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时间:2013-07-23 来源: 泥巴往事网

为了服务企业,像上海精觉文化传播有限公司这样专业的上海商务交际礼仪公司,经过对... 其中包括上海活动策划人才和上海礼仪小姐、上海展台搭建人才等. 上海精觉文化传播有...

一:裙子种类 无袖连衣裙/背心裙/马甲裙 jumper skirt 蛋糕裙 tiered/layered skirt 超短裙 mini-skirt 褶裙 pleated skirt 筒裙 straight skirt 西服裙 tailored skirt 喇叭裙 flare skirt 背带裙 overalls 露肩裙 sundress 无带背心裙 strapless sundress 旗袍 cheongsam 拉拉队裙(荷叶边超短裙)ra-ra skirt 铅笔裙 pencil skirt 节裙/塔裙 tiered skirt 鱼尾裙 fishtail skirt A 字裙 A-line skirt 连衣裙 dress 衬衣式连衣裙 shirtdress 泡泡裙 puff ball skirt 古典服装 classical costume 二:颜色 红色 red 橙色 orange 黄色 yellow 棕色 brown 绿色 green 蓝色 blue 紫色 purple 黑色 black 白色 white 灰色 gray 本色 begin color 纯色 pure color 流行色 fashion color 彩色 full color 冷色 cold color 暖色 warm color 柔和色,嫩色 soft color 浓色 rich in color 底色 rich of ground 三:句子 开头: What can I do for you?/May I help you? hey, can i help you? Hi,do u need any help? hello,how are you? hey,what are you looking for? Welcome! 您好,欢迎光临。

Hello, welcome to our store. 过来看看,刚到了几件新货。Coming please, just arrive some new 你今天是想挑选什么特别的衣服?are you looking for some clothes specifically today? 颜色:

您想要什么颜色? What color do you wish ? What color do you want? 我想这种颜色您穿太艳了 I think the color will be too bright for you 我认为粉红色很适合您 The pink fits you ,I think 如果你不喜欢这个颜色, 我们还有其他的颜色 if you don't like the color. we have other colors. 在红色和白色之间,你更喜欢哪个颜色?which color do you prefer between red and white? 这种颜色今年很流行 The color is quite in fashion this year. 这颜色非常流行 This color is fashion This color is very popularity. 只有这一种颜色了 Only this color 不会褪色 This color won’t fade 这个颜色适合你的皮肤 This color fit your complexion. 尺码:XXL 特特大号 XL 特大号 L 大号 M 中号 S 小号 too big 太大, too small(thin)太小 您的衣服尺寸是? Your size in suit is 您穿大号还是中号的? Your size large or medium 你需要什么尺码的呢? What's your figure? large/middle/small size(大中小号) 看起来,你得穿特大/大/中/小号。You looks need XL/L/M/S 您穿可能小了点 A bit too small for you ,I’m afraid 我们还有大一号的衣服, 这个适合你吗?we have extra large size on this item. does it fit you? 请试一下这个尺寸 Please try the skirt on for size. 这是我们最大的尺码 This is our largest 请等一下,我找找适合你的尺寸。wait a moment, i'll find your size. 这是你的尺码 This is your size 款式:

您喜欢什么类型的? What type are you interested in 我们有很多款式 We have much style 这个式样怎么样? How about this style 那套衣服是最新式样的 That dress is in the latest style 这种款式的衣服卖得很好 That kind of suit is sold very well 价格:

这件我们今天刚好有优惠 :打 7 折 we happen to have discount on this one today - 30 percent off. 我们今天降价!we are giving a discount today。/ today is on sale. 价格太低了,加点好吗?It is too low, could you raise more? 真正的便宜货 It’s a real bargain 这是我们的最低价 This is our rock-bottom price. 彼此让一半,好吗? How about meeting each other half way? 物有所值 Well worth the price 中间称赞顾客或者随机应变的话:

这条裙子又时髦又便宜。This skirt is very stylish and not very expensive. Good-looking 就是“好看” ,stylish 则是“时髦” ,可以用 good- looking 和 stylish 来称赞某件 衣服。另外,也可以用 becoming 指“合身又好看” 。

if you need any help, just let me know, my name is.... 您需要什么,就只管叫我好了,我的名字 叫。

(应对:I’m just browsing/ looking. 我只是随便看看。

) 你感觉怎么样? What’s the feeling of you? 你舒服吗? Do you fell comfortable? 这件衣服很适合你. It's very nice on you./It's fit you 这件好像是为你订做的。This one is exact for you. 它们适合你 They are perfect for you. 这件裙子穿在你身上真好看 This dress looks nice on you 你真有品位 you have good taste 如果你喜欢可以试一下 If you like you can try Why not try it on 这件你穿了也许合适 this one will probably fit you 我们可以送货 We can deliver mailing 送货是免费的 The deliver is free of charge 我们可以定制 we can tailor made 刷卡还是现金 cash or card? You will pay in cash or credit card? would you like to pay by cash or credit car? 结尾: 结账。Let me ring that up for you let me check out for you 这是找零 Here is the change. 欢迎再次光临。

Hope you come again. 感谢光临,您慢走。

Thank you so much, have a nice day. 谢谢您今天在我们这购物(消费) 。thank you for shopping with us today. 四:段落示例 甲 May I help you ? 我能帮你吗? 乙 Yes, please. I want to buy a skirt for myself. 是的。我想给自己买件外套。

甲 The skirts are over there. This way, please. 外套在那儿呢。这边请。

乙 The black skirt looks good. Can I try it on? 那 件 黑 色 外 套 看 起 来 不 错 。

我 能 试 穿 一 下 吗? 甲 OK. 好的。

乙 Oh, It is too small for me! Do you have a larger one? 噢,这对我来说太小了。你们还有更大 的吗? 甲 Of curse, here you are. 当然,给你 乙 How much is this coat? 多少钱 甲 It is ¥200,this foreign famous brand。

它要 200 元,这是外国货,进口的! 乙 I can’t buy with your price 这种价钱我不能买 甲 Well, make me an offer 这样吧,您出个价 乙 The highest I would be willing to buy is ¥100 我最高可出 100 元 甲 The lowest I would be wiling to sell is 150 我最低能接受的是 150 元 乙 It’s still too much. Can’t you make it any cheaper than that ? 价格还是太贵了,就不能多降点吗? 甲 Sorry, this is our lowest price. We can’t go any lower. 抱歉。这是我们的最低价,不能再让 步了。

乙 Are you sure ? 你确定 甲 Yes, I’m sure .You wont’t get it cheaper anywhere in this city 是的,在这个城市里,您找 不到卖得更便宜的了。

乙 Ok,Can I pay by card? 好吧,我能刷卡吗? 甲 Cash or card is fine. 刷卡付现都可以。

乙 I’ll pay cash. 我刷卡 甲 Let me ring that up for you. 可以结账了吗? 乙 OK. Go ahead and ring it up for me. 好,那就帮我结账吧! 甲 It’s 150 in all. 一共是 150 元 乙 Okay. Here is the money . 好,给您钱。

甲 You have given me 200,here is your change of 50. Please check it. Would you like a receipt? 您给了我 200 元,这是您的找零 50 元,请点一下。您要收据吗? 乙 Yes, of course. 当然要。

甲 Here is your receipt 给您收据。

乙 Thank you very much. 非常感谢。

甲 You’re welcome. Please come again. 不用谢,请再次光临。

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