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时间:2013-01-12 来源: 泥巴往事网


My Dream, Chinese Dream Good morning, Ladies and Gentleman: I’m very glad to stand here. Today my speech topic is My Dream, Chinese Dream. I wish I have a pair of swings, let Chinese dream fly in the sky and break out in blossom. Chairman Xi said that our country would have become one of the greatest countries in the world is the biggest dream. Countries have national dream. I have my dream. Life is just like the water without dreams. No dream, no goals. Why learning? Learning for what? Some people want to be a teacher, working hard on the teaching platform;

some people dream of being a police, punishing the bad persons;

and others hope they would get many victories like Deng Yaping, but my dream is to be the one that brave, work hard and never give up. Just like the wintersweet which was decribed in Wang’Anshi’s poem. There are so many pioneers like wintersweet;

they devoted themselves to the country, Such as Zheng Chenggong, Lei Feng, and Sun Zhongshan. The facts they had done prove everything;

they are really “The Wintersweet” They sat the good examples for us. I wish to be them, and I must do it. Your dream, my dream, his dream, make up Chinese Dream, as we know, Chinese Dream belongs to us. Boys and Girls, Let’s get together, hand in hand to make our dream come true. 译文: 中国梦 我的梦 女士们 先生们 :

大家早上好! 很荣幸能站在这儿做演讲, 我今天演讲的题目是 《中国梦 我 的梦》 。

我期盼能有一双“隐形的翅膀” ,让中国梦放飞蓝天,绽放 绚丽。


“实现伟大复兴就是中华民族近代以来最 大的梦想。

”国家有国家的梦,我有我的梦想。没有梦想,便没 有了奋斗的目标;没有梦想,生活平淡如水,不知因何而求,也 不知求知为何。

有人想当老师,辛勤耕耘于三尺讲台;有人梦想当警察,惩 治邪恶;有人想像邓亚萍一样,一次又一次的站在冠军的领奖台 上。而我的梦想是做一个坚忍不拔、不屈不挠、奋勇当先、自强 不息的人,正如王安石诗中写的梅花一样。从古至今,中国出现 了不计其数的像梅花一样的爱国者,他们把祖国、民族的利益看 得高于一切,收复台湾的郑成功,品德模范雷锋,中国革命的先 驱孙中山……他们都以铁的事实叙述了一首又一首的爱国长歌。

像梅花一样做人,才能弘扬我们的爱国精神,增强我们振兴中华 的使命感和斗志。

你的梦,我的梦,他的梦,汇聚成了中国梦;中国梦是你的 梦,我的梦,他的梦,中国人民的梦。

同学们, 让我们携起手来共同努力, 从我做起, 从点滴做起, 从今日做起,为了我们甜蜜的梦,为了伟大的中国梦!

中国梦我的梦 当浦江的浪花摇落满天繁星,点亮我们身后中国馆敞开的门窗,我们在流光异彩的世博园里,为迎来新学年第一课的开讲,我的梦在长城上生长,这梦想的长...

我的梦中国梦 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好,我今天演讲的题目是《我的梦中国梦》 每个人都有自己的梦想.有人想像杨利伟叔叔一样成为航天英雄,追梦太 空,在天际间...

中国梦我的梦 当浦江的浪花摇落满天繁星,点亮我们身后中国馆敞开的门窗,我们在流光异彩的世博园里,为迎来新学年第一课的开讲,我的梦在长城上生长,这梦想的长...

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