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时间:2013-01-21 来源: 泥巴往事网

跨越2000年,备战期末考 同学们大家好!今天我演讲的题目是跨越2000年,备战期末考 江山多娇,捷音频传。我们伟大的祖国在响彻云霄的凯歌声中,带着二十世纪的余...

Nowadays, more and more graduate student step in society to find a satisfied job. At the same time, we have a serious problem. When these students were finding jobs, the male were easier to get a job than the female. Now the discrimination in employment became a common phenomenon. Even the tall educational background daughter graduate student is also very difficult to find the good job. In my opinion, the phenomenon should be eliminated. Maybe many things which need much physical strength to finish. In this aspect, male should be more popular than female. But in many other aspects, female shouldn’t be discriminated. Because female could do many things which men could do . As far as we know, the female’s IQ don’t be lower than man. So these employing units shouldn’t discriminate female. Contrary, the woman more careful than many male person . In some aspects, woman more acuter than man. Generally speaking, female should get the same treat as male. My speech is over. Thank you. 如今,越来越多的研究生介入社会找到一个满意的工作。


这些学生找 工作时,男性更容易得到一份工作的女性。



但在许多其他方面,女性不应该歧视。由于女性的人可以做很多事可以做。据我们所知,女性的 IQ 不低于的 人。所以这些用人单位不应该歧视女性。与之相反,许多男性比女性更小心。在某些方面,女人比男人日趋激 烈。




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没有理解什么是学习方法.我们的成绩,我们南校成绩的进步、提高还需我们共同努力,不断地思考,把正确的思想从意识提高到认识并付诸行动,才会进步. 迎接期中考试演讲稿...

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