demonstrated the discovery of a novel activation mode, provided by small molecule amines. The novelty of this activation strategy, named trienamine catalysis, lies within the perfect chirality relay over a distance of up to eight bonds. As a proof of concept, we have realized the first trienamine catalyzed Diels-Alder reaction of 2,4-dienals and two classes of olefins as trienamine precursors and dienophiles, respectively. A detailed mechanistic survey, including NMR and computational studies in concert with rationalization of the preferred reaction pathway and the origin of stereoselectivity, has been presented. Furthermore, we have illustrated that trienamine catalysis can be merged with other amino-catalyzed activation modes, as demonstrated by the first trienamine enamine-tandem reaction. We believe that this work may open up for new possibilities of trienamine catalyzed cycloadditions and tandem reactions, offering an interesting entry to complex molecule synthesis using asymmetric catalysis. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 5053) In summary, we have discovered a new and efficient method for the regioselective synthesis of substituted indoles. The reaction proceeds from readily available 1-(2-aminophenyl)2-chloroethanones by a [1,2]-aryl rearrangement followed by intramolecular condensation to form indoles. The method introduces substituents at the C2-position of indoles and tolerates different substitution patterns on ?-chloro achloroketones. This simple and mild procedure renders the method a valuable addition to the arsenal of indole syntheses. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 4231) In conclusion, we have established a new method for the preparation of 2-aryl and 2-vinyl indoles from commercially available starting materials. These reactions proceed under very mild conditions (often at room temperature) and remarkably short times in one pot with high yields (81-97%). The adduct from indole-4-carboxaldehyde was an advanced intermediate in the synthesis of arcyriacyanin A, which can be synthesized in two steps in 35% overall yield. (Org. Lett. 2008, 10, 3061) In summary, we have developed an efficient enantioselective reductive amination of R-branched aldehydes via dynamic kinetic resolution. Our process is broad in scope, and both aromatic and aliphatic aldehydes can be used, although enantiomeric ratios are typically lower with simple aliphatic aldehydes. Currently, our reaction is limited to the use of aromatic amines, but we expect to overcome this limitation in ongoing studies in our laboratory. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 13074) In summary, a fundamentally new approach to the direct construction of six- and five-membered carbocycles from aldehydes and conjugated olefins has been achieved using enantioselective SOMO-catalysis. Further studies directed toward the application of this technology to the construction of heterocyclic adducts will be outlined in due course. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 10015) In summary, we have developed a Pd(II)-catalyzed reaction protocol for the direct olefination of sp3 C-H bonds. After ?-C-H olefination, the amide products underwent 1,4-conjugate addition to give the corresponding lactam compounds. The reaction conditions could also be applied to effect olefination of cyclopropyl methylene C-H bonds and substrates containing R-hydrogen atoms. Studies to expand the scope to simple carboxylic acid substrates and to 49 4) 5) 6) 7) ? 结? ? 论? 8) develop enantioselective sp3 C-H olefination reactions of gem-dimethyl- and cyclopropyl groups are currently underway in our laboratory. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 132, 3680) In summary, we have developed a new oxidative cross-coupling of sp3 C-H bonds and alkenes under neutral and catalytic conditions. From a mechanistic standpoint, the key advance was the ability to facilitate C-H activation and alkene insertion in tandem and in preference to ?-hydride elimination. With respect to complex synthesis, the catalytic and neutral conditions of this method unlock new exciting opportunities as illustrated by the cyclization of proline derivatives. This reaction serves as an important prototype for further advancement in terms of substrate scope, mechanistic insight, and efficiency. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2004, 126, 6556) 结论部分容易犯的一些错误和注意事项:

1) 没有对整篇论文进行把握从而提出文章的创新点和闪光点。一定要在正文前半部分提炼 出文章最想传达给读者的信息,在结论部分加以总结,并且总结的都是与正文前言部分 提出的需要解决的问题,前后呼应,扬长避短。

2) 只是简单罗列文章中的工作,没有主次。这样容易造成读者分不清哪些是文章要传达的 重点部分。正确的做法是在总结文章工作时,条理清楚,主次分明,哪些是文章中的闪 光点,哪些是对之前工作的补充,或是对自己经验的总结。

3) 尽量使用具有正面感情色彩的词语来评价文章中所报道的方法或是合成的化合物,比如 excellent, valuable等等。但不要不过分拔高自己的工作,否则会给审稿人一种言过其实 的感觉。

4) 使用“第一次报道…”的时候一定要慎重,并且给这个限定词划定一个范围,这个范围 理论上不会很大,并且一定要查全文献。否则有人对该问题提出质疑的时候,会是一件 很麻烦的事情,甚至有可能涉及到学术不端行为。

5) 总结部分出现化合物的编号。由于结论是一个相对独立和完整的部分,是对整篇科技论 文的总结,读者不需要在完整读完论文的基础上对整个工作形成整体的认识和印象,因 此,结论部分最好不要出现化合物的编号,应该给出具体化合物的名称。例如: In the present work, we show that the role of DNA in the DNA-based enantioselective Diels-Alder reaction of 1 with 2 is not limited to that of a chiral scaffold. 这样就不是一个很好的结论部 分的例子。

6) 对于全文类型的文章,在结论部分中一定不要有下一步将开展工作的句子,因为这样编 辑认为你的工作还没有最终完成,是一个片断,应该进一步做完整后再发表。这样你的 稿件就被直接拒稿。 50 ? 致? ? 谢? 致 谢 致谢是科技论文写作中的一个重要的组成部分, 它既是对做了贡献人的感谢同时也是对 他人劳动成果的尊重。在文字表达方面要朴素、简洁,不要夸大其实,必须实事求是,以显 示其严肃和诚意。

同时致谢要征得被致谢者的同意, 不能为了 “装点论文门面” 强拉名人 “助 威” 。伴随着现代科学技术的迅速发展和科研工作的日趋复杂,仅靠个人的单打独斗或闭门 造车是很难取得理想的科研成果, 因此许多科研成果的取得需要与他人的合作, 对那些付出 劳动并且做出了一定贡献但又不足以列为合著者的个人或机构, 在论文发表时以致谢的形式 予以公开认定并表示感谢是十分必要的。

一般致谢是放在正文和参考文献之间, 也有的放在 文章首页的脚注处(具体的格式要参阅投稿指南的作者需知)。通常致谢包括以下几部分内 容:

(1)感谢外围的基金帮助,如资助、合作或奖学金的形式,一般都要附注资助的基金号、 项目号或合同编号。

(2)感谢任何个人或机构在技术上提供的帮助,其中包括提供仪器、设 备或相关实验的材料,协作实验工作,提供有益的启发、建议、指导、审阅,承担部分铺助 性的工作,对论文撰写提供过指导或帮助的人,等等。

(3)题献。是为了向做出杰出贡献的 科学家致敬,如此文献给某某多少岁生日等。致谢的开始一般用“We thank”,不要使用“We wish to thank” “We would like to thank”或“The authors thank”等,具体的表达方式如下:

(1) 感谢基金支持:是为了感谢获得资金的资助,资金的提供者。具体包括基金项目、组 织或计划, 科研机构, 高校项目, 事企业项目甚至政府机构等。

每个基金都有相应的基金号, 在致谢时提到的每个基金名称时,其后一般跟着相应的基金号、批准号或合同号。在写基金 的具体名称时每个实词的首字母要大写。常用的表达方式是:致谢人+表示“感谢”意义的 动词+致谢原因+提供者。如:We are grateful for the financial support from the Natural Sciences Foundation of China, the Major State Basic Research Development Program (Grant No. 2006CB806105), and The Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality. (2) 感谢任何个人或机构的帮助:是为了感谢个人对论文的选题、思路、观点、论证给 予指导、启发或探讨;在实验过程中提供仪器、设备或相关实验的材料的帮助以及承担或协 助部分实验及数据处理工作或资料收集工作; 在论文撰写过程中提出重要的修改、 补充意见、 建议或帮助画作图等; 在投稿过程中给予的投稿建议等。

在写感谢个人或机构时一定要征得 个人或机构的同意, 同时不能把个人的名字和单位以及单位的名称写错。




We thank Dr. Rebecca Loy (postdoc in MSS group), Brannon Gary (graduate student in MSS group), and Dr .Marion Emmert (postdoc in MSS group) for helpful discussions. (3) 题献:是将自己发表的文章献给自己尊敬的人或在科学界作出巨大贡献的科学家。

一般是献给某某多少岁生日或某某诞辰多少年。常用的表达方式是:致谢人+表示“题献” 意义的动词+题献对象+题献原因。如:Dedicated to Professor Xi-Yan Lu and Professor Li-Xin Dai for their lifelong contributions to the development of organic chemistry。


1) 感 谢 基 金 支 持 : We are grateful for the financial support from the Natural Sciences Foundation of China, the Major State Basic Research Development Program (Grant No. 2006CB806105), and The Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 1494). 2) 感谢基金支持和个人帮助:We thank the NIH NIGMS (GM073836) for financial support. We also thank Dr. Rebecca Loy (postdoc in MSS group), Brannon Gary (graduate student in 51 ? 致? ? 谢? 3) 4) 5) 6) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? MSS group), and Dr. Marion Emmert (postdoc in MSS group) for helpful discussions. (Org. Lett. 2011, 13, 5464). 感谢提供仪器、设备或相关实验的材料的帮助和感谢基金支持 :To Alyssa Hellreich (University of Delaware) for synthetic assistance, Prof. Joseph Fox (University of Delaware) for insightful suggestions, Kaitlin Papson (University of Delaware) for HRMS, and Ram Selvaraj (University of Delaware) for assistance with LRMS. Acknowledgement is also made to the Donors of the American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund, the University of Delaware Research Fund, and the University of Delaware for partial support of this research. NMR and other data were acquired at UD on instruments obtained with the assistance of NSF and NIH funding (NSFMIR 0421224, NSF CRIF MU CHE0840401 and CHE0541775, NIH P20 RR017716). (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 17142). 感谢基金支持和个人的帮助:Financial support from the National Basic Research Program of China (2010CB833300) is gratefully acknowledged. We also thank Dr. Chunqing Liu (UOP), Prof. Yonggui Zhou, and Dr. Wei Wang for proof-reading this manuscript as well as Prof. Sentaro Okamoto (Kanagawa University) for helpful discussion on experiment details. (Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 7162). 感谢基金支持和个人的帮助以及题献:This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21032003 and 20921092) and the National Basic Research Program of China (2010CB833300). We also thank Prof. Xumu Zhang of Rutgers University and Prof. Shu-Li You of Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry for very helpful discussions. This paper is dedicated to Prof. Christian Bruneau on the occasion of his 60th birthday. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 16432). 感谢基金支持和个人的帮助以及题献 :We are grateful to the financial support from National Science Foundation of China (20921092 &

21032003), National Basic Research Program (2010CB833300), and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Thanks for the generous gift of SDP ligands L6a–e from Prof. Qi-Lin Zhou of Nankai University. Dedicated to Professor Xi-Yan Lu and Professor Li-Xin Dai for their lifelong contributions to the development of organic chemistry. (Tetrahedron Lett. 2010, 51, 3014). 部分科学基金英文表达:

国家自然科学基金 (面上项目、 重点项目、 重大项目) National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program、Key Program、Major Program) 国家杰出青年科学基金 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars 国家科技攻关项目 National Key Technologies R&D Program of China 国家教育部博士点基金资助项目 Ph. D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China 中国科学院百人计划 Talent Scientist Program, the Chinese Academy of Sciences 千人计划“Thousand Plan”Youth Program 金属有机化学重点实验室 State Key Laboratory of Organometallic Chemistry 辽宁省自然科学基金 Liaoning Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China 大连市科技局资助项目 Dalian Municipal Scinence and Technology Bureau for Financial 致谢部分容易犯的一些错误和注意事项:

1) 在写感谢基金支持时不要把基金的名称写错, 特别是基金的英文表达, 其具体名称每个 实词的首字母要大写。如:National Natural Science Foundation of China不能写成national 52 ? 致? ? 谢? 2) 3) 4) 5) natural science foundation of china. 填写基金号时也要认真核实基金号, 不要把基金号填写错误, 或填写了已经结题的基金 号以及填写成别人的基金。


对致谢的内容必须书写清楚,要实事求是,既不任意取舍也不夸张渲染,更不要为“装 点论文门面”强拉名人“助威”,也不应该将致谢部分视为资助单位的宣传广告。

在写题献时不要把别人的年龄写错。 53 ? 参考文献? 参考文献 参考文献是科技论文写作中的一个非常重要组成部分。因为,当今社会是一个合作共赢 的社会, 我们的科学研究也一样, 大部分科研成果是在前人的研究成果或工作基础上发展起 来的。

论文中的参考文献的引用可以反映出论文真实可靠的科学依据, 免除了抄袭和剽窃他 人的成果, 也反映出作者对前人劳动的肯定和尊重。

同时也能便于读者了解该研究领域的动 态以及采用追溯法查找与此研究方向相关的文献,还有助于科技情报人员进行文献情报研 究。

参考文献的引用反映了科研工作者具有严谨科学的态度,同时也说明科技论文中所引用 的论点、数据和机理等均有出处可查,更能反应作者对自己所研究领域的深度和广度。科技 论文中所引用的参考文献在一定程度上为文章的审阅者、 编者及读者评估文章的价值和水平 提供了客观的依据。同时参考文献还是对期刊论文引文进行统计和分析的重要信息源之一。

参考文献的要求:论文要求每一个观点、数据、方法、研究成果都必须有明确的依据和 出处; 一篇学术论文的参考文献应有充分的数量来支持, 否则难以保证信息来源的全面性和 论文应有的质量;不仅要注意参考文献的书写规则,更要注重参考文献的数量和质量,一般 仅限于最必要的、最新的文献,并且作者对这些文献应亲自阅读过;科技论文写作时,未经 公开发表的文献、资料不能引用;作者如想引用尚未正式出版的文献资料(编辑部拟刊用并 已交付印刷) ,已经所投稿的编辑部的允许,在文中列入参考文献。此外,还应在该文献的 最后加上“印刷中” 、 “DOI 号码”或“in press”等字样。总之我们引用参考文献要遵循以 下几个原则:a) 权威性:就是要要尽量引用权威的科学核心期刊和书籍;b) 自阅性:要求 作者要亲自认真阅读原始文献;c) 准确性:要求作者要忠实于原文,不能断章取义,随意 加入自己的观点;d) 公开性:要求所引用论文和书籍是已经公开发表;e) 时效性:要求所 引用的文献和书籍尽量是比较新的;f) 多寡性:不同的期刊所采用的格式不同,具体格式 要参阅投稿指南的作者需知。


在引用期刊文献时一般包括相应的综述 (reviews) ,其相应的写法是如:

Reviews: ; Recent reviews on;For recent reviews on…, see:;

For some recent books and reviews, see:;For a review of …, see:;

For a review of resolution methods, see:;

For the latest reviews on…;等等。还有一部 分是期刊的论文的应用。

参考文献的另一部分是标注,这是由于有的内容在正文中不好表述就以标注的形式写在 参考文献中对正文的一个补充。

标注的内容一般包括所用的催化剂和溶剂的具体要求; 你在 做工作的同时,别人也做了和你相类似的工作(如:In our/their studies, Li also found that;

During our investigation, Li reported the;

After completion of this work and during the preparation of this manuscript, a paper by xxx;

During the course of our research, Li reported further results with this reaction;

It should be also mentioned here that during our preparation of this manuscript, Li have reported;

During the course of preparing this manuscript;

During the revision of this manuscript, a similar intramolecular result has been reported;

see: 等等);对不能获得或获得结 果不好的实验,加添加物的作用等的描写;重复别人实验的描写;对单晶衍射的描写;同时 有部分内容在支持信息里的描写 (See the Supporting Information/See Supporting Information for detailed data/For details, see the Supporting Information/See the Supporting Information for the exact experimental procedures). 54 ? 参考文献? 以下是一些具体的实例:

1) 相关文献综述的写法,如:Reviews:;Recent reviews on;For recent reviews on…, see:; For some recent books and reviews, see:;

For a review of …, see:;

For a review of resolution methods, see:;

For the latest reviews on…等等 2) 你在做工作的同时,别人也做了和你相类似的工作的写法。主要是描写你做该工作期间 别人也发表了和你相类似的工作,但是别人一般是用的什么条件,取得怎么样的结果, 我们用该条件有取得怎么样的结果。写这部分内容要是实事求是,不能夸张,也不能断 章起义。具体的描写实例如下:

a) During our investigation, Mashima and co-workers reported the asymmetric hydrogennation of quinoline hydrochloride salts by using Ir-complexes with Difluorphos. Tadaoka, H.;

Cartigny, D.;

Nagano, T.;

Gosavi, T.;

Ayad, T.;

Genet, J.-P.;

Ohshima, T.;

Ratovelomanana-Vidal, V.;

Mashima, K. Chem. Eur. J. 2009, 15, 9990–9994. (Tetrahedron Lett. 2010, 51, 3014). b) After completion of this work and during the preparation of this manuscript, a paper by Gong and co-workers on consecutive intramolecular hydroamination/transfer hydrogennation using a gold complex/chiral Br?nsted acid binary system for the enantioselective synthesis of tetrahydroquinolines was published. Han, Z.-Y.;

Xiao, H.;

Chen, X.-H.;

Gong, L.-Z. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009, 131, 9182-9183. (Org. Lett. 2009, 11, 4204). c) During the course of our research, Daugulis and co-workers reported further results with this reaction. However, their substrates were still limited to more reactive aryl iodides, and the commercially unavailable, hindered Et3COLi was required to shut down the benzyne mechanism, thus ensuring regioselectivity for the arylation, see: H.-Q. Do, R. M. K. Khan, O. Daugulis, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 15185-15192. (Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2009, 48, 3346). d) It should be also mentioned here that during our preparation of this manuscript, Barbas and his co-workers have reported a novel asymmetric [3 + 2] cycloaddition of MBH carbonates with methyleneindolinones in the presence of a chiral phosphine to give the corresponding spirocyclopentaneoxindoles, which have different regioselectivities from ours, in good yields and high ee values. Tan, B.;

Candeias, N. R.;

Barbas, C. F., III. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 4672-4675. The regiochemistry of the major product is different from that of 3a. (Org. Lett. 2011, 13, 3348). e) During the course of preparing this manuscript, analogous N, P ligands applied in asymmetric hydrogenation of unfunctionalized, purely alkyl-substituted olefins have been independently developed by Pfaltz, the basic motif is slightly different (no methyl in 4-position of pyridine ring for Pfaltz’s ligand), see: Bell, S.;

Wustenberg, B.;

Kaiser, S.;

Menges, F.;

Netscher, T.;

Pfaltz, A. Science 2006, 311, 642–644. (Tetrahedron Lett. 2006, 47, 4733-4736). 3) 对单晶衍射部分的描写和具体操作。首先我们要取得已测试好单晶的CCDC号,具体操 作是,先进入 CCDC CIF deposition and validation service 网站:

https://services.ccdc. cam.ac.uk/structure_deposit/web_deposit_php/web_deposit_upload_file.php,按要求把带星 号的部分信息填好,并上传CIF文件,填写好自己的e-mail,然后一般你在一天的时间内 就会收到你单晶的CCDC号。具体的描写见下面的实例:

a) CCDC 837081 contains the supplementary crystallographic data for this paper. These 55 ? 参考文献? data can be obtained free of charge from The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre via .ac.uk/data_request/cif. (Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2011, 50, 11257). b) Crystal size 0.30 _ 0.03 _ 0.02 mm, trigonal, space group P_3, Z = 6;

a = 25.467(3), b = 25.467(3), c=11.2793(15), V=6335.5(14)3, dcalcd=1.124 gcm_3, T=100(2) K, 1.88<q<20.88, (MoKa 0.71073, m=0.106 mm1), 34 459 reflections measured, 4422 independent [Rint = 0.2191]. Cell parameters were obtained from 4693, reflections within the range 2.4<q<23.38. Lorentz, polarization, and empirical absorption corrections were applied. The space group was determined from systematic absences (XPREP program). The structure was solved by direct methods (SHELXS-97). All positional and atomic displacement parameters (ADP) were refined with all reflections data by full-matrix least squares on F2 using SHELXL-97. Non-hydrogen atoms were refined anisotropically, 506 parameters, R=0.0723, wR2=0.1990, min./max. residual electron density 0.497/_0.366 eA_3. CCDC 835382 (rac-2) contains the supplementary crystallographic data for this paper. These data can be obtained free of charge from The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre via .ac.uk/data_request/cif (Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 394). 4) 对部分内容在支持信息里的描写。这部分内容主要是有的期刊对篇幅有要求,像一些具 体的条件筛选如果放在正文中,文章的篇幅就太长,超过了期刊的要求,所以就放在支 持信息中;还有的是由于在正文中不好描述,如一些谱图信息的描述,在支持信息图文 并茂可以便于读者理解。具体实例如下:

a) For the detailed information about the study of mechanism, see the Supporting Information. (Chem. Sci. 2011, 2, 803). b) Pfaltz and coworkers tried asymmetric hydrogenation of 2-methylindole using Ir/N, P catalyst, but low reactivity and poor enantioselectivity were obtained;

see the Supporting Information of reference 4f. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 8909). c) The equivalent TsOH.H2O was added to 2-methylindole in CDCl3, the signal of the 2-methyl and hydrogen in the 3-position become broad peaks, and the N-H peak disappeared. For detailed information, see the Supporting Information. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010, 132, 8909). d) 19F and 1H NMR spectra of 1f indicate the existence of E- and Z-isomers (see Supporting Information). For other iminoe

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